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Results 130711-130740 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
We the Officers of Colo. Henry Jackson’s Detachment, in behalf of Ourselves and Soldiers, beg leave to represent to your Excellency— That the State of Massachusetts Bay have been pleased, by various Resolves, at different times, to grant Gratuities to the Officers and Soldiers belonging to the fifteen Battalions raised in that State; some of those Gratuities they have also been pleased to...
I nominate Otway Bird of Virginia to be Collector of the District of Norfolk in that State, in the Place of William Lindsay deceased Ebenezer Storer of Massachusetts to be Inspector of Survey Number three in that State in the Place of Leonard Jarvis dismissed Benjamin Rush of Pensilvania to be Treasurer of the Mint of the United States in the Place of Nicholas Way deceased DNA : RG 46—Records...
I am now to advise you, that John Rowe Esq r. Cap t. Patridge Cap t. Dashwood & myself have applied to our General Court, for their aid and assistance, to recover our money of Gen l. How, for goods taken from us the 11 th. March 1776. our cases being Similar, altho’ in some instances, altogether different from many other persons, who as well, as we, have lost their goods by the Kings troops,...
I ^ am ^ very anxious about our Situation at NYork, I should have gone off this day but M r Lewis has taken flight towards NYork ^ that Place ^ in quest of his family, that were on Long Island, and there remains only three of us, I wish you would let me know how matters ^ stand ^ and at what Place our convention are. Gen l
I have nothing new since my last either from Europe or the W. Indies. The elections in N. York are not yet finally known. It is suggested that the efforts of the minority have prevailed beyond the apprehensions of the majority. Cabot accepts his mission on the terms proposed to him. I have just recd. letters from Erving shewing the turn which the affair took in London, to be such as was...
Before this you have returnd to Orange, & I trust in good health. We are placd in a very unpleasant situation—the accounts which have been recievd from different states place Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Burr on an equall footing. Kentucky and Tennessee are not in, but we have good grounds to conclude that the votes will be equall. Shoud this be the case an effort will be made to prevent an election...
I have just received your favour of the 17. inclosing a Paper from M. Le Roy, for which I thank you and Mr. Le Roy, to whom be so good as to present my Compliments. The Alliance, will be ready to go to Nantes, in the opinion of C. Landais in 8 days. But he thinks she must stay there 3 or 4 Weeks. My Respects to his Excellency; from whom I received a line at Nantes which I will answer, as soon...
It is with pleasure I acknowledge the receipt of your obliging favour of the 23d instant, and must congratulate you on the enjoyment of your health, the preservation of which should allways be a principal aim in all men and I have no doubts that as long as you are able to take your accustomed exercise that you will enjoy perfect health. Mr Z. Lewis has kept up the correspondence I mentioned in...
J’ai recu la lettre que vous m’avés fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 5. 9bre. Le Citoyen Moissonnier a donné à mes instructions un sens plus déterminé que celui que J’y avois attaché. Je ne lui ai point écrit que l’angleterre alloit immediatement fondre sur vous; mais connoissant par votre histoire par la notre et par d’autres notions plus particulieres encore toute la haine dont ce gouvernement...
I have Just Rec’d an English Newspaper by which it appears that the Cause of the Ship Olive Branch before the Court of appeals in London has been desided in favour of the Claimant he Paying the Captors their Costs. This is an Unexpected Desition nor is the Result fully Understood whether in this Cause there is any Reserve for a Question in Damage. Whether by any Convention Between Great...
The Congress have passed the Law allowing 14,000 d to purchase furniture. The State Legislature have done nothing about their new House: so that I shall take the House the President is in, at a 1000 £ or 2700 dollars rent, nothing better can be done. M r Jefferson arrived Yesterday and came to visit me in the Evening. Tomorrow will be a worse day than the 8th. of Feb. was. We are to take the...
There are no papers in this office of an older date than Novr. 1800, the time when the building in which the office was kept, was destroy’d with fire.—I am very confident that no communications have been made to the Department since I have had charge of it, on the subject you allude to in your note of this morning, I have had the files of letters examined, that were received between Novr. 1800...
1307231779 December 7. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
About 11. O Clock discovered Land—two large Mountains, one sharp and steep, another large and broad.—We passed 3 Capes, Finisterre, Tortanes Torinaña and Veillane Villano . Yesterday the Chevr. de la Molion gave me some Nuts which he call’d Noix d’Acajou. They are the same which I have often seen, and which were called Cooshoo Nuts. The true name is Acajou Nuts. They are shaped like our large...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hop Youl. not taik it a mis my not waiting on yu. pursonally with this my humble Request my afaiers Requiers my departeur for Lyons Emedeaitly Your most obedean & houmble Servant Addressed: Monsieur / Monsieur franckling Envoyés / des Provinces unies de Lamerique / En son hotel a Passy Pres paris / A Passy We know only what he says about himself in his...
