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Results 130401-130450 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
20 December 1802, Hamburg. “My last Respects were under 5th. October, Since which no direct opportunity offering I have not thought it necessary to address you by the way of England.” The political state of Europe is still uncertain. The king’s speech and subsequent parliamentary debates are “the best materials for a Correct judgement” of the mutual dissatisfaction existing between Great...
20 December 1802, Baltimore. “The situation of my Family … added to the great derangements made in Commercial Matters by the Peace—renders my Return to Europe very injurious to them & my own affairs.” Resigns his consular position at Rotterdam to which he was appointed “some time since.” Recommends Lawson Alexander, who “has since my Departure been acting as Agent for the Consulate.” “He is a...
Letter not found. 20 December 1802, Louisville, Kentucky. Acknowledged in Wagner to Vail, 4 Jan. 1803 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as a request to be paid for publishing the laws of the U.S. Wagner replied, “Some mistake has taken place thro’ which you have printed the laws of the United States in your Gazette. It was not intended that they should have been printed at Louisville Kentucky, but a...
Since the letter I had the honor to address to the department of State 14th. ult. nothing material has occurred here. But the changeable aspect of affairs in Europe forebode changes here, as elsewhere, not wholly indifferent to the United States. The treaty of Amiens, like a cancer in the breast, preys on the vital sources of Great Britain: if she collect fortitude to bear the torture it will...
My last Respects were under 5th. October, Since which no direct opportunity offering I have not thought it necessary to address you by the way of England. The Same uncertainty in the political State of Europe Still exists. Every Day affords new proof of mutual dissatisfaction between England & France. On this Subject, the best materials for a Correct judgement are the King’s Speech and the...
The situation of my Family which is in this Country added to the great derangements made in Commercial Matters by the Peace—renders my Return to Europe very injurious to them & my own affairs. I am therefore oblidged to yield to the imperious necessaty which forbids my return & longer to enjoy the satisfaction of serving the Goverment at Rotterdam to which Place I was appointed Consul some...
Your great and widely appreciated concern for the welfare of the noble American nation is so well known that there is little need for my pitiable praise. Nevertheless, the very encouragement you offer to foreigners and observers in the most distant locations emboldens me to present a piece of writing to Your Eminence. This writing has as its principal purpose guaranteeing the safety of the...
On my Arrival from the north of Italy I had the pleasure of receiving my Commission for the Island of Sicily in the month of Novr. brought by Commodore Morris, and left in care of my friend Mr Appleton from whose hand I reced. it. I am well persuaded Mr Jefferson will excuse me for observing, that I did flatter myself I should have reced. the appointment for the two Sicilies , which include...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to Mr. Brooke Speaker of the Senate of Virginia, and availing himself of the moment when the confidence of his country has placed him where the little volume accompanying this may be a convenience, he asks his acceptance of it as a testimony of the respect of the giver. RC (Julian Goldman, New York City, 1947). Not recorded in SJL . Enclosure: TJ’s A...
I dont know whether it is proper for me to make this application to you or not—if is not proper it is the effect of mis[take.] The Death of Mr. Clark Judge of the Indiana Terrory makes a vacancy there: It would be a great acccomodation to me be appointed his successor. I live Convinent to the Territory—know the people and am known to them—Thire was not a Law Character on the Bench—My success...
I enclose the proposals made for building the marine hospital ; and also some objections made by Doctr. Eustis as to the site & plan. Are they sufficient to induce a postponement & inquiry. The consequence of the delay will probably be that the building cannot be completed till summer of 1804, instead of being done in the course of next year. A. M’Clene has called on me, and on coming to an...
Pursuant to the sixth section of the Act of Congress , of last Session, intituled “An Act to abolish the Board of Commissioners in the City of Washington, and for other purposes,” and under your direction of the 16th June last, I proceeded with all possible diligence to prepare a Statement of all the Lots of the description in the said Section mentioned; and on the 19th. of that Month...
