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Results 130601-130650 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
130601General Orders, 7 August 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day Tomorrow Major General Lincoln Colonel Greaton For Picquet Major Smith Inspector Captain Robinson The officers commanding Wings will direct the slaughtering places of the several brigades to be removed as far as they possibly can be consistent with the convenience and safety from the Line of Encampment. The Vaults are to be regularly covered every day and all bones and putrid meat...
When the important objects, which engage your Excellencys attention, will permit you to consider the enclos’d resolve of Congress, the Committee will be glad to receive your opinion, & Sentiments, on the Subject of it. I have the honor to be, with the greatest respect, & esteem, Yr Excellencys Most Obt Hble Servt Copy of the Resolve July 26. 1781 That a Committee be appointed to Confer with...
Governor Rutledge has arrivd in Camp and brings me such flattering accounts of large reinforcment expected from the West Indies as induces me to send for a farther explanation; and also to forward the present situation of the Southern department. I hope the fleet will stay to compleat the reduction of Charlestown as well as New York. But if this is not to be expected I could wish to know it as...
His Excellency Count de Rochambeau informs me that he has received letters from Brigr General de Choissy acquainting him that the tour of duty of that Class of your Militia which was sent upon the Island has either expired or is very near expiring, and that he understands no others are to be furnished to replace them—I cannot but think that Mr de Choissy has been misinformed as to the latter...
The other day I applied to Col. Tilghman for an order for Shoes for the Two Companies of levies. He thought on a general principle it could not be granted; but as from the best of my own recollection confirmed by inquiry of others, I have reason to believe a distinction was made last campaign in favour of the advanced corps; in the case of Cortland’s regiment, I am induced to submit the matter...
I was yesterday honored with your Letter of the 2d Instant, and communicated it with the Inclosures immediately to Congress. Re-iterated Complaints from our unfortunate Prisoners at New-York, whose Treatment is cruel beyond Description and their Situation really deplorable, gave rise to the Act of Congress of the 3d Instant, a Copy of which is inclosed herewith. How their Distresses will be...
Among your numerous friends, none will be found when congratulations on your appointment to the Administration of the Affairs of Virginia, are offered with more cordiality & sincerity than mine. It is long since I had the pleasure of writing to, or receiving a letter from you, but as I am conscious that the silence on my part is not a consequence of diminished friendship, I am equally ready to...
I have the honor to inclose (under a flying Seal for your perusal) a letter to Governor Greene, wch I hope will produce the effect your Excellency desires as it is my wish to give perfect security to the Fleet at Newport in the present critical moment. With sentiments of Attachmt & personal Regard—I have the honr to be Yr Excys most Ob. S. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
Mr De Choisy writes me that 130. of the massachusetts’ militia are arrived at rhode island, and that the Colonel assures the rest will arrive soon, but he likewise writes that those of rhode island State want to go away, saying that their time is out, and that Governor Greene has wrote that he would not send others in their stead. I beg of your Excellency to write to Mr Greene to make him...
I have received your Favor of the 20th ulto—I am very sorry to observe the unfavorable Prospect you give me of the Recruiting the Pensylvania Line—that I may have a decided Knowlege of the Success of this Business from time to time, you will be pleased to give me by every post, a Weekly Acco. of the Numbers recruited in each Week—& that it may be done with Clearness & Precision, you will be...
That your Excellency may the Better know the State of matters at this Post, shall observe the depertment is more lively then last Winter and are doing business to advantage—some Superfluous officers remain, expect Dailey to hear from Genl Cornell—who left the arrangment not Compleated for some further Consult. The most of the stores calld for at this Post have been forwarded. some of the...
By the journals of Congress we percieve, that an application to Congress, from the Executive of the state which we have the honor to represent, respecting the Exchange of General Elbert, was transmitted to you in february last year, in the course of which the Delegates of the State repeated the Application, and were honored with your answer. The late Cartel established in the southern...
