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Results 130601-130650 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
130601General Orders, 7 August 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day Tomorrow Major General Lincoln Colonel Greaton For Picquet Major Smith Inspector...
When the important objects, which engage your Excellencys attention, will permit you to consider...
Governor Rutledge has arrivd in Camp and brings me such flattering accounts of large reinforcment...
His Excellency Count de Rochambeau informs me that he has received letters from Brigr General de...
The other day I applied to Col. Tilghman for an order for Shoes for the Two Companies of levies....
I was yesterday honored with your Letter of the 2d Instant, and communicated it with the...
Among your numerous friends, none will be found when congratulations on your appointment to the...
I have the honor to inclose (under a flying Seal for your perusal) a letter to Governor Greene,...
Mr De Choisy writes me that 130. of the massachusetts’ militia are arrived at rhode island, and...
I have received your Favor of the 20th ulto—I am very sorry to observe the unfavorable Prospect...
That your Excellency may the Better know the State of matters at this Post, shall observe the...
By the journals of Congress we percieve, that an application to Congress, from the Executive of...
Printed excerpts (Parke-Bernet Catalogue No. 54 [25–26 October 1938], item 167; Burnett, Letters...
Your two Letters of june 26 and july 2d came safe to hand together with the resolves which would...
Last Monday an Officer of the Corps of Invalids from Boston, came to this Post for orders,...
Amsterdam, 6 August 1781. RC in John Thaxter’s hand PCC , No. 84, III, f. 347–350. printed :...
In several of the London Newspapers of July 26th. appeared the following paragraph. “An order has...
I some time since gave Orders as you desired to Mr. Grand, to furnish you with a Credit in...
After due Consideration we agreed upon sending your two trunks of Books, by land, which I have...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; AL (draft): Library of Congress; copies: National Archives...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received yours of the 23d past, acquainting me with...
LS , AL (draft), and copy: Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives I have receiv’d...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received your favour of the 23d past, inclosing a...
130624[Diary entry: 6 August 1781] (Washington Papers)
6th. Reconnoitred the Roads and Country between the North River and the Brunxs from the Camp to...
130625General Orders, 6 August 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day Tomorrow Major General Lord Stirling Lieutenant Colonel Hull For Picquet Major...
Governor Rutledge arrived in Camp a few Days since and informed me that a French fleet of 20 sail...
I have received your favour of the 2d inst. with the inclosures and shall take proper care of...
The Embarkation Which I thought and I do Still think to Have Been destined to Newyork Was...
On perceiving that I should be under the necessity of drawing down the Continental troops from...
I have just received your Excellency’s Favour of the 2d instant, and feel exceedingly for your...
Forty five more rank & file of the Connecticut Militia have arrived, Since the last return....
As Colo. Morris, by whom this will be delivered, can give a satisfactory Account of Matters this...
At an Interview with the British Commissary of Prisoners a few days since, I have agreable to...
Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). Addressed to “The Honble James Maddison, Esqr Philadelphia.” A...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress With...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I take the liberty to inform you of my arrival at place...
130637General Orders, 5 August 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day Tomorrow Major General Heath Lieutenant Colonel Fernald For Picquet Major Oliver...
I have been honored with your favors of the 17th and 26th ulto the first enclosing three plans...
Your Favor of the 1st inst.—inclosing the Letter from Gen. Schuyler & others, is this Moment come...
I am favored with your Letter of the 30th Ulto also with one from His Excellency Governor Clinton...
I last night recd yours of the 3d instant—Graves’s Fleet was certainly off Block Island a few...
There are 311 Barrels of Salt Beef at Portsmouth in New Hampshire, which, to save land Carriage,...
On hand fit for service—soldiers tents 35. wall tents 6 Expected daily from Connecticut 300. very...
In order to answer the Questions stated in your Memorandum to me respecting Tents, His Excellency...
His Excellency wants to make a reconnoitre upon the North River Road tomorrow—For which purpose...
I have been honored by your Favor of 23d ulto—Upon your Representation of the Danger of Water...
I have received your favr of the 24th of last Month and am obliged by the offer which you have...
The very quick reply with wish which you honourd my Letter together with the Friendly contents of...
I should Scarcely be credited, if I were to describe the present State of this Country. There is...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library The Brig Sally Capn. Worth arrived Yesterday from...