Pardon me for the liberty I have taken in addressing you on a Subject So Interesting to my self as the preasent one, vizt. by the hand of providence my little family the last Summer was cut off and is no more & am left my Self as it ware a Single man, in this place Soliciting your Survilities to give me aid as a Cleark in the House of Mr. Daniel Ludlow of this City or any Mercantile house that...
Having been employed as coiner of the mint of the United States for several years, and understanding that either a total abolishion, or a considerable alteration would be made in its Organization, I have reflected with a good deal of attention on the most Economical and advantagious plan of conducting that business, supposing it to be continued by an Act of Congress. But as it is not my duty...
I have been directed by the Secretary of War to transmit you “the detailed Statement of the expenditures and application of all the public monies which have passed through the Quarter Master Generals Department from the 1st. of January 1797 to the 31st. of December 1801, and a similar account of the Contingent Expences of the War Department”—Made agreeable to a resolution of the House of...
The Secretary of State, to whom the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the United States of the 17th inst, was referred by the President, has the honor to inclose to him, the letters and communications annexed from the Governor of the Mississippi Territory, the Governor of Kentucky and from Wm E. Hulings formerly appointed Vice Consul of the United States at New Orleans. In addition...
Your Letter of the 22 November, notifying to me that the President had determined that, upon the receipt of that Letter, my Commission of Governor of the north western Territory should cease, was delivered to me by Mr. Secretary Byrd, on the fourteenth day of this Month. I request of you, Sir, to present my humble thanks to the President for that favour, as he has thereby discharged me from an...
21 December 1802, Department of State. Encloses an “account [not found] stated at the Navy Department of monies paid to individuals of the French Nation at the solicitation of the Agents of the French government.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p.
21 December 1802, “ Near Natchez .” The legislature met at Washington [Mississippi Territory] on 5 Dec. Encloses a copy of the address he delivered on 8 Dec. to an assembly of both houses “together with the answers returned.” David Ker received his commission “by the last mail” and has undertaken his official duties. Ker’s appointment has satisfied “ a great portion ” of the citizenry, and he...
I informed General Kosciuszko of your kind attention to the location of his lands, and of your refusal to accept of any thing for it, expressing a pleasure at the opportunity of rendering him a service, and he in answer desires you to be assured how sensible he is of this mark of recollection & friendship, and the pleasure he has recieved from this testimony of regard from an old brother...
La malheureuse famille du Sculpteur Ceracchi, pour le quel vous avez eu mille bontés pendant son séjour en Amérique, se trouve en proie aux horreurs de l’indigence la plus horrible et dans l’affreuse Circonstance de périr de misere à chaque instant. Veuve, avec six enfans, hors d’état de gagner leur pain, je ne vis plus que de larmes amères, rongée par le plus noir chagrin. Ma situation empire...
If there be any doubt about the position of the Marine hospital at Boston, we are hardly competent here to decide it. I should have supposed it might be decided by Genl. Lincoln as a military man as well as a citizen. would Doctr. Eustis think it better to join the Govr. or any other person or persons with the Genl. to fix on the best position? I suggest this for your consideration.   With...
The Secretary of State, to whom the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the United States of the 17th inst, was referred by the President, has the honor to inclose to him, the letters and communications annexed from the Governor of the Mississippi Territory, the Governor of Kentucky and from Wm E. Hulings formerly appointed Vice Consul of the United States at New Orleans. In addition...
When I resolved, if I could, to give Peace to my Country in Opposition to the Selfish and ambitions Views, of a few of the Federalist, who never knew the Character and temper of the American People, nor their true Interest a Peter Porcupine and a John Ward Fenno, under the direction of McDonald the British Commissioner and William Smith the Agent for British Creditor, began to Squirt their ink...
I have received your communication of the 16th. inst. and am obliged to you for the extract from your Agent’s letter which it covered. The infraction of our treaty involved in the proceedings of the Intendant at New Orleans is as evident, as the consequences of persisting in it must be injurious and irritating. Mr. Pinckney has been charged to make the proper representations at Madrid, in...
