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Results 130621-130650 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have this day sent two Boxes by Steam-boat Containing three Busts, and the other three...
I hope it is unnecessary to appologise for writing to you on a subject so Connected with your...
I have recd your letter of Ocr 29. relating to the Busts & Medals and shall take an early oppy....
I have another occasion for making my acknowlegements in the receipt of the Agricultural Almanac...
To Charles Taylor Dr. £ 1818 Septr. 14th To ʒiv Anodyne Linament &c for N. Josiah 6/. 0.. 6.. 0...
We have the pleasure of transmitting to you, a Copy of the proceedings of a Meeting held at...
When Judge Holmes was in Orange he forwarded to me a claim of yours on the Messrs. Baldwins to...
I have received the letter of your E. and one of Mr Jefferson at the same time relative to the...
You will please to pardon the liberty I have taken to request your acceptance of the accompanying...
I am very proud of your good opinion of my hasty book. It has many imperfections, but will prove...
It will Save me a long ride, if you will be so obliging as to acknowledge the Service of the...
Baron Stackelberg Chargé des affaires of H. Swedish My. bearer of this Letter intending to visit...
I had scarcely read your favor communicating your expected departure for France the morning...
Mr. Stone of Fredg. whom you well know informs me that his son in law Chs. H. Smith of Norfolk,...
I receivd your kind letter, with the information, respecting my acct., with the estate of our...
Your letter of the 11th was duly recd, and I should have given it a less tardy answer, but for a...
I have had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 4th. inst. with the Charlottesville post mark...
Agreeably to the wishes of the President and Directors of the Potomac Steam Boat Company, I...
By the direction of the Society of Tammany, or Columbian order, I do myself the honor of...
A visit of the ladies of our family to mrs. Madison gives me an opportunity of sending you our...
It is impossible for Mrs. Corbin and myself to be sufficiently grateful to you and Mrs. Madison...
It certainly will appear singular to you that a merchant should make a communication upon a...
By the return of the ladies who have favored Mrs. Madison with so agreable a visit, I send back...
In account with the Agricultural Society of Albemarle. Dr. Cr. {1817} To this sum due the By Cash...
I send you a copy of the message which has just been sent in to Congress. The affair with Spain...
I have recd. your favor of Novr. 27. & am much obligd by your attention to the Clover seed. The...
I have received Sir the copy of the Address of the Society of Tammany, with which I have been...
I thank you for the copy of your Message. The moderation it breathes towards Spain will be...
I recd. in due time your favor of Sepr. 14 and have delayed acknowledging it, till you should...
My Report in the case of Madison vs Strode &c has been completed & the deft Berkley Ward is found...