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Results 1301-1330 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
13011783. April 30. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Hartley did me the Honour of a Visit to assure me, as he said of the Satisfaction he had in reflecting, upon what passed Yesterday, and upon what We had agreed upon. He thought it was exactly as it should be. I was glad to hear of his Satisfaction and expressed my own. I told him that I was so vinced, that Great Britain and America would soon feel the Necessity and Convenience of a right...
1302[May 1783] (Adams Papers)
Dined with the Marquis de la Fayette, with the other American Ministers and others. Visited the Duke and Dutchesse de la Vauguion at the petite Luxembourg. The Duke is to stay here some time. I told him he and I were in the same Case, and explained to him my Situation and gave him my frank Sentiments of a certain Minister. He said he was veritablement touché. Mr. Hartley came in to introduce...
13031783 May 1. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Dined with the Marquis de la Fayette, with the other American Ministers and others. Visited the Duke and Dutchesse de la Vauguion at the petite Luxembourg. The Duke is to stay here some time. I told him he and I were in the same Case, and explained to him my Situation and gave him my frank Sentiments of a certain Minister. He said he was veritablement touché.
1304Fryday. May 2. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Hartley came in to introduce to me his Secretary Mr. Hammond, whom he introduced also to mine, Mr. Thaxter and Storer. He told me that the C. de Vergennes had been treating with Mr. Fitsherbert about the Post of Panmure at the Natches, which is within the Limits which England has acknowledged to be the Bounds of the United States. The Spaniards want to keep it, and the C. de Vergennes...
13051783 May 3. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
When We met Mr. Hartley on Tuesday last at Mr. Laurens’s, I first saw and first heard of Mr. Livingstons Letter to Dr. Franklin upon the Subject of Peace dated Jany. 7. 1781, but indorsed by Dr. F. Jany. 7. 1782. The Peace is made, and the Negotiations all passed before I knew of this Letter and at last by Accident.—Such is Dr. Franklin. Visited Mr. Jay. Found him, his Lady, Miss Laurens and...
13061783 Monday May 5. (Adams Papers)
Dined with my Family at C. Sarsefields. The Dukes de la Vauguion and de la Rochefaucault, Mr. Jay &c. of the Party.
1307Tuesday May 6. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Jays. Lt. General Mellville, who is here to solicit for the Inhabitants of Tobago, the Continuance of their Assembly and Tryals by Jury, was there.
1308Wednesday May 7. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Caluns Calonne’s .
1309Thursday May 8. (Adams Papers)
The Duke de la Vauguion and Mr. Hartley, Mr. Laurens and Jay, Mr. Barclay and Ridley, dined with me. Thomas Barclay (1728–1793) , a Philadelphia merchant, had been elected by Congress United States consul in France, 5 Oct. 1781; on 2 Jan. 1783 he was named consul general. He had business interests at Lorient, but JA first encountered him in Amsterdam, and before long Barclay rented a large...
1310Fryday May 9. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Laurens, with a large Company. The M. de la Fayette shewed me, the Beginning of an Attack upon the Chancellor &c. &c.
1311Saturday. May. 10. (Adams Papers)
Dined with the M. de la Fayette, with a large American Company.
1312Monday May. 19. (Adams Papers)
The American Ministers met Mr. Hartley at my House, and he shewed Us his Commission and We shewed him ours. His Commission is very magnificent, the Great Seal in a Silver Box with the Kings Arms engraven on it, with two large gold Tassells &c. as usual. In the margin: The Commissions of the Comtes de Vergennes and D’Aranda, on the 20. of January, were plainer than ours, and upon Paper. The...
1313Tuesday May 20. (Adams Papers)
Saw Philadelphia Papers to the 12 of April. The Corvette dispatched from Cadiz by the Comte D’Estaing, carried the first News of the Preliminaries of the 20 of January. Mr. Livingston wrote it to Carlton and Digby, but they thought it, however respectable, not authentic for them. Soon after the February Packet arrived, at New York, from whence English News Papers were sent out and the...
1314Wednesday. May 21. (Adams Papers)
What is it, in the Air, which burns? When We blow a Spark with the Bellows, it spreads. We force a current of Air to the Fire, by this machine, and in this Air, are inflammable Particles. Can it be in the same manner that Life is continued by the Breath. Are there any Particles conveyed into the Blood of Animals through the Lungs, which increase the heat of it, or is the Pulse caused by...
1315May 22. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
This Morning I drew the following Letters to be laid before the Ministers this Evening. We have received the Letter you did Us the Honour to write Us on the day of this Month, containing a brief State of the Affairs of the United States in your hands. We see the Difficulties you are in, and are sorry to say that it is not in our Power to afford you any Relief. We have &c. Mr. Grand has laid...
13161783 May 23. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Last Evening, the American Ministers and Secretary met, again at my House, and signed the Letters to Mr. Grand and to the Bankers at Amsterdam. Mr. Laurens gave it as his Opinion that the Ballance of Trade, for the future between Great Britain and America would be in favour of the latter. I asked him what in that Case would become of the former? He replied She must be humble.... She has...
