Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from John Salusbury, 28 January 1805

From John Salusbury

Fort Nelson Va Jany. 28th 1805


It has been no longer than last Week since being interrupted in mind I enlisted at this Fort as a private in Capt. Saunders,s Company in first Regt. of Artillerists & Engineers I Yesterday Communicated the same [to] my Father with much grief after being Reconcild in mind which has caus,d the tear of grief and Compassion flow deeply from the eye,s of two aged parents I am Sorry to trowble your Excellency on this Occassion but myself feeling for my parents the grief & trowvle that I,ve brought on them by enlisting as a private which I fear if I remain so I shall bring down their Grey hairs with Sorrow to the Grave my Father (who was a man greatly enga,gd in supporting the Republican Ticket in Election of Your Excellency) has Consulted several learned men on the Occassion and their Advice was that I should Write to you Stating the case as it stood and if your Excellency would lend an ear to my petition it was in your power to Relieve me Which in a Manner as well as I Can I,ve endeavou,rd to do the Only Relief which I want is to be promoted to a Cadet or discharg,d upon Settling the expences I,ve put the United States to; I Consider that I shoul,d have mention,d such a thing to Captain before I proceeded into it but for fear of being punish,d, I trust to Your Excellency Capt. Saunders with Lieutenant Livingston In my weak Apprehension is men worthy of the esteem of Every Officer or friend to the United States. Your Excellency will please Consider this & if you think you can trust me withe Cadet,s place in th[. . .] I will thankfully Recieve it. I k[now] it is in your power to prom[ote] me or discharge me if you please which I hope you will take into Consideration and Act as you think most prudent and Your Will shall be the pleasure of one who wishes you long to Continue in the post you are in

John Salusbury

NB This is a secret from the Officers and all the men in Garrison.

Please Communicate to me your intention and direct it in the following manner

John Salusbury Norfolk Va1

RC (PHi: Daniel Parker Papers); torn at seal; addressed: “Hon. Thos: Jefferson Esqr. President of the United States”; franked; postmarked Portsmouth, Virginia, 29 Jan.; endorsed by TJ as received 5 Feb. and so recorded in SJL with notation “W.”

John Salusbury was the son of John S. Salusbury, a tailor in Princess Anne County, Virginia (Norfolk Virginia Chronicle, & General Advertiser, 31 July 1794).

Salusbury’s Father wrote to Dearborn on 2 Sep. 1805 to ask that his son be discharged. On 26 Sep., Dearborn responded that directions had been sent to Captain John Saunders to comply with the request after “a good substitute shall have been obtained” (FC in Lb in DNA: RG 107, MLS).

1This second postscript is on a separate slip of paper.

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