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Results 130551-130600 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I receivd in due course the honor of yours of the 30th...
AL : American Philosophical Society On M’avait donné ce printems mon Cher docteur l’Esperance de...
130553[Diary entry: 10 August 1781] (Washington Papers)
10th. Ordered the first York, and Hazens Regiments immediately to this place from West point—The...
130554General Orders, 10 August 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major General Lord Stirling vice Brigr Huntington Colonel Tupper For Picquet...
I do myself the honor to inform your Excellency that by letters from the Marquis de la Fayette...
I have been favored with your Letter of 30th July—The Reason of my mentioning in my first...
An Anxiety for your Excellency’s safety induces me to transmit a report, I lately rec’d from New...
Your Excellency has undoubtedly been informed of the exposed situation of this part of the...
The Bearer Mr John Loveday informs me that he hath had the Honour to be Reccomended to an Office...
I have received your favors of the 3d and 6th Instants. The bringing forward the Corps of...
We shall think our self infinitely obliged to our very much esteemed and worthy frend Major...
I have received yours of the 4th inst. informg your Arrival with the Corps of Invalids at West...
I wrote you on the 29th of Last in which was inclosed a return of the Number of Men I had at that...
RC ( LC : Rives Collection of Madison Papers). Docketed by JM, “Jameson, D Aug. 10. 1781.” I...
The situation of these states is very unlike that of the United Provinces. Remote as we are from...
I have recd your Letter of the 7th. Shoes will be issued to the State Companies under your...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Having at lenght arrived here after a Most distressd and...
130568[Diary entry: 9 August 1781] (Washington Papers)
9th. A Letter from the Marqs. de la fayette of the 30th. Ulto., reports, that the Embarkation in...
130569General Orders, 9 August 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day Tomorrow Brigadier General Patterson Colonel Webb For Picquet Major Gibbs Inspector...
The bearer Mr John Loveday, having been recommended to the Board, as a person well qualified to...
I have the Honor to inform your Excellency that this morning General Stark arrived here to take...
I have recd your Letter of the 7th. Shoes will be issued to the State Companies under your...
You will be pleased to convene the General Officers now in Camp and with them take into...
Your Excellency will receive inclosed an Act of Congress of the 7th instant, respecting...
Inclosed is the Copy of a letter which I have just recd from Capt. Mitchell commanding the post...
Since I have been in this State I have been peculiarly embarrassed—not only in raising Men—but in...
In complyance to your orders I arrived at Bennington on friday last—and on saturday made a Visit...
This People must have their own Way. They proceed like no other. There cannot be a more striking...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je reçois enfin, mon cher Papa la reponse de la personne que...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received your Favour of the 20th past. That of the 8th...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 31....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous souhaite le bon jour, mon cher Papa, et vous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Though I have nothing to communicate to your Excellency of a...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mde. La Ctesse. de Rochambeau prie Monsieur le docteur...
130585[Diary entry: 8 August 1781] (Washington Papers)
8th. The light Company of the 2d. York Regiment (the first having been down some days) having...
130586General Orders, 8 August 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day tomorrow Major General Parsons Colonel Swift For Picquet Major Trescot Inspector...
J’ai reçu la Lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’écrire, en datte du 2. de ce...
I stand indebted to you for two letters—dated the 26th of Aprl and 29th of May—the reason why I...
This letter will, probably, be delivered to you by Mr Fitzhugh—third son to Colo. Fitzhugh of...
I do myself the honor in inform Congress, thro’ your Excellency, that a late meeting between the...
I was surprised at finding by yours of the 1st Inst. that you were distressed for want of...
On Saturday the 29th ult. the Commissioners for detecting conspiracies received information that...
I have recd your favor of the 6th inclosing Copies of the late letters which have passed between...
His Excellency the Commander in Cheif desires you will take immediate and effectual measures, to...
Your Excellency’s letter of the third instant is received—We have exerted ourselves to obtain...
I have at last been honored with your Excellency’s commands. The following papers (the first I...
We have many American Vessels arrivd within these five or six days past most of them belonging to...
In the necessaries delivered for my corps, two days since, there were only two wall tents which...
The other day I applied to Col. Tilghman for an order for Shoes for the Two Companies of levies....
130600[Diary entry: 7 August 1781] (Washington Papers)
7th. Urged Governor Greene of Rhode Island to keep up the number of Militia required of that...