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Results 130621-130650 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
RC (Pierpont Morgan Library, New York City). In the hand of John Francis Mercer, except for JM’s signature. Docketed, “Virga Delegates Letter recd June 27. 83, June 17th 1783.” Since our last to Yr. Excellency, little has occurr’d worthy of communication. A Letter from General Washington encloses a very feeling address from the Officers of that part of the Army, comprehended in the late...
Yours of the 17th. Ultimo I have received, As to the Massachusetts raising more Men—would say, the seaports are driand very much by there going a privateering &c. and the late success of One belonging here (Cap. White) who with Another has taken four ships &c. two are in att the Eastward. One between 4 and 500 hhds claid Barbadoes Sugars, the Other from Antigua. His success, now with two other...
130623Friday June the 15th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning Mr. Dana, Mr. Thaxter, brother Charles and myself went to Kaa’s, to see Mr. Jennings and Mr. Bordly. We found Mr. Searle there; he has just arriv’d from the Texel; where he has been since saturday. We stay’d sometime there and then went to take a ride; we went out of the Haerlem Port, and rid round by the side of the outer Cingel and came in again into the Leyden Port. After...
I arrived here a few days ago after a very pleasant passage of five weeks and three days. Before I left America, I had intended to ask the favour of you to give me a letter of introduction to one of the Farmers General of France; but I was so much hurried that it escaped my memory. It is reported here, that the Tobacco Trade in France is to be put upon nearly the same footing that it is on in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrot you about a month past but haveing an opertunity by a young Gentilman of this Nabourhood who is going directly to France & desiers to be Introduced so for to yr Notice if he goes to Paris, as to Advice him to a good Scool where he may Larn the Language & perfect himself in merchants acoumpts, I would not miss it hopeing some of the many leters I...
We are, of course, in a state of doubt and uncertainty in regard to a war with Great Britain here; nor do I find that you have much more knowledge on the subject at Washington. Should such a war happen we have much to do in this state to prepare the ship for action. The decks must be cleared. There is no way to carry on a war with that vigour which is necessary to success without the decisive...
[ Philadelphia, June 16, 1794. On June 20, 1794, Rittenhouse wrote to Hamilton : “On receiving yours of the 16th.” Letter not found. ]
I have the honor to inform you that I arrived at this place on Yesterday, but have not had the pleasure of Seeing Majr. Cass he not being in the place I am Sir your Obet. Sert. ( ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). On the cover a note reads: "Filed a Note taken of it."
[ Annapolis, 25 Apr. 1784. Entry in SJL reads: “Jos. Jones. Interest on British debts—report on Western territory—Norfolk—Patowm[ac] and Ohio. 28. [ i.e., postscript of 28 Apr. ] Eng. news to Mar. 20. infra.” Not found.]
I thank you for the interest you are so obliging as to take in procuring for me a house. My wish has been to have it first ascertained what arrangement would be made, if any, by your Magistracy or other public Men, in regard to offices for the accommodation of the department. If any public buildings should be destined to that purpose, my next wish would be to have a house as near my destined...
130631Circular to the States, 30 June 1780 (Washington Papers)
As the Levies required of the States for filling their Battallions have not yet joined the Army or the French fleet arrived—I beg leave to inform Your Excellency, that it will be unnecessary for the Militia, which the Honble the Committee of Congress were pleased to call for on a late occasion, to be at the place appointed for their Rendezvous, before the 25th of next month. By this time I...
Sitting at My Fireside, with my Daughter Smith, on the first of February My Servant brought me a Bundle of Letters and Newspapers from the Post office in this Town: one of the first Letters that Struck my Eye, had the Post Mark of Milton 23. Jany. 1812. Milton is the next Town to Quincy and the Post office in it is but three Miles from my House. How could the Letter be so long in coming three...
The Governor laid before the board the resolution of the General Assembly of May 27th. 1780 and a Letter from the Lieutenants of the Northwestern Counties beyond the blue ridge on the plan of defence for the Western frontier most eligible at present which together with the Letters formerly written or received, on the same [subject] the board proceeded to take into consideration and thereupon...
By a letter received this day from Colonel Malcom I learn that the time of service for which the militia in the Highlands is engaged is very near expiring. I am to request you will be pleased to order out a relief of from 500 to 1000 as expeditiously as possible. Besides the call for them to carry on the defences of the river, there is at this juncture an additional necessity for their...
I had the honour to receive your Letter of the 25th of September yesterday; in consequence of which I immediately wrote to Mr Carter, that the sum requested should be furnished him at any time on his application. The Letter to Colonel Hamilton I shall not fail to transmit immediately. The malady which afflicts Philadelphia has not continued to abate in the manner I expected; it seems that the...
