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Results 130741-130770 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honnor to address your Excellency on the 27. ultmo. and to remit two receipts together £432.—.—. paid to sundry american prisonners, to which I beg leave to refer; being since deprived of your Excellencys favours, This cheafly serves to inclose a receipt for £144.—.— I paid to one Mr. Macnamara Lieutenant of the artillery in the Service of the...
130742[Diary entry: 29 July 1781] (Washington Papers)
29th. A Letter from the Marqs. de la Fayette (commanding in Virginia) informed me that after Lord Cornwallis had crossed James River he detached Tarlton with a body of horse into Amelia County with a view, as was supposed, to destroy some Stores which had been deposited there but which had been previously removed—that after this the enemys whole force removed to Portsmouth with a design it was...
130743General Orders, 29 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major General Lord Stirling Colonel Butler For Picquet Major Clift Inspector Captain Remick The Commander in Chief requests the Company of the Majors of the Picquet at dinner the day succeeding their tour of duty. Commanding officers of Corps are desired to see that their Men are provided with stoppers for their Musquets. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I have the honor to recommend to your Excellencys notice the bearer Capt. Selin who is Soliciting a Captaincy in Hazens Regiment. As he have Served with me I take the Liberty of assuring your Excellency that he is truly a Deserving officer And will do honor to the appointment if confered upon him. I have the Honor to be with much respect your Excellencys most obedt Servt DLC : Papers of George...
I beg your particular Care of the Enclosed. The only News we have here is a Report from Philadelphia, that Rawdon after throwing a small succour into 96, had retired to Charles Town, & that Greene had renewed the Seige of that Place. You heard the British Fleet had put to Sea from the Hook, supposed to be going to escort Cornwallis back. Adieu my Dear Sir   your most obedt. LC , New-York...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le Supliant à l’honneur de vous represantée quétant prisonniee à bord du Vaissaux Anglais le Blenheim il y fut conduit quelques prisonniee ameriquain prévenant du Corsaire Ameriquain le Prince-Noir pris dans une prise, ces gans avait été tous dépouliee et avait besoin de tout je les soulaga autant qu’il fut dans mon pouvoir et il me Donnerent ce pouvoir qui...
130747General Orders, 28 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day Tomorrow Major General Heath Colonel Tupper For Picquet Major Gibbs Inspector Captain Converse. The Commander in Chief desires that the General officer of the day may every morning exercise the Troops assembled on the Grand Parade in such manœuvres and Evolutions as he thinks most necessary to fit the men for immediate Service agreeable to the rules proscribed by the regulations...
On the removal of the regular Troops from the frontiers Colo. Willet who commands the Levies stationed in Tryon and Albany Counties wrote to Genl Fellows to be informed when the Levies from the State of Massachusets Bay intended for the frontier Service, might be expected—This Morning I received, from Colo. Willet, Genl Fellows Answer on that Subject which I have the honor of enclosing—By Genl...
I have just received the intelligence from below, of the arrival of a large fleet at the hook on wednesday last. It is said to contain near four thousand men and generally supposed to be the army under Lord Cornwallis. Should there be any foundation for the above, I have reason to expect every hour, a confirmation of it, by an officer whom I sent to Newark the day before yesterday for the...
The subject you have written upon, is equally perplexing and incomprehensible to my understanding—I will talk more fully to you there on when we meet at two O clock. In the meanwhile I am—Dr Sir, with much estm & Regd Yr most obt Sert DLC : Papers of George Washington.
Inclosed is a copy of my Letter to Congress containing an account of the operations of the detachment mentioned in my last gone towards Charles Town for the purpose of attacking the Enemys lower Posts. The success was less than I expected or than the opportunity promised; however upon the whole many advantages have resulted from the manoeuvre. Major Hyrne our Commissary of Prisoners has...
Your Excellency’s Favors of the 6th, 16th, and 21st Instant came safe to hand and were read in Congress. Inclosed herewith you will receive an Act of Congress of the 16th respecting Brigadier McIntosh, who has lately arrived in this City from Charles Town; he is on his Parole. The last Dispatches from Colonel Laurens, our special Minister at Versailles, give further Proofs of the sincere...
I am pleased to find by a letter from His Excellency president Reed that you have accepted of the command of the Corps of Rifle Men which are to be raised in Pennsylvania and that there is a probability that the Men will be obtained—As their services are immediately wanted, you will be pleased to send them to Camp in parties from 20 to thirty under the charge of an Officer. I observe by the...
From the Inteligence I have receivd from the Country and from my own Observation, I am convincd that the Inhabitants in the Rear of the Army are intimately connected with the Refugees who are on the Roads in our Rear & at many Times form part of the Robbers who are constantly distressing the Inhabitants & render it dangerous to pass the Roads. I would therefore propose as a further Security...
I have been honored with your Excellencys Letter of the 18th inst. and observed with much Pleasure the Train into which the recruitg the proposed Rifle Corps is thrown—& hope they will soon be obtained. As this Body of men will be exceedingly essential to our Designs, & may be very usefully employed in Detatchments, I have to beg of your Excellency that you will be pleaced to give Orders, that...
