George Washington Papers

General Orders, 9 August 1781

Head Quarters near Dobb’s Ferry Thursday August 9th 1781.

Morning Orders
Brigadier General Glover is appointed General Officer of thisday vice Major General Parsons absent.
Parole Kingston
Countersigns Warwick Ringwood

For the Day Tomorrow

Brigadier General Patterson

Colonel Webb

For Picquet Major Gibbs

Inspector Captain Converse.

At a General Court martial held at Camp august the 7th whereof Colonel Putnam is President Captain Abner Dow of the 9th Massachusetts regiment charged with "not joining his regiment when ordered so to do by the Commanding officer of the regiment" was tried agreeably to a Resolve of Congress of December 6th 1779 respecting absent officers.

The Court on Consideration are of opinion that Captain Dow has been absent from his regiment without Leave since his receiving the notification from Colonel Jackson that he has since been properly notified and directed to join his regiment agreeably to the Resolve of Congress of December 6th 1779 respecting Absent Officers and that he has neglected to join his regiment accordingly or to give satisfactory reasons for his continuance of absence.

They therefore Sentence that he be Cashiered.

The Commander in Chief approves the foregoing Sentence.

At the same Court August 6th 1781 John Frazer Matross in Colonel Lamb’s regiment of Artillery charged with "Inlisting into the Rhode Island regiment without having obtain’g a discharge from said regiment of Artillery and afterwards deserting from the Rhode Island regiment" was tried and found Guilty of a breach of Articles 1st and 3d of the Rules and Articles of war and sentenced to receive one hundred Lashes on his bare back.

Corporal Samuel Gray of the second Connecticut regiment charged with "Desertion and reinlisting in the Massachusetts line" was tried found Guilty of a Breach of Articles 1st and 3d of the Rules and Articles of War and sentenced to do the duty of a private Centinel and to receive one hundred Lashes on his naked back.

Corporal John Chace of the first New York regiment Charged with "Desertion and reinlisting in the Rhode Island Regiment" was tried and found Guilty as above and sentenced to do the duty of aprivate Centinel and to receive one hundred Lashes on his naked back.

Joseph Ross a Soldier of the late fifth Connecticut Regiment charged with "Desertion and reinlisting in Colonel Sheldon’s regiment of Light dragoons" was tried found Guilty as above and sentenced to receive one hundred Lashes on his naked Back.

Peter Moore Matross in Colonel Crane’s regiment of Artillery charged with "Stealing Six Guineas and a Silver watch out of the pocket of a french soldier when asleep," was tried.

The Court on consideration are of opinion the charge against Peter Moore is not supported.

The Commander in Chief Approves the foregoing Sentences and orders them to take place.

Peter Moore to be released from Confinement.

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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