Mr. William Cook, who in the course of last year, sustained a severe loss, at Havana, attended with circumstances of rigor and cruelty, and which he attributes to the Government there, has requested me to recommend his case to your attention: this I do with pleasure, but subject to the condition, that any interposition you shall use is not to be of such a nature as to affect the general mass...
In pursuance of the “Act to revive and continue in force certain parts of the ‘Act for the relief and protection of American seamen,’ and to amend the same,” I have the Honor to lay before the Senate Abstracts of the Returns made to me by the Collectors of the Customs within the United States, of Registered and of impressed American seamen; to which is added a Report, exhibiting an Abstract of...
22 December 1802, Department of State. Returns the commission and encloses an exequatur [not found] for Francis Taylor as Danish vice-consul in Virginia. Assures Blicherolsen of his “high consideration.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p.
22 December 1802, Washington. “Being out of business for a length of time it is much my wish to be employed in your Office as a Clerk, if there should be a vacancy and you should think me deserving.… I have been unfortunate in trade and have a large family to support I am therefore obliged to solicit your assistance.” Would be happy with any situation and could give satisfaction “in a short...
22 December 1802, Treasury Department. Encloses a copy of a letter from the collector at Salem questioning the construction of article 13 of the Jay treaty. The collector’s opinion “on first impression, appears correct,” but since it implies a government obligation to enforce the observance of the article on American merchant vessels that have arrived in the U.S. from the East Indies, desires...
22 December 1802, Georgetown. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s 21 Dec. note enclosing a memorandum of the funds the Navy Department claims from Pichon. “The 1st. item arising from advances made to the officers of the Berceau has been repaid to the United States by a deduction of so much made at the Treasury on the last moiety restored of the Sums captured on the Said officers.” Recollects that the...
The emotion Your extraordinary goodness and offer have produced on me, is to strong to allow me, at the present moment any other expression, but that of admiration and gratitude. I respectfully accept and thank—Sir Yours very humble and obedient servant RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 22 Dec. Peder Blicher Olsen (also Blicherolsen) arrived in the United States in July 1801 as consul...
I have taken the liberty to present you with a Scriptural account of the Millennium or Christs Reign on Earth a Thousand years, not that I Suppose you ignorant of that important event—but fearing you like many others may not have Sufficiently contemplated the Subject in all its parts—have as a friend to your never dying Soul thought propper to put you in remembrance More fully of that...
I now transmit a report from the Secretary of state with the information requested in your resolution of the 17th. instant. In making this communication , I deem it proper to observe that I was led by the regard due to the rights and interests of the United States and to the just sensibility of the portion of our fellow citizens more immediately affected by the irregular proceeding at New...
Since my Request to you of 20th. Ulto.—have Observed in the Gazett of this place three Mercantile houses that ar in Want of a Cleark, but my beeing here a Stranger & not having no Letters to recommend me only prevents my getting a birth here If your address to Mr D Ludlow in my favour could be obtained so fare as your Knowledge of me Serves while doeing Business for Ro. Rives & Co Milton,...
I have the honour to enclose to you a copy of the constitution of the state of Ohio together with a communication from the convention of that state With sentiments of the highest respect I have the honour to be Your Obt St RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ. Recorded in SJL as received 22 Dec. Enclosures: (1) Constitution of the State of Ohio...
In the latter end of last month we received information from New Orleans of the interdiction of the deposit there for our merchandize, stipulated by the Treaty with Spain; without an equivalent establishment being assigned. A copy of the Intendant’s proclamation to that effect is inclosed. Private accounts render it probable that the Governor of the Province openly dissented from that Act, but...
At the very moment of departure I have received a Letter from Paris advising, that Genl. Victor the Capt. General of Louisiana with his Etat Major, Monsr. J. J. Ayme the Commissaire de Justice with all the other officers of the new Administration of that Country, had set off about the 11th. Inst. for Holland to embark for New Orleans without delay. The Prefect had departed 2 or 3 days before...
23 December 1802, Gibraltar. No. 108. Has not received a letter from JM since his last dispatch, no. 107 [18 Dec. 1802] . Has received a 7 Dec. letter from Captain Barron at Mahón, a copy of which he sent to Robert Smith requesting that he show it to JM. Has heard Barron was still at Mahón on 14 Dec. “and had got his foremast in.” “The Master of an Engh: Vessel from Genoa who arrived three...