13171783 Sunday May 25. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Hartley came in, and shew me a Letter concerning his Beloved Sister whose Case is very dangerous and keeps him in deep Affliction. She is his Housekeeper and Friend. She examines his Writings, and proposes Corrections. She has transcribed his Papers, his American Letters &c. She has laboured much for America, &c. I made a Transition, and asked what News from England? He said none. I told...
1318Monday May 26. (Adams Papers)
I hope for News to day, from the Hague. Probably concerning the sailing date of P. J. van Berckel, who had been appointed minister from the Dutch Republic to the United States. JA had for some time entertained the hope that the negotiation in Paris would be completed in time for him to accompany Van Berckel. In a letter of 23 May Dumas informed JA that the Dutch minister would sail about 15...
1319[June 1783] (Adams Papers)
The Loadstone is in Possession of the most remarkable, wonderfull and misterious Property in Nature. This Substance is in the Secret of the whole Globe. It must have a Sympathy with the whole Globe. It is governed by a Law and influenced by some active Principle that pervades and operates from Pole to pole, and from the Surface to the Center and the Antipodes. It is found in all Parts of the...
13201783 June 1. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
The Loadstone is in Possession of the most remarkable, wonderfull and misterious Property in Nature. This Substance is in the Secret of the whole Globe. It must have a Sympathy with the whole Globe. It is governed by a Law and influenced by some active Principle that pervades and operates from Pole to pole, and from the Surface to the Center and the Antipodes. It is found in all Parts of the...
13211783 June [8]. (Adams Papers)
Went to Versailles on the Day of Pentecôte.
1322June 17. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Went to Versailles, had a Conference with the C omte de V ergennes .—Made my Court with the Corps Diplomatick, to the King, Queen, Monsieur, Madame, the C. D’Artois, Madame Elizabeth, Madames Victoire and Adelaide. Dined with the Ambassadors. Had much Conversation with the Ambassadors of Spain, Sardinia, Mr. Markoff, from Russia, the Dutch Ambassadors, &c.—It was to me, notwithstanding the...
1323Wednesday. June 18. (Adams Papers)
Visited the Duke de la Vauguion, and had a long Conversation with him. He was glad to hear I had been plusieurs fois a Versailles dernierement. The Duke said he had conversed with the C. de V. and had told him, he thought it would be for the Good of the common Cause, if there were more Communication between him and me. I told him that I had expressed to the C. a desire to be informed of the...
The Processions were less brillant than ordinary on Account of the Storm. Went with Mr. Hartley in his Carriage to Passy where he made his Propositions for the Definitive Treaty. We had a long Conversation about De Fonte’s Voyage from Peru to Hudsons Bay. He says he found an Inlet and a River which he entered, and navigated untill he came to a Lake in which he left his Ship and followed the...
1325[July 1783] (Adams Papers)
I satt off in October for Paris where I arrived on the 26th of Oct. 1782, where the Peace has been made, and I returned here last Night. This memorandum appears in a letterbook entitled by JA “Holland Vol. 3” (Lb/JA/18, Adams Papers, Microfilms , Reel No. 106). Before the end of June JA was convinced that there was no hope of obtaining any commercial concessions from Great Britain, and an...
1326The Hague July 23 1783. (Adams Papers)
I satt off in October for Paris where I arrived on the 26th of Oct. 1782, where the Peace has been made, and I returned here last Night. This memorandum appears in a letterbook entitled by JA “Holland Vol. 3” (Lb/JA/18, Adams Papers, Microfilms , Reel No. 106). Before the end of June JA was convinced that there was no hope of obtaining any commercial concessions from Great Britain, and an...
1327[September 1783] (Adams Papers)
This Morning, I went out to Passy, and Dr. Franklin put into my hand the following Resolution of Congress, which he received last night, vizt., By the United States in Congress assembled, May 1. 1783. on the Report of a Committee, to whom was referred a Letter of Feb. 5 from the Honble. J. Adams. Ordered that a Commission be prepared to Mess rs . John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay,...
1328Paris Septr. 7. 1783. (Adams Papers)
This Morning, I went out to Passy, and Dr. Franklin put into my hand the following Resolution of Congress, which he received last night, vizt., By the United States in Congress assembled, May 1. 1783. on the Report of a Committee, to whom was referred a Letter of Feb. 5 from the Honble. J. Adams. Ordered that a Commission be prepared to Mess rs . John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay,...
1329[October 1783] (Adams Papers)
Septr. 14. Mr. Thaxter took his Leave of me to return to America, with the definitive Treaty of Peace and the original Treaty with the States General.—I had been some days unwell, but soon fell down in a Fever. Sir James Jay, who was my Physician, gave me a vomit, &c. &c. On the 22d of September, I removed from the grand Hotel du Roi, to Mr. Barclays at Auteuil, where I have continued to this...
Septr. 14. Mr. Thaxter took his Leave of me to return to America, with the definitive Treaty of Peace and the original Treaty with the States General.—I had been some days unwell, but soon fell down in a Fever. Sir James Jay, who was my Physician, gave me a vomit, &c. &c. On the 22d of September, I removed from the grand Hotel du Roi, to Mr. Barclays at Auteuil, where I have continued to this...