Printed excerpts (Parke-Bernet Catalogue No. 54 [25–26 October 1938], item 167; Burnett, Letters Edmund C. Burnett, ed., Letters of Members of the Continental Congress (8 vols.; Washington, 1921–36). , VI, 170). The letter was written by Joseph Jones and signed by Jones, JM, Theodorick Bland, and Edmund Randolph. The excerpts below amount to somewhat more than half the letter, since the...
Your two Letters of june 26 and july 2d came safe to hand together with the resolves which would gratify me if there was a sufficient stability in the Body which confer’d it to render it truly honorary, but the Letter of Janry. 10th strikes me very dissagreably and is highly tinctured with parissian influence. It bears a striking likeness of a servility to a court that ought not to have so...
Last Monday an Officer of the Corps of Invalids from Boston, came to this Post for orders, expecting they would reach Fish Kill the next day. He was ordered to releive the Guard at that place, as their Number is competent for it: But as I have not heard from the Officer commanding, I conclude they have not arrived. Last night those from Philadelphia arrived here, they are in a truly wretched...
Amsterdam, 6 August 1781. RC in John Thaxter’s hand PCC , No. 84, III, f. 347–350. printed : Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 4:623.. In this letter, which was read in Congress on 16 Nov., John Adams provided an English translation of a report dated 13 July at St....
In several of the London Newspapers of July 26th. appeared the following paragraph. “An order has been sent from Lord Hillsborough’s Office for bringing Curson and Governieur, whom We sometime ago mentioned to have been confined by Command of Sir George Rodney and General Vaughan for having carried on a traiterous Correspondence with the Enemy at St. Eustatia, to Town to be confined in Newgate...
I some time since gave Orders as you desired to Mr. Grand, to furnish you with a Credit in Holland for the Remainder of your Salary to November next. But I am now told that your Account having been mixt with Mr. Dana’s, he finds it difficult to know the Sum due to you. Be pleased therefore to State your Account for two Years, giving Credit for the Sums you have receiv’d, that an Order may be...
After due Consideration we agreed upon sending your two trunks of Books, by land, which I have had executed, having first had them plumbed, by which means all Visitation is prevented. I have consigned them à la Veuve Desmeth à Anvers who will send them on to Fizeaux Grand & ce. pursuant to your desires, you have here inclosed the Note of my charges thereto, for which I place 34 10 to your...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; AL (draft): Library of Congress; copies: National Archives (two), Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives I some time since gave Orders as you desired to Mr. Grand, to furnish you with a Credit in Holland for the Remainder of your Salary to November next. But I am now told that your Account having been mixt with Mr. Dana’s, he finds it...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received yours of the 23d past, acquainting me with your having taken a Brig bound to New York, & desiring to know if I had granted a Passport to one Benjamin Joy. On examining my Papers, I find that I did grant such a Pass-port on the Recommendation of a Mr Diggs, at that time an American Merchant residing in London, and in good Credit as a sincere &...
LS , AL (draft), and copy: Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives I have receiv’d several Letters from you lately inclosing others for the President of Congress; and for Spain, all of which are sealed & forwarded, except the last for the President containd in yours of the 26th. past, which shall go by the first Opportunity. The Reading of those Letters gave me much Information, and...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received your favour of the 23d past, inclosing a Pacquet for me. I am much obliged by your Care in forwarding it.— If the Vessel taken by Capt. Brown was really bound to New York, she will prove a good Prize; tho’ it was represented to me that she was bound to Virginia. The Nature of her Cargo will determine the Point: For if she was laden with...
130624[Diary entry: 6 August 1781] (Washington Papers)
6th. Reconnoitred the Roads and Country between the North River and the Brunxs from the Camp to Philip’s and Valentines Hill and found the ground every where strong—the Hills 4 in Number running parallel to each other with deep ravines between them—occasioned by the Saw Mill river—the Sprain branch and another more Easterly. These hills have very few interstices or Breaks in them, but are more...
130625General Orders, 6 August 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day Tomorrow Major General Lord Stirling Lieutenant Colonel Hull For Picquet Major Woodbridge Inspector Captain Smith. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
Governor Rutledge arrived in Camp a few Days since and informed me that a French fleet of 20 sail of the Line, besides Frigates were to be on the coast by the 25th of this month to co-operate with the American Army for disposessing the Enemy of the several posts they hold in the United States; and that there are to come with the fleet from five to ten thousand Troops to facilitate the...
