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I received Your Letter of Feb ry 23. and was glad to learn that you were well, for from not hearing from you from the time of ordination I was fearfull that the fatigue had made You sick. we have now arrived to the 5 th of March with a small quantity of snow upon the ground and the weather mild. with You I suppose there is much more; Congress might easily accomplish the buisness necessary for...
What a Charming Letter have I received from my ever Dear and valued Sister, how repleat with benevolence. Surely she openeth her Mouth with Wisdom, and upon her Tongue is the Law of Kindness. Not an avenue to the Heart, which her pen cannot trace, not a Chord which her skill cannot strike. How soothing how comforting how encourageing are her Words, and such My Dear Sister have I need of, in...
Our Country is as it were a Secondary God, and the first and greatest parent. It is to be perferred to parents, to wives, children, Friends and all things the Gods only excepted. These are the considerations which prevail with me to consent to a most painfull Seperation. I have not known how to take my pen to write to you. I have been happy and unhappy. I have had many contending passions...
I should not so soon have ventured to interrupt your more important avocations by an other Scrible, having writen you a few Days since, if it was not to inform you of the loss of your Letters by Mr. Preston. He says that when he landed at Dover, he was very sick, and that he could not accompany his trunk to the Custom House, into which for security he had put his Letters, but upon his arrival...
I had the Honour of addressing you yesterday and informing you of the safe arrival of your daughter. She was but just come when I sent of my letter by the post, and the poor little Girl was very unhappy being wholy left to strangers. This however lasted only a few Hours, and Miss is as contented to day as she was misirable yesterday. She is indeed a fine child. I have taken her out to day and...
I received yesterday your Letter of Jan’ry 6th, with the News papers to the 7th Clapole excepted; which usually has the first debates, so that I got no debate later than I received on saturday of the 5th However inaccurate the Printers may report the debates in Philadelphia: is best known to those who deliver, and those who hear them. when curtaild, and retaild by our Printers they are...
I wrote to Mr. S A—— the same day I received your Letter, but not a syllable of information have I yet collected from him. No Alliance yet arrived—it will afford me some releif to be scribling to somebody who will hear me, who will attend to me and answer my Queries, and tho Mr. L ovel l has heretofore wrote rather problematically with regard to the situation of my absent Friend I beg of him...
I received your Letter by this days post I began to be anxious to hear from my Friends at Quincy. I cannot but say that I was astonishd at some of its contents. I could not believe that any Gentleman would have had so little delicacy or so small a sense of propriety as to have written a more vague opinion, and that of a Lady too, to be read in a publick assembly as an authority. the Man must...
I promised to write to you from the Hague, but your uncles unexpected arrival at London prevented me. Your uncle purchased an Excellent travelling Coach in London, and hired a post chaise for our servants. In this manner We travelled from London to Dover, accommodated through England with the best of Horses postilions, and good carriages, clean neat appartments, genteel entertainment, and...
You know not How dissapointed I was to Night when the Post came in and I received no Letter from You. Tis the first Saturdays post which has come in since I have been in Town without a Letter from you. It has given me more pain to Night than it would any other time, because of some Falce and foolish reports I hope. I will not, more than I can help, give way to rumours which I have no reason to...
I cannot omit so good an opportunity as the present by my son of paying my respects to you, and of acknowledging the honor done him by the unsolicited appointment conferd upon him by the President at a very early period of Life I devoted him to the publick, and in the most dangerous and hazardous time of the War consented that he should accompany his Father in his embassys abroad, considering...
I received your obliging favour of April 7 th on the 18 of this Month, for which accept my sincere thank— To hear of the Health, and Welfare, of old, and Esteemed Friends, gives pleasure to her, who sincerely rejoices, that the decline of Life, of all those, whom she highly values; is renderd agreeable by the enjoyment of Health, Peace, and Competance.— Blessing at all periods valuable but...
The vessel which was up for Hamburgh by which I promised to write has changed her Voyage, and the vessel for London is just upon the point of sailing, so that I have only time to inform you that your old Friend William Vans Murray is appointed your successer. This will give you pleasure, because he is a sensible Worthy Man, and a firm Friend to his Country. You will now be released, and...
