Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Caesar Augustus Rodney, 10 April 1807

Washington April 10th. 1807.

Honored & Dear Sir,

We have dispatched the Dep: Marshall of Virginia to Wood County, who will summon all the witnesses at & near Blennerhasset’s island. Mr. Madison & myself have both written to Mr. Jackson. I hope in less than three weeks to have depositions sent on from that quarter to Mr. Hay which will enable him to commit Burr for treason. From arrangements made upon consultation with the heads of Departments, we flatter ourselves that we shall have Genl. Wilkinson present at the Court. I fear Burr will fly. Such seems to be the general opinion. A messenger will go on to the North to summon Eaton Truxtun &c. I shall also have Col. Morgan & his sons summoned. Poor Beckley was buried to day. Govr. Clinton requested me to mention to you Mr. Vansant, as his (Beckley’s) successor as librarian. The V. President seems anxious on the subject, tho too much agitated to write himself. I have got him to name suitable characters to procure us depositions in New-York. I leave this tomorrow for home. I am Dear Sir Yours Sincery & affecy

C. A. Rodney

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

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