Results 1301-1350 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have all along flattered myself with hopes that I might with Propriety have taken Leave of the Senate and returned home, as soon as the Roads might be settled: But such is the critical State of our public Affairs, and I daily hear Such Doctrines Advanced, and Supported by almost and sometimes quite one half of the Senate, that I shall not prevail on myself to abandon my Post. This Day the...
Providence, April 24, 1794. “The Act continuing the Embargo, and that passed the Second Instant, have come to hand. Is any Bond to be taken for a registered Vessel, bound from One District to another in the United States … in Ballast only? ” ADfS , Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence. See “Treasury Department Circular to the Collectors of the Customs,” April 18, 1794 .
ALS : American Philosophical Society Though I have not the honour of being known to you, I take the liberty of requesting your acceptance of the inclosed Attempt to account for the different quantities of rain, which fall at different heights, and shall esteem myself happy if it meet with your approbation. I am conscious that my solution of this Phaenomenon is liable to many exceptions, and...
I have the honor to enclose you copies of certain communications which have been made to me, respecting the detention of the Registers of vessels of the United States in some of the Islands of his Christian Majesty, in order that such measures may be taken as shall appear adviseable towards preventing in future a practice, which has a tendency either to interfere with the policy of our Laws,...
Extract from the Register of the resolution of the States General of the United provinces, Friday, the 19th of April, 1782. Deliberated by resumption, upon the address and the ulterior address, made by Mr. Adams, the 4th of May, 1781, and the 9th of January, the current year, to the President of the assembly of their high mightinesses, to present to their high mightinesses his letters of...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , November 30, 1758. William Smith, provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia, wrote an account of the institution which appeared at the end of November 1758 in a publication of which he was the principal editor, The American Magazine and Monthly Chronicle for the British Colonies , I (1757–58), Supplement, 630–40. In describing the members of the...
Your favor of the 21st. is recieved in which you mention that mr Clymer has concieved a means which would ensure victory over our enemies the Tripolitans, but not to be communicated until it be known whether it would be adopted. ever glad to recieve every information & hint which may be employed to the public good, it would yet be against my duty to do it on the previous condition of engaging...
Knowing full well the multiplicity & importance of yr business, it would give me more pain than pleasure if I thought your friendship, or respect for me did, in the smallest degree, interfere with it.—At all times I shall be happy to see you, but wish it to be in your moments of leizure—if any such you have. Mrs Washington, myself and family, will have the honor of dining with you in the way...
1309Council of War, 12 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of War held at Gen. McDougals Qua⟨rters⟩ Sept. 12. 1776. Present His Excelly Gen. Washington. Major Gen. Puttnam[,] Heath[,] Spencer[,] Green[,] Brigr Gen. Mifflin[,] Parsons[,] McDougal[,] Nixon[,] Wadsworth[,] Scott[,] Fellows[,] Clinton. The General read a Letter signed by some general Officers proposing that there should be a Reconsideration of the Matter determined in Council...
1310[27th.] (Adams Papers)
Friday dined with the Abbés at Passi.
Mr Hugh Rose of this State will do himself the honour of paying his Respects to Your Excellency and delivering this Letter[.] I pray leave to present him to Your Excelly as a Gentleman of worth and fortune. As my brother in Law and also a Cousin German by birth I cannot be indifferent to Mr Rose’s Reception or happiness on his present tour [.] I have therefore taken the Liberty of presenting...
Receive my assurances of obligation for the politeness and punctuality with which you have answered my question .—Altho’ I conceived it proper, without any loss of time, to make such applications as might insure the preservation and advancement of the Museum, particularly as at the present moment many of the articles are piled in confusion on each other for want of Room; Yet I have determined...
I have great Satisfaction in your Letter of the 10 th. The Breaking of the Bubble of Banks would be a Blessing if it could teach our People to beware of all other Bubbles. But I fear We shall have a Succession of them. I hope however at least they will teach you caution. “The Rivalries of our most conspicuous Characters” are such as human Nature produces under the Cultivation of such a...
The day after my return I wrote you a few lines to let you know I was at home I shall in a few days be obliged to set out on the eastern circuit and shall not return untill between the 20th. and last of may. I shall reach Williamsburg the 28th. of April if not a day or two before where I shall remain abt. twelve days I shall be glad to hear from you at that place any material occurrence that...
June 12. 1793. The President having required the opinions of the heads of the three departments on a letter from Governor Clinton of the 9th. inst. stating that he had taken possession of the sloop Polly, now called the Republican, which was arming, equipping and manning by French and other citizens to cruize against some of the belligerent powers, and desiring to know what further was to be...
I thank you for the copy of your Message. The moderation it breathes towards Spain will be approved generally at present, & universally hereafter. The time is passed when this policy could be ascribed to any other than its true motive. The present standing of the U.S. will secure to it a just interpretation every where. It is very satisfactory to learn that the greatest powers in Europe are...