I have received two Letters from you, since my arrival in this city. the sickness of your Brother Thomas must be my excuse for not sooner noticing the first, which I certainly should have done immediatly if your Father had not told me that he had written to you, and particularly answerd that part which proposed a visit to us. I certainly cannot have the least objection but should be most...
Mr S. and Mr Blount set off tomorrow for London and have engaged to call this Evening for Letters. We have not received a line from you except what these gentlemen brought us, this is the fourth time I have written to you. If politeness and attention could render a place agreeable, I have had more reason to be pleased with this Country, than any other, that I have visited, and when I get...
I received your two Letters of June 18 & 22 yesterday. The expences upon the out House I wish to have in a seperate account, the painting the dewelling House & any repairs made Else where in the General account. you will therefore Credit me 500 dollors upon account of the out Building, and what remains I will either remit or Settle when ever I shall come, which I hope will be in the month...
I cannot omit by this opportunity acquainting you that on Sunday the August packet arrived in which came Mr. Church and brought us Letters from our son to our no small joy. He arrived the 17 of july after a very tedious passage. He was however in good Health and Spirits. Mr. Adams has at Length received some Letters from the president, from Mr. Jay and a private Letter from Mr. Gerry, together...
It was not untill the 21 of April that your Letter of December 1st. reach’d me, tho forwarded by Mr. Elworthy the 2 of Feb’ry. Where it has lain ever since I cannot divine, as many letters from all quarters come to us weekly. The contents of yours were not so political as to have made it necessary to have detaind them so long, four hundred and fifty thousand livres anual Salary to the...
I received your Letter of June 21— I cannot but feel very anxious for your Health. the Hot season is fast approaching, and the city will soon become sickly. the feverish habit of which you complain, and which seems to be rivited to your constitution, will expose you to the disorders incident to the season; I have sufferd so much from the same complaint that I know full well how to sympathize...
I received two day ago yours of Jan’ ry 6 th with the Pamphlet, and last Evening our Son brought me yours of the 9th. When he comes, his first request is, to read all the Letters which I have received since his last visit. I usually grant him this indulgence. the compliment of “Learning force of Reasoning Style” &c barely compensated for the censure which follow’d. he felt it a little hard to...
Your two Letters of May 7th and 15th reachd me yesterday, and I was puzzeld a long time to find out what you could mean by the card, till your Neice, now really Mrs Smith, said that She recollected winding the ribbon upon a card of invitation which happend to lie by her, from Mrs Smith of Clapham, a Lady I have mentiond formerly to you, whose Husband is a Member of Parliament. You was however...
I have written twice to you by way of New York, but do not find by yours that either of them had reachd you, nor have I learnt that Captain Folger was arrived who had all my Letters, except one to mrs Cranch by Captain Cushing. in those Letters you will find what I wisht to have done to the House, as well as other matters respecting our Farm I believe this will be the last Letter I shall write...
I hear from you by way of your mother, & rejoice to learn that you & your little ones enjoy heath this winter. it would give me pleasure to look in upon you, & my other friends as formerly; particularly as my heath is much firmer than last winter. I have in a great measure recoved my sleep again; tho a small matter will put my feeble frame out of tune. I have been enabled to perform the duties...
Your favour of december 19 was deliverd me this day. I would not omit by this post to thank you for it, and for your confidential communications. I cannot however comprehend your Letter to my best Friend for want of the promised key. I am more reconciled to ambiguity and ciphers, than formerly, and not a little thankfull, that the Robberies have been committed now rather than twelve Months...
Your Letters of october 23 and your last by capt Lyde gave me great pleasure, and the account your uncle Aunt and other Friends give me of your conduct and behaviour makes me very happy. A perceverence in the same steady course will continue to you the regard and Esteem of every worthy character and what is of infinate more importance your own peace of mind and the Approbation of your Maker. I...
