James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Monroe, 7 December 1819

From James Monroe

Washington Decr 7. 1819

Dear Sir

I send you a copy of the message which has just been sent in to Congress.1 The affair with Spain has been plac’d on the best ground, that great consideration had suggested, and we hope that it may be managed, in a manner, to secure the object desir’d, without war. I have reason to think, that the efforts of several powers, will be exerted, on that side; those of France, certainly will be; and it is understood that those of Russia, will be, if the course suggested is pursued. I expected to have been able to say more, but that I find is impossible. Your friend

James Monroe

RC (DLC). Enclosure not found, but see n. 1.

1Monroe enclosed his third annual message to Congress, dated 7 Dec. 1819 (Hamilton, Writings of James Monroe description begins Stanislaus Murray Hamilton, ed., The Writings of James Monroe.… (7 vols.; 1898–1903; reprint, New York, 1969). description ends [1969 reprint], 6:106–13).

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