I have received your favour of the 2d inst. with the inclosures and shall take proper care of them. Mr Morris seting out for Head quarters in the morning I embrace the opportunity to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 10th ult. and to thank you for the Copies of the intercepted Letters, the originals were transmitted us by Dr Franklin—these shew the continued delusion and folly of the...
The Embarkation Which I thought and I do Still think to Have Been destined to Newyork Was Reported to Have Sailed up the Bay, and to Be Bound to Baltimore—in Consequence of which I write to Your Excellency, and as I Had not Indulged Myself too Near portsmouth I was able to Cut Across towards Frederiksburg—But instead of Continuing His Voyage up the Bay My Lord Entered York River and Landed at...
On perceiving that I should be under the necessity of drawing down the Continental troops from the State of New York, I wrote upon the 25th of June to General Fellows desiring that 600 Militia (part of the quota required from the State of Massachusetts) might be marched from the Counties of Hampshire and Berkshire and those contiguous to them to Albany and take their orders from the Officer...
I have just received your Excellency’s Favour of the 2d instant, and feel exceedingly for your Embarrassment. I am not only mortified as a Citizen of the Union at large at every obstacle against your Excellency’s operations, but greatly chagrin’d that this State in particular, considering my intimate connection with it, should, by contributing to such embarrassment, lose any part of the...
Forty five more rank & file of the Connecticut Militia have arrived, Since the last return. Secretary Trumbulls Letter of the 4th Inst. is recd giving an account of a Spy Sent out by the Enemy. The light Company of Col. Cortlandts is come down, and will move To-morrow; Some necessary repairs of Arms have detained them here Since Saturday. I have the Honor to be, Your Excellencys most Hble...
As Colo. Morris, by whom this will be delivered, can give a satisfactory Account of Matters this Way, & Genl Green’s dispatches, which he carries, are very full & particular, I will take the Liberty of referring your Excellency, for it, to him, & them, instead of troubling you with a long Detail of them. If the Force which the Minister of France assured me, (just as I was leaving...
At an Interview with the British Commissary of Prisoners a few days since, I have agreable to your Excellency’s Commands demanded of him the Payment of the ballance of Privates due to us, I have inclosed for your perusal Copies of my Letter to him on this Subject, and his answer thereto: from the best information I can procure, the number of Prisoners now in the Enemy’s possession at New York...
Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). Addressed to “The Honble James Maddison, Esqr Philadelphia.” A copy, also made from the original manuscript, is in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society , 2d ser., IX (1905), 138–39. Judge of my Anxiety at having pass’d two Long-Long weeks without a line from you or my friend Jones at so critical a juncture, when we hear a busy & importt scene...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress With this I send the Accounts of the Clothing that went in the Marquis de la Fayette; of which there is an Abridgement on a separate Paper. There went also in the same Ship 100 Tons of Saltpetre, about 1500 Barrels of Gunpowder, and the Remainder of 1500 Fusils, Part having been sent in the Ariel. With...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I take the liberty to inform you of my arrival at place the first instant on board the Ship Ann, having been Just six Weeks from Philadelphia and According to the Request of Mr Wharton Send the Packet he intrusted to my Care. Your Letters were forwarded per next Post after our Arrival. The Gentleman who will deliver you the Packet is a Mr. Price...
130637General Orders, 5 August 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day Tomorrow Major General Heath Lieutenant Colonel Fernald For Picquet Major Oliver Inspector Captain Drew No Person excepting those belonging to the Army is to come into Camp from the country above or northward of the Camp but by the following roads vizt: No. 1 The road by Storm’s bridge along the Saw mill river. 2 The road from Young’s to the road leading from Dobbs ferry to the...
I have been honored with your favors of the 17th and 26th ulto the first enclosing three plans for filling the present Vancancies and making future promotions in the Medical Line and which you were pleased to submit to my opinion—That I might obtain as extensive a knowledge as possible of the sentiments of the Army upon this matter, I committed the plans to the General Officers and desired...