130725[Diary entry: 15 December 1788] (Washington Papers)
Monday 15th. Thermometer at 46 in the Morning—60 at Noon and 50 at Night. A little lowering in the morning, but clear afterwards—Wind till about 10 ’oclock was Southerly after wch. it came out at No. Wt. but neither hard nor cold. Rid to the Plantations at the Ferry & Frenchs and to D. Run and Muddy hole. At the first two, Six plows were at Work. The other hands were, some of them, digging...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having an opportunity of writing you by the Dutch envoy from London, I cannot omit sending you a line to tell you that I see nothing more that is amiss here than you know of, notwithstanding Mr Knox & two or three people pretend that the Loyal Colonies are to have the trade to the islands. If you keep firm, & good humored, I hope you will in the end lose...
20 July 1802, Mount Pleasant, near Philadelphia. Informs JM of the exchange of ratifications of the treaty of peace between Spain and Russia. RC ( DNA : RG 59, NFL , Spain, vol. 2). 1 p.; in Spanish; in a clerk’s hand, except for Yrujo’s complimentary close and signature.
War Department, July [ 24 ] 1794 . “I have the honor to transmit you a letter this day received from the naval agents in Philadelphia for a supply of money. I concieve it would be proper immediately to place in the hands of each agent the sum of five thousand dollars for them to be accountable.” LC , RG 45, Letters Sent Concerning Naval Matters, National Archives. Francis Gurney and Daniel...
Col. Parker, in his leter of the sixth of November nominates Mess. Tennison and Burke as Cadets in his regiment—I would recommend that these Gentlemen be immediately appointed— With great res ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). H’s note on the cover reads: "Pay Master General Money —for Park er’s companies of Artilly Particular Officers Acceleration."
I returned to this place about a fortnight after You left it, and received from Mrs. Cotton your friendly Letter of the 2d of July, with an elegant travelling Box, which I value highly, as it has the Honor of being a pledge of your Friendship. Agreable to your Injunction I shall communicate what has occurred since You left Annapolis, presuming that You have not received the Journals. On the...
This letter is that of a friendly beggar. I will explain to you the case & then it’s object. we are commencing here the establishment of a College , and instead of building a magnificent house which would exhaust all our funds, we propose to lay of f a square of or rather 3. sides of a square about 7. or 800.f. wide, leaving it open at one end to be extended indefinitely. on the closed end,...
No Wonder, that the President has suffered a violent strain. I have spent nine days in the gulph stream 3 of them in a Hurricane, 3 more in a gale not much less furious, 3 more in tracing back our steps. The three first we could not lay to A foresail left standing to steady our ship was rent to pieces like a sheet of wet paper, & we were forced to scud under bare poles. We shipped two hundred...
130733[Diary entry: 8 June 1770] (Washington Papers)
8. Dined at the Club and Spent the Evening in my own Room.
I had not the honor till Three days ago to receive Your Excellency’s Letters of the 4th Ulto. and 2d Instant. With respect to your enquiry about sending Tobacco to New York and Long Island for the Prisoners, it is not in my power to give You a decisive answer, but I am much inclined to think that it would not be permitted by the Enemy. I have heard by report that the matter has been mentioned,...
I have had the honor of receiving Your Excellencys Letter of the 5th inst: accompanied by a copy of two letters to Congress and General Sullivan—The confidence which you have been pleased to shew me in communicating these papers, engage my sincere thanks—if the deepest regret, that the best concerted enterprises and bravest exertions should have been rendered fruitless by a disaster which...
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] November 21, 1780 . Is planning a move toward Elizabethtown. Instructs Goetschius to secure all “watercraft” on the Hackensack. Df , in writings of Tench Tilghman and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Goetschius was a major in the New Jersey Militia.
130737[Diary entry: 5–9 July 1763] (Washington Papers)
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. } Cut and secured all my Wheat (by Stacking) at River & Creek Quarters—abt. 60 Acres. Carpenters, Smiths, & home Gang employd. Writing to Burwell Bassett 5 July, GW reported that his wheat crop was largely destroyed by rust and other defects, “and our Crops of Indian Corn and Tobacco in a manner lost in Weeds and Grass, occasioned by continual and excessive Rains” ( WRITINGS...
Your favor of July 19. finds me here, where I mean to pass the two bilious months of Aug. & Sep. withdrawn from the tidewaters. we have extended the appointments of Commissioners of bankruptcy, only to the great Commercial towns; and therefore in most of the states there are only one set. in Massachusets we have appointed at Boston, Marblehead, Newbury port & Portland, these towns, tho’ of the...
I am indebted for two of your Favors, one of which is without date, the other of the fifth Instant enclosing the Account of your Receipts to that Time. I am sorry the Propositions I made did not suit Colo. Malcolm and Mr. Lawrence. I am pleased that you approve the Plans for restoring public Credit and wish they had been adopted, as I conceive the substituting a mere temporary Expedient is...
inclose to heads of departments for their information of the principles on which the legislative council of Orleans was composed, and of the result. to be returned. The Commissions for the legislative council of Orleans were sent blank to Govr. Claiborne to be filled up as follows. Americans. Morgan. Clarke Watkins [ Jones . declines acceptance. Romans of the Attacapas. instead of him Kenner...