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Results 130411-130440 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
130411 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 20 December … 1802-12-20 I enclose the proposals made for building the marine hospital ; and also some objections made by...
130412 Munroe, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Munroe, 20 December … 1802-12-20 Pursuant to the sixth section of the Act of Congress , of last Session, intituled “An Act to...
130413 Snelson, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Snelson, 20 December … 1802-12-20 Pardon me for the liberty I have taken in addressing you on a Subject So Interesting to my self...
130414 Voigt, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Voigt, 20 December 1802 1802-12-20 Having been employed as coiner of the mint of the United States for several years, and...
130415 Wingate, Joshua Jr. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joshua Wingate, Jr., 20 … 1802-12-20 I have been directed by the Secretary of War to transmit you “the detailed Statement of the...
130416 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 21 December … 1802-12-21 The Secretary of State, to whom the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the United...
130417 St. Clair, Arthur Madison, James To James Madison from Arthur St. Clair, 21 December … 1802-12-21 Your Letter of the 22 November, notifying to me that the President had determined that, upon the...
130418 Madison, James Pichon, Louis-André From James Madison to Louis-André Pichon, 21 December … 1802-12-21 21 December 1802, Department of State. Encloses an “account [not found] stated at the Navy...
130419 Claiborne, William C. C. Madison, James To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 21 … 1802-12-21 21 December 1802, “ Near Natchez .” The legislature met at Washington [Mississippi Territory] on...
130420 Jefferson, Thomas Armstrong, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Armstrong, 21 December … 1802-12-21 I informed General Kosciuszko of your kind attention to the location of his lands, and of your...
130421 Ceracchi, Therese Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Therese Ceracchi, 21 December … 1802-12-21 La malheureuse famille du Sculpteur Ceracchi, pour le quel vous avez eu mille bontés pendant son...
130422 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 21 December … 1802-12-21 If there be any doubt about the position of the Marine hospital at Boston, we are hardly...
130423 Madison, James To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 21 December … 1802-12-21 The Secretary of State, to whom the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the United...
130424 Adams, John Sewall, David From John Adams to David Sewall, 22 December 1802 1802-12-22 When I resolved, if I could, to give Peace to my Country in Opposition to the Selfish and...
130425 Madison, James Coxe, Daniel William From James Madison to Daniel William Coxe, 22 December … 1802-12-22 I have received your communication of the 16th. inst. and am obliged to you for the extract from...
130426 Madison, James Pinckney, Charles From James Madison to Charles Pinckney, 22 December … 1802-12-22 Mr. William Cook, who in the course of last year, sustained a severe loss, at Havana, attended...
130427 Madison, James President of the Senate From James Madison to the President of the Senate, 22 … 1802-12-22 In pursuance of the “Act to revive and continue in force certain parts of the ‘Act for the relief...
130428 Madison, James Blicherolsen, Peder From James Madison to Peder Blicherolsen, 22 December … 1802-12-22 22 December 1802, Department of State. Returns the commission and encloses an exequatur [not...
130429 Barclay, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Barclay, 22 December 1802 … 1802-12-22 22 December 1802, Washington. “Being out of business for a length of time it is much my wish to...
130430 Gallatin, Albert Madison, James To James Madison from Albert Gallatin, 22 December 1802 … 1802-12-22 22 December 1802, Treasury Department. Encloses a copy of a letter from the collector at Salem...
130431 Pichon, Louis-André Madison, James To James Madison from Louis-André Pichon, 22 December … 1802-12-22 22 December 1802, Georgetown. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s 21 Dec. note enclosing a memorandum of...
130432 Blicher Olsen, Peder Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Peder Blicher Olsen, 22 … 1802-12-22 The emotion Your extraordinary goodness and offer have produced on me, is to strong to allow me,...
130433 Gorton, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Gorton, 22 December … 1802-12-22 I have taken the liberty to present you with a Scriptural account of the Millennium or Christs...
130434 Jefferson, Thomas House of Representatives From Thomas Jefferson to the House of Representatives … 1802-12-22 I now transmit a report from the Secretary of state with the information requested in your...
130435 Snelson, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Snelson, 22 December … 1802-12-22 Since my Request to you of 20th. Ulto.—have Observed in the Gazett of this place three Mercantile...
130436 Worthington, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Worthington, 22 … 1802-12-22 I have the honour to enclose to you a copy of the constitution of the state of Ohio together with...
130437 Madison, James King, Rufus From James Madison to Rufus King, 23 December 1802 1802-12-23 In the latter end of last month we received information from New Orleans of the interdiction of...
130438 Clark, Daniel Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Clark, 23 December 1802 1802-12-23 At the very moment of departure I have received a Letter from Paris advising, that Genl. Victor...
130439 Gavino, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Gavino, 23 December 1802 … 1802-12-23 23 December 1802, Gibraltar. No. 108. Has not received a letter from JM since his last dispatch,...
130440 Kirkpatrick, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Kirkpatrick, 23 December … 1802-12-23 23 December 1802, Málaga. Transmits a copy of his letter of 15 Dec. sent by the Constellation ....