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Results 130591-130600 of 184,431 sorted by author
2 January 1805, Wilmington. “I take the liberty of laying the enclosed in a confidential manner before you, as it relates to an appointment of some importance perhaps to the U. S.” RC and enclosure ( DLC ). RC 1 p. Misdated 2 Jan. 1804 by Rodney; date assigned here by comparison with the enclosure (see n. 1). In the enclosed letter to Rodney from Maxwell Bines, former sheriff of New Castle...
Altho’ as I stated in conversation before I left Washington, I was convinced the public mind here would be excited, by the extraordinary manner in which the appointment of Marshall was obtained, as well as by the appointment of the person himself, yet I did not suppose the impression would have been So deep and so general. It has turned out on enquiry as I apprehended when I saw you, that not...
I had the pleasure of writing to you some time since from Philada. in answer to a letter I had the honor to receive from you whilst on a visit there. Our legislature have adjourned after passing the canal law on such terms I hope, as will secure the execution of the design. It was not done however without a great struggle. We did not appoint any senator in the place of Dr. Latimer & I...
Mr. Poydras declined the printing of Mr. Lisley’s able & argumentative work, which had been translated at the Secretary of States office, & which only required to be corrected previously to publication. The enclosed pamphlet was transmitted to me, by Mr. Poydras (& which I had not seen before) as the work he desired to have correctly translated & printed. Not being conversant with the French...
I take the liberty of introducing to your acquaintance Dr. Joseph McCreery , a young gentleman of very amiable character & manners, who has read or rather studied medicine under Dr. J. Tilton of this place a man proverbial for his rigid honesty & inflexible integrity. Dr. McCreery has lately passed his examination as a physician in the University of Penna. & wishes employment in the hospital...
The delicate situation of Mrs. Rodney at the death of her father compelled me to return home & has since detained me. She was however confined the evening before last & has presented me a daughter. In a few days I trust she will be in a situation to leave, and I shall promptly repair to Washington. Private business of considerable consequence, & of a pressing nature in Philadelphia will claim...
Since I last wrote to you I have been on the verge of the grave. I was taken ill at Dover on my way to Sussex, early in September (a most unfortunate period) & was confined ten days to my bed. Since I came home, I have had the enclosed pamphlet published which is I understand producing good effects. Our election took place yesterday throughout the state. In this County there were more votes...
Whilst I most sincerely congratulate you on the happy prospects, which the wisdom & virtue of your administration have placed before us, & which I flatter myself will be realized in the fullest extent, there is at present a local subject, as it relates to this State of the first importance. In its consequences it may however affect the Union generally & therfore it may have been incorrect to...
It is with much regret I inform you of the unfavourable result of the election in our State. Mr. Bayard is reelected by a majority of 300. votes. The Federal ticket having succeeded by about 90 votes in Kent County, the Governor is about convening the legislature, who will choose the Electors of a President & V. President. From what I have understood in conversation from some of our leading...
The ardent wishes of the friends of the revolution have been realized in the exaltation of yourself who laid the corner stone & who has ever been a firm & uniform supporter of its principles to the Presidential chair. The universal joy diffused over the whole face of the Country on this happy event is better felt than described. I believe among all who rejoiced none experienced more heartfelt...