I left Philadelphia on twesday Noon the 24 of April. my first stage was only twenty miles. I bore it better than I expected. the next day rode only 18. Rain came on & the Roads were Miry indeed. we did not get to this place till fryday Evening. here I find a vacancy which cannot be supplied, tho all my Friends are good & kind. the first being who welcomed me to the House, and met me at the...
Capt. Caznew is now just about to sail. I wrote large packets to go by him a month ago, but hearing Capt. Trash was going from Newbury to Bilboa I sent them by him. It was thought that Caznew would not sail till Febry. But all of a suden I am calld upon unprepaird having but an hours warning—he shall not however go without a line or two. Your last which I have received was by way of...
To you I am largely indebted for domestick intelligence and many valuable Letters. I have not found a single opportunity of writing to you since captain Callihan saild, except by way of Newyork which I have improved but once least I should put you to expence. Col Smith wrote a few lines in my Name to Mr Cranch with a bundle of Newspapers which he said should go by a private hand. I did not...
I received by Saturdays post Yours of Nov br 8 th , and was happy to find that you had got well to Philadelphia, and that there was a fair prospect of Peace on all sides. I was fearfull that they would make a senate before you reachd Philadelphia. Butlers conduct is much like the Man, unsteady and wavering. the Democrats have found a spirit in the Body of the people too enlightned, & too...
It is with inexpressible pleasure that I enclose to you a letter from your brother, and that I can tell you, that I last night received four letters of various dates from your papa, and one so late as the 6th of November. I would send forward the letters, but know not how to part with them. Your papa writes that he has enjoyed uncommon health for him, since his arrival in France; that your...
I am very sorry to find by your Mammas Letters that you are unwell. I wish you could have made an excursion with me to have visited your Relations in this country We often talkd of you, and I always told them how good you all were, at which they appeard to be much gratified. Your cousin J Cranch who travelld a great part of the way with us thinks he has a very accurate knowledge of you. I am...
This will be deliverd to you by the children who leave me this day. I hope they will return to their Studies with undiminishd zeal, they have had three months dissipation, in which I hope they have not acquired any ill habits, but close application will be necessary for them to retrieve the past time. William if he chuses may be fitted for colledge by the next july twelvemonths and it is the...
Your Letter to me informing me of the Death of your dear Parent, and my much Loved Aunt, awakened in my Bosom all those tender and Sympathetick emotions, which my own and your loss united. Twice in my Life it hath pleased Heaven that I should taste of a Similar affliction in the loss of a Father and a Mother. Time which has meliorated the poignant anguish; which attends a recent seperation,...
your obliging Letter of November 7 th. came safe to hand, as well as a couple of Hares since Received, for which accept my acknowledgments: I was happy to find that the Books I sent were acceptable to you, tho they painted some of your Countrymen in very black coulours; and one cannot refrain from being affected by the disgraces brought upon their Country from the evil conduct of it’s Members,...
What ever the Majority of the House of Representitives may think of their conduct, and motives, the people, the Sovereign people will Support their constitution, and no stab has ever been more fatal to the Enemies of our Government than what they will now receive from the voice which cries from all New England. our Faith Shall be preserved, we will fullfill our engagements, we will not submit...
after I had closed my Letter Yesterday, I received Yours of the 28th. the Garden seeds are in a small Wooden Box in the garret Chamber over the best Chamber, made for the purpose of Securing them from the mice. the Box is locked and Mrs Porter has the Key, tho she may have forgotten it, it is a long Box unpainted I should like much to have a passage to the Kitchin from the entry; my intention...
I received yesterday by way of Nyork your kind Letter of two dates october 28 & Nov br 8 th a fortnight before I received a Letter sent by captain Bunyan I wrote you by mrs Jeffry & once since by way of Liverpool I designd to have written by the last vessel which saild in dec br but I waited to see how the Election would turn for v. P & the vessel saild without my getting a Letter on Board. no...
Your repeated favours of May 14, May 19 and 30 together with one bearing no date merrit my acknowledgement that amidst so great a Number of correspondents you should so often think of Portia. At the same time a sigh mingels with my gratitude that a Heart so benevolently disposed towards others whose life and Labours are so intirely devoted to the publick Service should have occasion for an...