James Bloxham Sr this is to Inform you that I arived Safe att the Generls Washingtons the 23 of aprel which was Ester monday I have orderd for 10 Bushels of Sanfine Seed and other Seeds from you which the generel Washington will aplie to you for and I should be glad if you would take the Best Care you Can to send it over good ass you Can for he have been Deseved in soom sanfire Seed from...
I recieved in due time your favors of May 31. and June 9. the former covering an Address from a Democratic republican meeting at Dover, the latter one from the grand and general juries of the circuit court of the US. held at Dover both of them praying a removal of Allen Mc.lane from the office of Collector of the customs at Wilmington. When I first came into the administration, complaints were...
Yesterday morning Mr McCrea died greatly regretted, he was perfectly resigned and entirely conscious of his condition as I understand– He requested shortly before his death that he should be burried with the honors of War– He is to be interred to day but I have not heard whether his request will be regarded– I have noticed the weather since your departure with reference to your travelling and...
In my Letter to you of Yesterday, I hinted in Confidence at an Application to the House of Hope. This is a very delicate Measure. I was induced to think of it merely by a Conversation which M r Van Berkel who will be Soon with you as he Sailed the 26 June from the Texel, had with M r Dumas.— it would be better to be Steady to the three houses already employed, if that is possible. You will now...
130640General Orders, 13 October 1776 (Washington Papers)
The General expressly orders, that the men have four days provisions ready dressed , at all times, for which purpose the Commissaries, or the Deputies, are to keep the Butchers constantly killing, till such supply is had, and one man from every Mess is to be kept cooking—The commanding Officers of regiments, and others, are most earnestly requested to see this order carried into immediate...
Tho’ a stranger to your person, I am not so to your character—of the last, I have the honor to Rank myself among the first of your Admirers. Under the sanction of this profession, which I assure you is sincere, permit me to introduce to your Excellencys Civilities, Maj. Gouvion, a Colonel in the American Service of distinguished abilities, and of whose intelligence, bravery & Zeal, I have had...
Ten days Billious Fever and wet weather prevented my arriveing at this place untill yesterday—My weak state—wet weather—and Being obliged To Winchester next Monday prevented My waiting on you at this Time, I expect To be down Some Time in October at which Time I hope I shall be able To waite on you To represent the Sittuation of your Business in my Care—I do not Expect To receive any money...
I have the honor to inform you that I have resigned the office of Secretary of state, and that Mr. Randolph late Attorney Genl. of the US. is appointed by the President and approved by the Senate as Secretary of state. He will be so good as to acknolege the receipt of your several letters not yet acknoleged by me, and will answer in detail such parts of them as may require special answer I beg...
L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères J’ai deja eû l’honneur, M. Il y a quelque temps de vous demander des eclaircissements Sur les moyens les plus propres à établir Solidement des relations de commerce entre la france et les Etats unis. Voicy le moment de S’en occuper et je vous prie de vouloir bien me faire part de votre opinion Sur cet objet qui doit etre d’un interêt...
Thomas Jefferson Esq. 1801 To Thomas Carpenter Dr. May 1.— Dr C To Facing an under Waistcoat with Silk 1.25 To a pr. of twilled fancy Cord Breeches, pearl buttons 7.25 To Making a Coat, trimings lining and Stays for the Coachman }
It is a long Time to me since I did myself the Honor and Pleasure of writing You. So unproductive a Correspondant as I had been, I was fearful would be thought to have taken up more than his Proportion of your important Moments. As some Excuse however I felt, I was confident, a Glow of sincere Friendship towards You, equal to any of the more agreable or beneficial.—I have been touched, and...
In his final months of service in the congress, JA served on 26 committees, acting as chairman for 8 of them, and for most of the period he continued to act as president of the Board of War and as a member of the Committee on Appeals. From all this committee work, only two reports in JA ’s hand have been found; they are printed below in their appropriate chronological order. Here, as with...
130648May 19. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Challut, one of the Farmers General. We were shewn into the superbest Gallery that I have yet seen. The Paintings, Statues and Curiosities were innumerable. The old Marshall Richlieu dined there, and a vast Number of other great Company. After dinner, M. Challut invited Dr. F. and me, to go to the Opera, and take a Seat in his Logis. We did. The Musick and dancing were very...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy: Library of Congress I received your Favours of Feb. 27. and March 6. Continued Illness, with want of Information on the Subject, have occasioned the Delay in answering them. I have endeavour’d to learn what the Duties are that are payable by the most favour’d Nation on the Exportation of Salt from France: I am at length told that the Duties are...
My last was of the tenth Instant. I shall confine myself on the present Occasion to the transmitting Copies of my Correspondence with the Ministry on the Subject of the Conference mentiond to you in mine (No. 9) of the thirtieth of last Month. I transmit however Copy of what I wrote on the twentieth of August because the Answer of the eighth of this month would not be otherwise intelligible. I...