George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Shepard, 7 August 1781

Springfield August 7th 1781


That your Excellency may the Better know the State of matters at this Post, shall observe the depertment is more lively then last Winter and are doing business to advantage—some Superfluous officers remain, expect Dailey to hear from Genl Cornell—who left the arrangment not Compleated for some further Consult.

The most of the stores calld for at this Post have been forwarded.

some of the Recruits that was to Rendezvous at this Place are yet wanting—Inclosd is a Return of the State of the Recruits of the Counties of Worcester—Hampshire & Barkshire; Bristol are by a late order directed to Boston—But have Noted the No. Received here on my Return—The officer Detained by me to take on Recruits are all sent on—have none but Capt. Banister of the 4th M. Regt—who has assisted in the whole of the Business—this Post has been something Perplexing—I begin to be uneasy out of the Field But hope it will not be long befor the Remainder of the Recruits will be on—as some are coming for 12 Months—some for 9—and some for 6: Do—and to be Releaved by other good Men befor they leave the Field. shall wait you Excellencies orders which I shall ever obey with the greatest Pleasure—and am your Excellencies most obedient Humbe Servt

Wm Shepard

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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