Letter not found. 15 April 1783 . After Congress had ratified the provisional articles of peace with Great Britain ( JM Notes, 15 Apr. 1783 , and n. 2), JM and Theodorick Bland, on behalf of all the Virginia delegates, apparently sent a brief letter, now missing, to Governor Harrison, informing him of the ratification (Anderson Galleries [New York] Catalogue, No. 1581 [2–3 May 1921], item 34).
131810th. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Finish’d Cicero’s oration pro Marcello. In the afternoon I went to the shops with Mr. Artaud. Mr. D rode out. Fine weather.
1319[Diary entry: 9 June 1775] (Washington Papers)
9. Dined at Mr. Saml. Pleasants and went to hear Mr. Piercy preach.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I thot before this to have given you an acct. of our departure; nothing Hinders but wind and weather. Shall forward the accts. &c. at my Departure, and write you fully; I recivd Mr. Franklines Inclosing Mr. Boudiens; also a Letter from Mr. Lee Informing of a spy’s being in Lorient; the time of sailing and the way I intend to go is a matter that remains...
I received your letter here on my return from the Court of Erors & Appeals at Philadelphia. I send you my Copy of the memoirs, with some [emendations] and marginal notes, which tho they do not ornament the pages, will serve to explain some passages which the errors of the press converted into nonsense. I laboured under a very dangerous, and very painful illness while I composed my part, and I...
The above is a copy of a paper transmitted me this day by Mr. Duane. You will perceive much is expected from us; and unfortunately in the situation of my business little is in my power. I wish to see you in Town as soon AL , The Huntington Library, San Marino, California. The letter is undated. It was written, as the first line states, on the date on which H received his commission from James...
I arrived in this City yesterday afternoon, without encountering any accident except what you are acquainted with by the return of the Mare from George Town; and the indisposition of Richard; who, with difficulty, was able to travel from Baltimore to this place, on acct of the fever wch returnd on him. Recollecting that it was my desire that you should send the Reports to the Post Office every...
At the desire of Mr. Bringhurst I forward him to Monticello; and make use of the opportunity, the first that has offered, to return you the pamphlet you were so kind as to leave with me. I add to it a late Fredg. paper which has got hold of some important articles of later date than were brought by the last post, and which may therefore be new to you as they were to me. I have had nothing from...
Your friendly letter of the 4th instant I received yesterday—I should earlier have written to you had I followed only the impulse of my feelings. It was not however my wish to add to your other cares anxiety for my poor little Orphans. Francis was extremely ill two days after my arrrival here, and his situation was the more distressing because I had not the sympathy or aid of any friends, the...
Jeremiah Clapp of Orange in the County of Orange in the State of Vermont respectfully represents, that at the Circuit Court of the United States of the second Cir[c]uit, holden at Windsor in the State of Vermont on the first day of May last, Your Petitioner was convicted of importing goods of the produce and manufactory of Great Britain into the United States, from the province of lower...
Versailles, 20 January 1783. MS of declarations in French; English translation by John Pintard ( PCC , No. 84, IV, f. 323–330). FC ’s of declarations and Arts. 1 and 22 of the Anglo-French preliminary peace treaty in French ( Adams Papers ). LbC ’s of declarations in French and Arts. 1 and 22 of the Anglo-French preliminary peace treaty in French ( Adams Papers ); APM Reel 109. LbC-Tr ’s of...
1328Observations [May 1768] (Washington Papers)
May 2d. My Carpenters & House People went to Planting Corn at Doeg Run after they had finishd fishing. 3. The hound bitch Mopsey brought 8 Puppys, distinguishd by the following Names—viz.—Tarter—Jupiter—Trueman—& Tipler (being Dogs)—and Truelove, Juno, Dutchess, & Lady being the Bitches—in all eight. 23. My Carpenters & House People went to Work at my Mill repairing the Dams—hightening of...
I have now before me your letters of the 16th & 26th of October and 16th of November. The articles sent by Captn Ellwood arrived in good order and agreeable to the Invoice. Captn Ingraham has not yet arrived but is hourly expected. I think the Irish Linen @ 8/2 is very high, and as there has been a late importation of Linens into Alexandria I will endeavour to supply myself at that place; if I...
I received a furlough from General Hazen at Lancaster on the 2d of last November with leave of absence from the Regt untill the 1st of December current. He did not tell me when the Regt was going, but I learnd they were come on towards the grand Army, I accordingly took the shortest and best rout for this place where I arrived yesterday. I am now very unwell from cold and fatigue and am in...
AL : Library of Congress M de Ségur a L’honneur de faire à Monsieur franklin ses Remerciments du soin quil a bien voulu prendre de Lui faire adresser Les depeches de L’amerique septle. qui lui sont parvenues pour Lui; il le prie en même tems dagréer ses sinceres Compliments./. These had been brought by Capt. Joshua Barney of the packet General Washington; he arrived in Paris on Nov. 5: Barney...
