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Results 130601-130650 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
130601 Walker, Benjamin Varick, Richard From Benjamin Walker to Richard Varick, 6 November 1783 1783-11-06 I some time since inclosed to you the Copies up to the 23d of last Month—and fear they were...
130602 Adams, John Varick, Richard From John Adams to Richard Varick, 22 July 1790 1790-07-22 I received Yesterday the Letter you did me the honour to write me, Soliciting Permission for M r...
130603 Hamilton, Alexander Varick, Richard From Alexander Hamilton to Richard Varick, 28 July 1785 1785-07-28 [ New York ] July 28, 1785 . Asks Varick to suggest names for a commission to examine witnesses...
130604 Trumbull, Jonathan, Jr. Varick, Richard From Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. to Richard Varick, 5 June … 1783-06-05 His Excellency directs me to reply to your favor of the 3d—and to mention that his principal Wish...
130605 Washington, George Varick, Richard From George Washington to Richard Varick, 15 November … 1781-11-15 I have just received your Two Letters of the 1st & 6th Octo.—previous to which I had anticipated...
130606 Washington, George Varick, Richard From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Richard … 1780-10-21 I have received your letter of the 12th—I would willingly comply with your request for an inquiry...
130607 Hamilton, Alexander Varick, Richard From Alexander Hamilton to Richard Varick, 12 [May] … 1795-05-12 The last post but one brought me your letter transmitting me a certificate of the freedom of the...
130608 Humphreys, David Varick, Richard From David Humphreys to Richard Varick, 17 November … 1783-11-17 It is the Commander in Chief’s earnest desire that you will, without failure, forward all his...
130609 Hamilton, Alexander Varick, Richard From Alexander Hamilton to Richard Varick, 16 June 1795 1795-06-16 I beg the favour of you to cause a search to be made in your office for books belonging to me,...
130610 Trumbull, Jonathan, Jr. Varick, Richard From Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. to Richard Varick, 22 … 1782-10-22 Be pleased to look among the Letters between the 1st Janry & 1st July 1781—and you will find the...
130611 Washington, George Varick, Richard From George Washington to Richard Varick, 28 February … 1782-02-28 I have been duly favored with your Letter of the 19th Inst. I have written to Major Genl Heath to...
130612 Hamilton, Alexander Varick, Richard From Alexander Hamilton to Richard Varick, 24 May 1786 1786-05-24 [ New York ] May 24, 1786 . Encloses “a draft of the trust deed with the papers relating to it”...
130613 Washington, George Varick, Richard From George Washington to Richard Varick, 2 October … 1783-10-02 Enclosed are my private Letters for registering. As fast as they are entered, return them to me...
130614 Adams, John Varick, Richard From John Adams to Richard Varick, 12 August 1790 1790-08-12 It is with great pleasure, that, in obedience to an order of the Senate of the United States, I...
130615 Washington, George Varick, Richard From George Washington to Richard Varick, 22 February … 1784-02-22 The intemperate Season and irregularity of the Post, withheld your letter of the 15th Ulto from...
130616 Washington, George Varick, Richard From George Washington to Richard Varick, 26 September … 1785-09-26 Mr Taylor brought me your favor of the 28th Ulto and I have received your other letter of the 2d...
130617 Adams, John Varick, Richard From John Adams to Richard Varick, 7 February 1800 1800-02-07 I have received your favor of the 28th of last month, with two copies of Mr. Morris’s oration on...
130618 Washington, George Varick, Richard From George Washington to Richard Varick, 1 January … 1784-01-01 From the moment I left the City of New York until my arrival at this place, I have been so much...
130619 Hamilton, Alexander Varick, Richard From Alexander Hamilton to Richard Varick, [4 May 1798] 1798-05-04 A friend of mine has a sudden and unexpected call for 5000 Dollars which I am anxious to assist...
130620 Tilghman, Tench Varick, Richard From Tench Tilghman to Richard Varick, 21 July 1781 1781-07-21 I congratulate you upon your having waded through what I may call the mud and mire of your...
