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Results 130651-130660 of 184,431 sorted by author
I return you the papers relative to Philip M. Topham. I am decidedly of opinion that the discharge under the insolvent laws of New York would not release him from the penalty recovered by the United States. However as he is now out of prison, the idea you suggested of permitting him to go at large, meets my approbation. after a verdict & judgment for a penalty it becomes a debt, in law, due...
Agreeably to the direction contained in your last favor I wrote to the district attorney of Maryland and transmitted him a copy of M. Mouesay’s petition. I understand from John Warner a merchant of this place, who was personally acquainted with him in the West Indies, that he bore a bad character there. Be this as it may, he is certainly entitled to justice, from our Courts. I fear the suits...
I returned you some time since the papers you sent to me in order to get the recommendation of the District judge & Attorney which I obtained. But I directed my letter to Washington, & I see by the papers that the Secy at War is on a visit to you at Monticello. The rule you have adopted, I think an excellent one in such cases, & as I have been enabled to conform to it, I anticipate your...
Page 1. Line 2. After “fellow citizens” add, “entirely unexpected & much to be deprecated, threatening a serious change in the enviable state of our country, imposed the duty of convening you, at an earlier period, than the day assigned by the constitution.” in lieu of the residue of the first sentence. —— 6. After “not” insert, “with all our sincere efforts to preserve tranquility.” —— 7....
Judge Chase has affirmed the decree of judge Bedford in the case of the Favourite. This was to be expected, from all the circumstances which had come to my knowledge. Judge Chase considered that no acts of the salvors could forfeit the cargoe & declared his opinion to be that salvaged goods were not subject to duty. In England goods which are strictly speaking, wreck , which in the present...
On my arrival here, I found that the District Attorney was at Princeton, & I determined, if Burr had not left the city to apply immediately for a warrant against him for treason, so as to secure & have him put on in custody to Richmond for trial, unless some good natured judge released him upon Hab. Corpus. He has been obliged in order to elude the Sheriff’s officers who had, I am informed...
In the late irreparable loss, you have sustained by a severe dispensation of Divine Providence, I sincerely sympathise with you; but hope that time, reason & religion have administered their consolations, and restored your mind. Permit me to enclose you copies of two letters, from my uncle to my father, at memorable epochs in our Revolutionary annals. The first from New–York when the Stamp Act...
We have dispatched the Dep: Marshall of Virginia to Wood County, who will summon all the witnesses at & near Blennerhasset’s island. Mr. Madison & myself have both written to Mr. Jackson. I hope in less than three weeks to have depositions sent on from that quarter to Mr. Hay which will enable him to commit Burr for treason. From arrangements made upon consultation with the heads of...
I received your favor of the 5th inst. enclosing my fathers letters, but have not yet received the pardon from the Sec.T of States office. It will no doubt be transmitted as soon as more pressing business will allow. I have since received another letter from my father dated 9th of Sept. on which day Major King, who had accompanied Govr. Claibourne to Nachitoches, dined with him & gave him the...
I received your favor of the 20th. inst: by the mail of this day. I shall leave this on Saturday morning in a carriage hired for the purpose & shall loose no time on my journey. I would have set off tomorrow but it was not in my power to make the necessary arrangements; & I would have taken the stage, but the duties of the office with which you have honored me, require that I should bring a...