George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 1 October 1793

From Oliver Wolcott, Jr.

Smiths House near Philadelphia
October 1st 1793.


I had the honour to receive your Letter of the 25th of September yesterday; in consequence of which I immediately wrote to Mr Carter, that the sum requested should be furnished him at any time on his application. The Letter to Colonel Hamilton I shall not fail to transmit immediately.1

The malady which afflicts Philadelphia has not continued to abate in the manner I expected; it seems that the changes from cold to heat, have on the whole increased the virulence of the disorder—among the unfortunate victims of this desolating disease, I mention Mr Samuel Powel with the more sincere regret.

For about ten days a part of the Treasury offices, have been removed to Doct. Smith’s house, near the falls of Schuylkill, where the public business is attended to, as well as present circumstances will admit. I am sir, with the most perfect respect & attachment your obedient servant,

Oliver Wolcott Jr


1Wolcott’s letter to Walker Randolph Carter has not been identified. Wolcott is referring to GW’s letter to Alexander Hamilton of 25 September.

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