130621 Washington, George Varick, Richard From George Washington to Richard Varick, 23 October … 1783-10-23 Inclosed are private Letters since I wrote you last. Yrs very sincerely Catalog--Paul C. Richards...
130622 Lear, Tobias Varick, Richard Tobias Lear to Richard Varick, 19 July 1790 1790-07-19 In compliance with your request signified in your polite letter, I have the honor to inform you...
130623 Jay, John Varick, Richard From John Jay to Richard Varick, 7 June 1796 1796-06-07 Considering the Works erected on Governors Island and the obvious objections to having a...
130624 Jay, John Varick, Richard From John Jay to Richard Varick, 18 March 1826 1826-03-18 The honour confered on me by the Managers of the American Bible Society in placing me at the head...
130625 Washington, George Various States Circular to Various States, 4 August 1777 1777-08-04 The great expence & Loss of time that has attended the recruiting service in most of the states,...
130626 Jefferson, Thomas Varnum, George Washington From Thomas Jefferson to George Washington Varnum, 22 … 1802-06-22 Your favor of the 4th. inst. was recieved yesterday. Genl. Dearborne is absent for about a week;...
130627 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-11-22 I have received your favors of 20 & 21st Inst. by this Express I shall write to Majr Genl Greene...
130628 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell George Washington to Brigadier General James Mitchell … 1777-10-28 [ Whitpain Township, Pennsylvania ] October 28, 1777 . Orders Varnum to Woodbury to cooperate...
130629 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell George Washington to Brigadier General James Mitchell … 1777-05-14 Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 14, 1777. Orders Varnum to forward recruits despite the opposition...
130630 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-10-28 You are, as soon as the weather will permit, to proceed to Woodberry with the Brigade under your...
130631 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-10-07 I desire you will immediately on the receipt of this detach Col: Green’s and Col: Angel’s...
130632 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-11-01 I hope this will find you arrived safe at Red Bank with your detatchment. By letters from the...
130633 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-11-04 The inclosed I had written to Colo. Green before your favor of yesterday reached my hands. I am...
130634 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1779-03-19 In answer to your letter of the 9th Inst. I would observe; that the sentiments contained in mine...
130635 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-10-08 I send you the foregoing duplicate of mine of yesterday to prevent any delay or disappointment...
130636 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-10-08 I this Evening received your favor of this date. The Regiments under Cols Greene & Angel are to...
130637 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-11-18 A Body of the Enemy marched last night from Philada and crossed the Bridge at the middle ferry...
130638 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-11-16 I imagine from yours of last Evening by Major Ballard that the Fort was totally evacuated last...
130639 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-11-08 Yours of the 6th relieved me from much anxiety, as it was confidently reported that the firing...
130640 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1778-04-09 However contrary to my wish and inclination it is to refuse the requests of my Officers, there...
130641 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-10-31 The Loss of our heavy Cannon on the North River, and the possibility however remote, of our...
130642 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-10-09 I received your Letter early this Morning by the return of the Express. Since the Order given for...
130643 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-11-19 In Consequences of advices recd since I wrote you last night, I have ordered Genl Huntington to...
130644 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-11-12 I am sorry to find from yours of Yesterday, that the fire of the Enemy had made so great an...
130645 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell George Washington to Brigadier General James Mitchell … 1777-10-07 Pawlins Mill [ Pennsylvania ] October 7, 1777 . Orders Varnum to “the Baptist meeting House in...
130646 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1779-02-14 I received your favor of the 29th Ultimo. It is no easy matter, and always requires great efforts...
130647 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-11-07 From various accounts I am convinced that the Enemy are upon the point of making a grand effort...
130648 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-11-12 Since I wrote to you at One O’Clock this day yours dated twelve last Night came to hand. This has...
130649 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-03-06 The necessity I am under for Troops obliges me to desire You to call upon the several Continental...
130650 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-11-15 I have received your Letter of yesterday inclosing the opinion of Major Thayer the present...