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Results 130741-130790 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
It is rare that my public occupations will permit me to take up the pen for my private...
I am to acknolege, all together, the receipt of your favors of Mar. 17. 26. and May 7. and to...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received your late Favour without date, and...
I have had the honor to receive your favor of the 25th of Septr by Mr Corbett. I am at a loss to...
“ Ever since Dr Cooper has been here, he has performed the duties of his professor-ship—so ably &...
A French gentleman (Monsr. De Rieux) a neighbor of mine whom I much esteem, having had a legacy...
I recieved last night your favor of the 20th. and I now inclose you Capt Elwood’s reciept for...
D r Cooper was so kind the last autumn as to get a seal engraved for our University by mr Robert...
The season for my annual call for books and wines from France now recurring, I had desired my...
The 4 th of exchange for M r Appleton recieved in yours of May 14. happened to be overlooked by...
In your letter of Nov. 16. you express a desire to obtain for the Philosophical society an early...
I recieved on the 24th. Ult. your favor of the 22d. but it is not till this day that I am enabled...
Since my lre of Nov. 10. I have learnt that a new reguln has been adopted in the Navy deptmt, by...
It is more than a fortnight since I recieved your favor of Nov. 11. stating the balance due from...
On recurring to my letter of Jan. 14. I find that though the remittance I then troubled you with...
Not knowing how far the inclosed address may serve to give a certain conveyance to the letter, I...
Raggi called on me yesterday and explained to me the contents of the two boxes of marble arrived...
Being near my departure for Monticello I leave here with orders to forward them to you by the...
The copy of the catalogue of the Society’s library which you were so kind as to send me, came...
I know not by what right or colour of right, I address you: but as the World agrees that you are...
I learned but lately the death of my friend Cathalan of Marseilles , and I think he had no...
Your favor of Mar. 13. has been duly recieved. I forwarded to mr Appleton a duplicate of the...
In a letter of Dec. 22. I asked whether a remittance of a small sum could be directly made from...
I now return you the inclosed with many thanks for the opportunity of perusing it, which I have...
I regret that your kind Letter of Oct. 11. has been so long unanswered. Mr Colman needed no...
The Atlas of Le Sage & work of mr Tracy are safely recieved. I observe noted on the package that...
I know your love of science, and therefore set you down as one of the patrons and well wishers of...
I inclosed you by last post a letter meant for your brother . It was in answer to one I had...
I wrote you two letters yesterday, the one direct , the other thro’ Cap t Peyton . after sending...
I recieved last night your favor of the 19th. and with it the pamphlet of Naval architecture for...
I recieved your favor of the 1 st two days ago only, on my return from a long journey which I...
On my return from a journey after an absence of three weeks, I found here the roll of diplomas...
I recieved yesterday your favor of June 24. and I now inclose you two copies of my letter to...
I have been fav d . with yours of the 11 th . Instant, in which you mention having rec d . from...
Your favor of the 19 th finds me just setting out on a journey which will occasion an absence of...
I yesterday took the liberty of inclosing a draft for 400.D. with a request to remit it to mr...
You have done entirely right in detaining mr Cary [Sedi] sungskrit grammar, and saving it the...
I have considered the Hint suggested in your Letter of the     my long, and I may say habitual...
Your favor of Oct. 31. is just recieved. certainly no service which I can ever render to any...
I now renew to you my annual trob trouble for supplies of books and wines from Paris , Marseilles...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mr. Vaughan. He has sent one of Argand’s double lamps...
Your favor of Apr. 29. came to hand the day after mine of May 2. was written. some parts of it...
I have occasion to remit a sum of 400 Dollars to mr Thomas Appleton our Consul at Leghorn , and...
Your two letters of the 2 d and 18 th have been recieved in due time. mine of the 7 th had partly...
The kind good wishes you have so often manifested for the success of our University has encoraged...
I have not a scrip of a pen on the subject of the marbles you mention as arrived for me at...
I am much obliged to you for the trouble you have taken in procuring a copy of Dr. Priestley’s...
I am almost ashamed to trouble you on such a subject but depending on your kind and friendly...
My Friendship for Doct. Bancroft has enduced me to turn my attention consider with great...
I recieved last night your favor of Sep. 26. with the inclosed for mr Correa . he & D r Cooper...