We are still without Letters from You. the Secretary of State received one dated in December; but no private Letter has reached any of your Family of a later Date than early in Nov’ br , now six Months. I have noticed by the last English papers that many Mails were due from Hamburgh. I fear that Letters from You have been intercepted, or stoped. I have written to You a Number of times since I...
And is there no medium Sir, between terms which might be misconstrued, and the cold formal adieu of mere ceremony tagd with a title. Your Sentimentilist as you are pleased to stile her prizes the Emanations of a pure and friendly Heart, before all the studied complasance of a finished courtier. Uncandid do you say? You never will find Portia so. When the character of the Statesman, the...
By mr Knox our old accquaintance who is appointed consul to dublin I embrace the opportunity of writing to you and acknowledging the Recept of your obliging Letters by col Trumble whom we were all very happy to welcome to his Native Land and who has acquired to Himself and his Country an immortal Fame by his great Genius and talants in painting the Mayor and corporation of this city have...
I received your Letter yesterday of May the 28 th and the Sermons you were so kind as to send me, which I have read with much pleasure. I have received ten from different Gentlemen, and I design to have them bound up in a vol’m— You observe that a uninimity prevails throughout the Country. it does so in a wonderfull degree, and I consider it as a kind interposition of Providence in our favour;...
I have waited with great patience, restraining as much as posible every anxious Idea for 3 Months. But now every Vessel which arrives sits my expectation upon the wing, and I pray my Gaurdian Genious to waft me the happy tidings of your Safety and Welfare. Heitherto my wandering Ideas Rove like the Son of Ulissis from Sea to Sea, and from Shore to Shore, not knowing where to find you....
I am indebted to You for two Letters Since I Wrote to you. Your Letter of december 22 d I thank You for, as well as the other; to me your conduct wanted not any justification or explanation. I am fully Satisfied that You have Weighed every measure, looking much further into concequences than those who censure and condemn. Yet I like to have some reasons to give to those who feel anxious upon...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of three Letters from you since my last. your punctuality and attention deserve commendation; and claim a pardon for any inaccuracies of stile, or manner, which escape your pen. shall I tell you however what Thomas says? “this young man must aim at more accuracy of expression. he must not be slovenly I will take him to task.” you know his way, and I dare Say...
This Letter will not bear you so melancholy tidings, as from the close of my last, I apprehended. our Parent still lives; the ulcer which in my last, I informd you had broken upon her Lungs, and brought on the Symptoms of a speedy dissolution; she had Strength sufficient to Grapple with; all day on Sunday, we expected every moment would be her last, but she fell in to a quieter Sleep; and was...
on thursday I received a Letter from Col Smith informing me of the Birth of a Grandaughter. this You may be sure was much more agreable to me than to have heard of an other Boy. Mrs Smith is finely too, he writes me. this is an additional Blessing, to hear of the safety of our Dear Children abroad, and to receive the news of our Daughters being well abed—and with a Daughter, has given Such a...
I am sorry to say that I write you from my Sick Chamber, where I have been confined for near a week with the Severest attack of the Rhumatism Which I have experienced for many Years in my Limbs. I hope it will not be very durable, but Submission is my lesson, and patience my Study— We last Evening received the port folio containing the Character of your much Loved Friend. I read it with a...
I had my dear Girl such an obligeing visit from you last Night, and such sweet communion with you that it has really overcome the reluctance which I have for my pen, and induced me to take it up, to tell you that my Night was more to my taste than the day, altho that was spent in the company of Ambassadors Barons &c. and was one of the most agreeable parties we have yet entertaind. I do not...
I should not so soon have ventured to interrupt your more important avocations by an other Scrible, having writen you a few Days since, if it was not to inform you of the loss of your Letters by Mr. Preston. He says that when he landed at Dover, he was very sick, and that he could not accompany his trunk to the custom House, into which for Security he had put his Letters. But upon his arrival...