Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Caesar Augustus Rodney, 22 May 1807

Wilmington May 22d. 1807.

Honored & Dear Sir,

I find by the papers you have arrived safe, & I hope in good health, at Washington, on the day you expected. When I was in Philada. I was informed that Magdalena the Spanish Secretary of Legation had been re-instated in his office & the Ministers reprimanded for his conduct towards him. I trust it is correct, & that Dr Yrujo will ultimately be disgraced.

The insolent note of the Captain of the driver, is such, as an American officer ought to have returned instantly & considering it as a personal insult to have taken satisfaction on the spot. Our navy officers have taught the British good manners on such subjects.

If Burr has gone on to Richmond, I flatter myself that the C. justice will commit him, upon the affidavits from Wood County. I can scarcely believe, that an honest & impartial Grandjury would hesitate to indict him upon Eaton & Stoddarts’s testimony united with the evidence of witnesses from Wood County, but I have written to Mr. Hay to postpone preferring the indictment until the arrival of Wilkinson & I have no doubt he & his colleagues will conduct the business in the most correct prudent & energetic manners. The triumph in New-York seems to have paralised Federalism. I remain Dear Sir with great esteem & regard

Yours Most Sincerely

C. A. Rodney

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

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