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Results 130641-130670 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
It is impossible for Mrs. Corbin and myself to be sufficiently grateful to you and Mrs. Madison...
It certainly will appear singular to you that a merchant should make a communication upon a...
By the return of the ladies who have favored Mrs. Madison with so agreable a visit, I send back...
In account with the Agricultural Society of Albemarle. Dr. Cr. {1817} To this sum due the By Cash...
I send you a copy of the message which has just been sent in to Congress. The affair with Spain...
I have recd. your favor of Novr. 27. & am much obligd by your attention to the Clover seed. The...
I have received Sir the copy of the Address of the Society of Tammany, with which I have been...
I thank you for the copy of your Message. The moderation it breathes towards Spain will be...
I recd. in due time your favor of Sepr. 14 and have delayed acknowledging it, till you should...
My Report in the case of Madison vs Strode &c has been completed & the deft Berkley Ward is found...
I learn that a Ticket for Directors of the Branch Bank at Richmond has been sent on to Pha. in...
I have been some time a debtor for your favor of Novr. 11th accompanied by a Copy of your Exposé....
At a General meeting of the Stockholders of the Potomac Steam boat Company held at Mr. Davis’s...
I have taken the liberty of forwarding to Mr. J Cook to be Sent on to you the Models in terra...
I thank you for the information given in yr. favor of the 4th. inst. wch. was recd. but a few...
Judge Washington is to send me shortly a packet of papers. I have taken the liberty of desiring...
Be pleased to excuse the liberty which a stranger takes, in thus addressing you. The interest you...
I take the liberty of forwarding you the first number of a monthly publication entitled the...
Origin of language 1. imitative sounds 2. do … signs 3. Arbitrary sounds by parents or superiors,...
In addition to the acts of kindness heretofore received from you, it wou’d seem like imposing on...
I ought to have made my acknowledgments sooner for the very interesting and instructive letter...
I recd. a few days ago a copy of your agricultural address under a blank Cover. Presuming that I...
Mr. Hackly called on me a few days ago on his way to Washington. I found him very intelligent and...
I have recd. your favor of Decr. 30. with a copy of the Report from the Come. to the managers of...
I have recd. your favr. of the 2d. with the pamphlet on the Missouri question, and return my...
Having heard nothing of Gordon or the Clover seed, and an opportunity offering, I have guarded...
I had the honor to receive your letter of the 20 ultimo in due of [ sic ] course of mail. A...
The reason I would not request thy opinion on my progect for navigation was in the first place...
Having recd. a letter from Mr. Gordon saying that it would not be in his power to take the 10...
Your favr. of the 12th. inst. was this moment recd. & I hasten to say in reply to it that your...