Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Francis Coffyn, 29 July 1781

From Francis Coffyn

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Dunkerque 29 July 1781.

Hond. Sir.

I had the honnor to address your Excellency on the 27. ultmo. and to remit two receipts together £432.—.—.9 paid to sundry american prisonners, to which I beg leave to refer; being since deprived of your Excellencys favours, This cheafly serves to inclose a receipt for £144.—.— I paid to one Mr. Macnamara Lieutenant of the artillery in the Service of the States of Maryland, who made his Escape out of Mill prison and arrived here in distress;1 I hope your Excellency will approve Said payment & credit me with the above mentioned Sum. I have the honnor to remain with great respect Your Excellency’s most obedt & most humble Servant

F. Coffyn

His Excellency Dr. B. Franklin at Passi.

Notation: Coffyn Dunkerque 29. July 1782.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9The receipts were probably for payments of 144 l.t. each to George Curwen, Solomon Frazier, and John Hackett: Account XXVIII (described in XXXII, 4). See also the Editorial Note on Promissory Notes, above.

1This is probably the same Mich. Macnemara to whom BF gave 120 l.t. on Aug. 1: Editorial Note on Promissory Notes, above. A Michael McNemmara of Maryland is listed as captain of the marines on the Queen of France, captured in May, 1780, at Charleston, S.C.: Claghorn, Naval Officers, p. 205; Charles H. Lincoln, comp., Naval Records of the American Revolution, 1775–1788 (Washington, D.C., 1906), p. 424.

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