Your Favor of the 1st inst.—inclosing the Letter from Gen. Schuyler & others, is this Moment come to Hand. It is not a little distressing to find that the States will not or cannot fill their Continental Battalions, or afford the Aids of Militia required from them—but that instead thereof they are expecting from me the few operating Troops which I have to depend on—the Consequence of this...
I am favored with your Letter of the 30th Ulto also with one from His Excellency Governor Clinton of the 1st Inst. representing the exposed situation of the frontier of this State. I have in consequence, thought it adviseable, that the remaining part of Cortlands Regt (except the Light Company) should continue at Albany untill further Orders—I have also prevailed on Major General Lincoln to...
I last night recd yours of the 3d instant—Graves’s Fleet was certainly off Block Island a few days ago—It is supposed he has taken that position, to cover the Quebec Ships as they pass along, and at the same time give those which may be expected from Virginia an opportunity of making their voyage safely. I am not acquainted with the private signals of Mr de Grasse, but I think it may soon be...
There are 311 Barrels of Salt Beef at Portsmouth in New Hampshire, which, to save land Carriage, I had directed to be sent to Providence by Water, but Mr president Weare writes me that the risque is too great, as there are a number of privateers in that quarter—I have therefore informed him that you will dispose of it on the spot and procure a like quantity in Philada. I shall be obliged to...
On hand fit for service—soldiers tents 35. wall tents 6 Expected daily from Connecticut 300. very old tents at Morristown repairing, probably will be rendered serviceable 80. As Colo. Hatch is disappointed in his expectations of exchanging heavy for light duck, on notice of it, July 27th I immediately desired him to make up into tents all the Russia duck that was tolerably light. This may...
In order to answer the Questions stated in your Memorandum to me respecting Tents, His Excellency thinks it necessary that it should be ascertained whether there are now a sufficient number of Tents in the several State Lines (including the Tents with their Detachments) to cover the Troops of those Lines, if they should be collected & augmented nearly to the Establishment? If this should be...
His Excellency wants to make a reconnoitre upon the North River Road tomorrow—For which purpose he desires you will move down about five oClock in the morning with all your foot and Colo. sheldons Horse and Foot and possess the Roads leading into the North River Road—You will advance parties as far below Phillips’s, as you can with safety—You will request Colo. sheldon to leave an officer and...
I have been honored by your Favor of 23d ulto—Upon your Representation of the Danger of Water Transportation, I have written to Mr Morris the Financier Genl, & desired him to dispose of the 311 Barrels of salted Beef lying in Portsmouth—& to vest the Amount of Sales in the like kind of Provisions in Philadelphia—which I trust may be done to Advantage of the Public—The 40 Barrels or whatever...
I have received your favr of the 24th of last Month and am obliged by the offer which you have made of the Cannon saved out of the Wreck of the Culladen—such Guns would be valuable to the Continent; but you must know our difficulties in regard to making payment—If you will however let me know your lowest price and longest Credit, I will endeavour to make a Contract with you, on terms which...
The very quick reply with wish which you honourd my Letter together with the Friendly contents of your polite favour demand my acknowledgement. If you Sir as a patriot and a Friend feel for the injurys offerd to your Country and the disgrace with which those in power are endeavouring to load our Friend, you may easily judge of the anxiety of one whose happiness is so interwoven and blended...
I should Scarcely be credited, if I were to describe the present State of this Country. There is more Animosity against one another, than against the common Ennemy. They can agree upon nothing. Neither upon War, nor Peace: neither upon acknowledging the Independency of America, nor upon denying it. Hopes of a general Peace, which flatter all Parties, are continually kept up by Tales and...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library The Brig Sally Capn. Worth arrived Yesterday from Rhodisland to my address and brings the inclosed Letters for Your Excy. which I take the earliest oppertunity of forwarding. She brings advise that the French Ship Segitaire with 10 Transports had arrived with troops who join’d the Count of Rochambeau’s Army— & no other Newse of consequence. I am ever...