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Results 130591-130600 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
11 January 1803, Philadelphia. The writers solicit JM’s intervention with the Spanish minister for a passport for their clerk, J. D. Gouffond, a Swiss native resident in the U.S. for “twenty years & upwards.” “We have Some Comercial Settlements of Consequence with a Spanish house at the havannah & have not been able in course of 5 years by way of Correspondence to receive any Kind of...
the petition of John Baker respectfully represents, that your petitioner is an extremely young man, of the age of sixteen years, entirely inexperienced, and unacquainted with matters of law. He came from Baltimore to the City of Washington to seek for work; and finding there was horse-racing in the said city or it’s neighborhood in november last, amusement and curiosity led him to be a...
We arrived here safe yesterday after a most disastrous journey sufficiently distressing in itself but more so at the time from the depression of spirits felt on leaving you, the pain of seeing you turn back alone after having experienc’d so many happy hours with you My dear Papa in the little room to us endear’d by your sitting in it allways, & the recollection of the heavy expense this...
the petition of John Henderson respectfully represents, that your petitioner is not a common gambler nor given to an idle and dissolute life, but happening from misfortune inadvertently to undertake at the late races in the City of Washington the keeping of a kind of gaming table, frequently called an equality table, in entire ignorance of the prohibition of that species of game, by some...
I inclose you the sum of three hundred and thirty Dollars to cover an order drawn on you this day in favor of Joseph Moran 200. D and of another drawn this day also in favor of Joseph Bran for 124.25 which be pleased to honor on account of 324.25 Your friend & sevt. P.S. I should have noted that an order of T M Randolph on mr Brown makes 60. D. of the above sum. PrC ( MHi ); at foot of text:...
We learn by the public papers that a great calamity by fire has happened to Portsmouth, and that yourself and some others are appointed to recieve contributions for the distressed sufferers and to distribute them. I take the liberty of inclosing to yourself an hundred dollars for this purpose. I observe the trustees say in the papers that they will make a record of the donations . I pray that...
The cession of the Spanish province of Louisiana to France, and perhaps of the Floridas, and the late suspension of our right of deposit at New Orleans, are events of primary interest to the United States. on both occasions, such measures were promptly taken as were thought most likely amicably to remove the present, & to prevent future causes of inquietude. the objects of these measures were...
During the late recess of the Senate, I have granted commissions for the following persons and offices, which commissions will expire at the end of the present session of the Senate. I therefore nominate the same persons to the same offices for reappointment: to wit Rufus King who is Minister Plenipotentiary of the US. at London, to be a Commissioner for the settlement of boundaries between...
During the late recess of the Senate I granted commissions for the Promotions, transfers, and appointments in the army of the US. which are under the mark A. in the inclosed Schedule signed by the Secretary at war, which will expire at the end of the present session of the Senate. I therefore nominate the same persons for the same commissions for reappointment. I also nominate the persons...
The Spoliations and irregularities committed on our commerce during the late war by subjects of Spain, or by others deemed within her responsibility, having called for attention, instructions were accordingly given to our minister at Madrid to urge our right to just indemnifications, and to propose a convention for adjusting them. the Spanish government listened to our proposition with an...