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes from Secret Journal, 28 May 1781 , headnote. Com[mitte]e on plan of Consular Convention Randolph Elsworth Vandyk Under Articles VI and IX of the Articles of Confederation, the “United States in Congress assembled” was delegated “the sole and exclusive right and power” in the domain of foreign affairs, and each state, without the consent of Congress, was...
I am informed that a resolution on your motion passed the House of Delegates requiring me to render account of some part of my administration without specifying the act to be accounted for. As I suppose that this was done under the impression of some particular instance or instances of ill conduct, and that it could not be intended just to stab a reputation by a general suggestion under a bare...
130758[July 1781] (Adams Papers)
This morning Pappa and brother Charles and I went to church; din’d at home, Mr. Cook, Mr. Jennings, and another Gentleman din’d with us; brother Charles and I went again to church. After Church Mr. Sigourney, Mr. Ingraham, Mr. Bromfield and Mr. Merrick came here but did not stay here long. From Dr Garths’ works. Epilogue to the Tragedy of Cato. Chapter 9th. The forty-line Epilogue, containing...
130759Friday July 27th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning we went to see the kings arsenal, The break in the present entry and the absence of all succeeding entries to that of 17 Aug., together with the opening lines of that entry, are attributable to the loss of MS p. 149–156; see note to entry of 8 July (above). The journey from Berlin to Riga can be reconstructed from Dana’s Journal. They remained in Berlin until 2 Aug. On that...
L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères J’ai communiqué à M. Joly de fleury, M, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire concernant les 1500 m l.t. qui étoient en Hollande à La disposition de M. Jackson, et dont vous demandez à disposer pour le service des Etats-unis; ce ministre a bien voulu se preter à votre demande, et il donne en conséq. par la lettre ci jointe...
130761General Orders, 27 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day tomorrow Brigadier General Huntington Colonel Webb For Picquet Major Trescot Inspector Captain Warner At a General Court Martial held at Morristown 27th June 1781 of which Lieutenant Colonel DeHart was President. Corporal William Gibbs and John Davis private both of the First New Jersey regiment were tried for "Marauding" Convicted and sentenced to suffer Death. The Commander in...
I was so much vexed two or three days ago by a Certain idea that i Cannot but submit it to your excellency. I that in the last Conference Count de Rochambeau to that admiral du barras and all the officers of the fleet pretended that it was not possible to force the entrance of the harbour of new york where there are some ships to defend it. if so, why would not admiral du barras in this...
Si l’on considere la nature du local dans la partie septentrionale de l’isle de newyork, on reconnoitra, je pense, que Ce n’est pas une Chose fort difficile que de prendre poste de l’autre Coté de Spitten duvil creek. on peut etablir sur la montagne qui est de Ce Cote cy du creek, des batteries si fortes que l’on voudra avec lesquels on forcera bientot l’ennemy d’abandonner le fort Charles et...
I have ordered the Light Company of Cortlandts Regt to West point, as soon as it arrives you will be pleased to send that and the Light Company of Van schaicks to join the Army. And you will also be pleased to make me a Return upon the first of Augt of the number of Militia which have come in to that time, specifying the States to which they belong. I am Dear Sir yr most obt Servt P.S. You...
As a bad apology would be worse than none, I shall not attempt to make any for my long silence, but rely on your goodness for pardon. It is probable you may have heard of the high honor my Country have done me by electing me to govern them at this interesting period. To have declin’d the appointment, might have indicated timidity, I therefore accepted it, with a determination to exert every...
I have spoken to His Excellency—He has no objections to your going to Newborough for two or three days, he requests you to take charge of the Letter for Gen. McDougal. The General also desires you to see General Du Portail before you go to West Point, respecting the Materials for the Chevaux de Frize which Genl Du Portail has in contemplation. He likewise requests you will make particular...
A few days ago Colo. Worme was out and order’d all the people, (between phillips & Kings bridge) to Cut their Hay & bring it on the bank of the River, that the ships Might take it off, in consequence of which about twelve Tun is already brought & stacked Just below phillips, on the bank of the River, should your Excellency think it not worth while to bring it off, & think proper to distroye...
I am informed by Capt. Pray of the Water Guard that there is a quantity of Forage, lately deposited on the Banks of the North River between Philips & Kings Bridge, by Order of Col. Wurmb, for the purpose of being transported by Water to the Enemy. You will be pleased to have a Party of Infantry & Cavalry detached, from Your Command & Col. Sheldon’s Corps, to ascertain at what place or places...
Yesterday one hundred and seven Batteaus were compleatly finished. I should have desisted when one hundred were finished, but as the materials for Seven more were prepared, and that they would probably be lost, I concluded It best to work them up into boats. General Green e in his letter to Congress Observes that the Enemy have only Charlestown in south Carolina, and Savanna in Georgia left;...
I am informed By Colo. Dayton that a Number of Militia collecting from the State of N. Jersey & Rendezvousing at Morristown, have dispersed to their Homes for Want of Provisions at the Place of their Rendezvous—to prevent Any Misfortune of the like Nature in future—I have to Desire that you imediately march off to Dobb’s Ferry all the Militia which are already collected—& let the Remainder, as...