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Results 130701-130750 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your favor of the 17th. Instant came safe to hand—I return you My thanks for the confidence you...
I Take the Liberty to Communicate to you for the Information of Government That David Ker Esquire...
It is very True that I was not an advocate for the Fedœral Government being adopted so soon altho...
Yesterday I paid a Visit Which I had long promised to Old Col: Green of this Country Who was...
In Compliance with your appointments in the Misisipi Territory I left Dover on the 14th. and...
Those who write to every body, in some Measure enti[t]le everybody to write to them. Under this...
Washington, Mississippi Territory, 23 Apr. 1804 . Rodney sends TJ a detailed account of the...
20 April 1805, Washington, Mississippi Territory . “Since it has been known here that Mr. R. W....
the Humble, Petition of Cornelius McDermott Roe, showeth That your Petitioner, is unable to work...
I hope the cause and subject of this letter may excuse my intrusion on your retirement. It is...
10 April 1809, Amsterdam. An official representative from the kingdom of Holland to the U.S. was...
I am a man of no property—or hardly any name in society—I seek not the honors—nor pleasures of...
After a Number of mortifying Disapointments I am happy at last in having it in my powers to...
Knowing the interest you take in every improvement of a national character however humble the...
Knowing the interest you take in every improvement of a national character however humble the...
I now take this favorable opportunity To write to you about some particular bussiness which I...
Being Enlisted as a Soldier In Your Army the 17th. of last March when In a State of Intocsication...
Humbly represents George Rogers Jnr of the City of New London in the state of Connecticut...
I have the honor to inform you that this day Capt. Chouteau with the Chiefs of the Osage nation...
I have it in charge from the President of the United States Military Philosophical Society to...
The office of Collector for the District of New Haven becoming vacant by the death of Mr Fitch, I...
Sir it has been some time imprest on my mind to address you with respecting to this Dredful...
The Schooner Experiment arrived this day from the Island of Trinidad in the South Seas with the...
The petition of John Rogers, Joshua Holt, Jeremiah Chapman & William Burdick all of the Town of...
Harodsburg, 29 Apr. 1781 . Since arriving at the Falls of Ohio, Rogers has “been much Surprised...
10 July 1802, Alicante. Mentions that he wrote to JM on 18 Aug. 1801 from Boston, enclosing a...
I have just seen an order of the Secry at War; directing the officers of the four Regts. of...
§ From Maurice Rogers. 3 July 1806, Philadelphia. “Anxious to render my establishment at St. Iago...
§ From Maurice Rogers. 6 June 1806, Georgetown. “When I had the honor of a conversation with you...
§ From Maurice Rogers. 21 June 1806, Philadelphia. “I Had the honor to receive Mr Wagners note of...
I have the honor to enclose you herewith a letter from Mr Aw. Hadfig whom I found acting here as...
I have the honor to inclose you transcripts of the arrivals of American Vessels in this port,...
Since the honor I had of addressing you on the 4th. June last nothing has occurred to render a...
My Brother Washington, I heartily rejoice with thee, that a door is fully opened for retiring...
I Wrote you a few days ago, and did not then think of troubling you upon any private affair of...
I think it my duty to trouble you with these few lines concerning the papers that M r . Deane has...
Tho conscious of the necessity of my apologizing for being too dilatory in a performance which I...
the polite terms in which you are pleased to express your estimate of that portion of my...
Being altogether unknown to you, the writer of this letter must rely on your goodness to pardon...
I take the liberty of sending you a copy of a little work which I prepared for the use of one of...
The Liberty I am about taking of addressing the Chief Magistrate of my Country will I trust to...
AL : American Philosophical Society Major Rogers presents his most respectful Compliments to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society During the French and Indian War Robert Rogers and his...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Between Burdin Town and West Amboy in my Way to this...
I sail’d from Gravesend the 4th of June last in a Merchant ship bound to Baltimore in Maryland,...
I make bold to write to you wishing your Indulgence to excuse me for So doing as I am an old...
I forward you, by this day’s mail, a small volume which I have compiled, intended for the use of...
I send by mail the third Edition of my Biographical Dictionary, which I pray you to accept as a...
I forward you, by this day’s mail, a small volume which I have compiled, intended for the use of...
I send by mail the third Edition of my Biographical Dictionary, which I pray you to accept as a...