23 December 1802, Málaga. Transmits a copy of his letter of 15 Dec. sent by the Constellation . Has since received a 17 Dec. notice from vice-consul Gorman that the John Adams touched at Almería and proceeded on, “as the Moorish Cruizers had disappeared from that Coast.” Encloses a copy of Gorman’s communications as well as a letter from Degen, Purviance, & Company transmitting a copy of a...
Without the honor of any of yours since my last dispatch No. 107 under 18. Inst. I have since then received a Letter from Capn. Barron dated Mahon 7th. Inst. Copy of which I sent the Honl. Secy. of the Navy and requested his laying same before you; by a Vessel since arrived I find he was still there the 14th. and had got his foremast in. The Master of an Engh. Vessel from Genoa, who arrived...
I beg leave to refer you to the inclosed Copy of the last Letter I had the Honor of writing to you on the 15 Instant by the U.S. Frigate Constellation. I have since received advice from Mr. Gorman Vice Consul at Almeria dated 17 Inst, that the John Adams Capt Rodgers had arrived there & immediately proceeded on his Voyage, as the Moorish Cruizers had disappeared from that Coast. You have...
We yesterday reelected Mr. Mason to the Senate with an almost unanimous vote—I should have written to you last Evening but I was anxious to give You the issue of an affair between George Hay & Callender. An abusive piece appeared against Mr. Hay in the Recorder about ten days since—Hay accidentally meeting with Callender gave him very freely a good cudgel—Callender was very severely beat & his...
In pursuance of the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 3d. of May last, desiring a statement of expenditures from Jan. 1. 1797. by the Quartermaster General and the Navy agents for the contingencies of the Naval & Military establishments and the Navy contracts for timber & stores, I now transmit such statements from the offices of the Secretaries of the Treasury, War, and Navy,...
1802 His Excellency Thos. Jefferson Esqr. President UStates Dr. To Jones & Kain Sepr. 13. To Mending a pump Handle $ 1 — Octr. 6. To 2 Removes 25 Decr. 23. To a New Body to the pheaton Lined with Moroco 35 — phaeton 35. To 58 feet of molding and 6 Scrolls 32 — 32. 20 
24 December 1802, Fredericktown. “When I had the pleasure of speaking to you, last Spring, in the City of Washington, about printing the Laws of the United States, you was pleased to say you would not forget me.” Assures JM that his paper has the largest circulation of “any inland paper in the Union” and hopes this will cause JM to appoint him one of the printers of the laws. RC ( DNA : RG 59,...
24 December 1802, Philadelphia. Understands that commissioners are about to be appointed under the convention with Spain. Many Philadelphia merchants have expressed “their good oppinion of my Capacity for executing the Duties of that appointment.” Offers his services and asks JM to place his application before the president. “My long residence in Spain, my Connections in that Country and...
24 December 1802, Tangier. No. 53. Acknowledges JM’s 27 July , 22 Aug. , and 21 Oct. letters . Circumstances have changed since the first two were written. Is pleased to learn that the president has approved his actions. Notes that his dispatch no. 51 enclosed a copy of Moroccan minister Selawy’s 20 Sept. letter. Encloses his answer and the minister’s reply. Confined his letter to the chief...
I have the honour to acknowledge your two Letters of 27th. July & 22d. August which reached me the 2d. this Month. I have since also received that of the 21st. October. Circumstances having very materialy changed since the two former were written, it no longer appears necessary for me to trouble you with a detailed reply to the chief contents of them. It afforded me infinite satisfaction to...
F Brooke Returns his thanks to Mr Jefferson for the Book Sent him —Such a Treatise on the Duties of a Situation of which he had little Experience and to which he was unexpectedly Called was very Desirable—he will endeavour to Evince his high respect for its author and the Value he Sets on it by his Constant Exertion to make it as usefull as possible to the respectable Body over which he has...