RC ( NA : PCC , No. 78, XXIV, 367–70). Addressed “To the Honble The Virginia Delegates in Congress.” Docketed, “Letter from Thos Walke to the Delegates of Virga. May 3d 1783. Read May 8th, 1783 (copy of the within sent to the Commander in Chief Agreeably to an order of Congress of this day.)” In consequence of the 7th: article of the treaty between America, and England; I, with a number of...
Le Cit. Pichon prend la liberté de prier Monsieur le Président des Etats Unis de vouloir bien agréer l’expression du regret qu’il a eprouvé d’apprendre le depart de cette ville de Monsieur le Prèsident avant d’avoir pu lui présenter ses devoirs. Le Cit. Pichon, avait cru entendre de la bouche de Monsieur le Secre. d’Etat que Mr. jefferson devait rester jusqu’a vendredi prochain; L’equivoque...
The Inclosed Letter was sealed to go by the last Post, but I Unluckily missed it. I have now An Opportunity to Inclose one from Braintree. Doctr. Church is Arrived here. Is not your resolve relative to him somewhat Extraordinary. I fear the People will kill him if at large. The Night before last he went to Lodge at Waltham was saved by the Interposition of the selectmen but by Jumping out of A...
I duly received your letter of March 4. inclosing a Resolution of Feby. 22. by the General Assembly of Virginia; and urging the importance of providing for the protection of the Chesapeake Bay, which is the object of that Resolution. Concurring fully in the views you have presented of the extended interests which are connected with the Waters of the Bay, and of the use that can be made of them...
From the Bottom of My Heart I Congratulate you upon the Arrival of the French Fleet—Some Rumors Had Been spread, and spy accounts sent out—But no Certainty untill the Admiral’s dispatches Came to Hand—Inclosed I send you His letter and that of Mis. de St Simon Both of whom I Request you will Have translated By Tilmangh or Gouvion alone as there are parts of them personal which I do not choose...
I do myself the honor to Enclose a Postcript of a letter received last night from One from your friends.—Is it not easy to Counter Order this intention—I have the honor to be/ your Obedt. Servt DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson. P.S. The Cotten Seed is the present federal Theme, however proper it might be for Mr Jefferson as Mr. Jefferson to comply with a Request from an Agricultural Society,...
The President of the United States desiring to avail the public of your services as Consul of the United States of America for the port of Lisbon, in the Kingdom of Portugal and for such parts of the said Kingdom as shall be nearer to the said port, than to the residence of any other Consul or vice Consul of the United States in the said Kingdom, I have now the honor of enclosing you the...
Your favor of Mar. 22. has been recieved. it finds me more laboriously, and imperiously engaged than almost on any occasion of my life. it is not therefore in my power to take into immediate consideration all the subjects it proposes. they cover a broad surface, & will require some developement. they respect I. Defence. II. Education. III. the Map of the state. this last will comprise 1. an...
Prevented by a severe cold from paying You my Congratulations, personally, on the 4th of March, I requested our mutual Friend Mr Deblois to present them, hoping, ere’ this day, to have had the pleasure of renewing them myself. As the weather & roads still keep me from that satisfaction, I cannot longer delay begging You to accept my sincere professions of Joy on Your being placed at the Head...
J’ai retardé, Monsieur, de vous accuser la reception de votre lettre du 25me. Avril, afin que je pourrois en meme tems vous annoncer l’arrivée des poëles que vous avez eu la bonté de m’expedier. Elles viennent d’arriver chez moi il y a trois jours en bon etat. Permettez donc, Monsieur, que je vous fasse mes remerciments pour vos attentions dans cette occasion-ci, aussi bien que pour les...
1342[Diary entry: 27 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
27. Clear and warm with but little Wind—that Northwardly.
I had the honor of your favor of the 14th of last month enclosed to me by Mr Smith, and upon this, as on all other occasions, was gratified at the receipt of it. There was also one for Mrs Madison, which I will take great pleasure in presenting to her, as soon as she returns to Washington. She is now expected in the course of a few days. I most sincerely hope, that the wishes of Mr John Adams...
To your honr. and only you I Send my complaint, and Make my grieviance known—Be it known to you, O Man placed by Heaven to Rule a Gallant free People, that I am a fugitive from my Wife and five helpless Children, in the State of Delaware Owing to my attachment to the cause of freedom, and my being an avoud Enemy to Slavery and Tyranny. In the years 1799 and 1800, I left my employment, went...
I rcd your Excellency’s Letter of the 18th Ulto on the 8th Instant, In obedience to which I have put Lieut. Kenney in Arrest, and ordered him to Head Quarters, that his Conduct may be inquired into. He is furnished with a Copy of Your Excellencys orders for that purpose. I have the Honor to be with the greatest Regard, Sir your Excellencys most obt & most Humb. sert DLC : Papers of George...
I nominate Edward Wyer of Massachusetts to be a Lieutenant in the Navy. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
The inclosed papers which I have got from Mr. Beckleys office furnishes an answer to your letter. There is a Bill depending in favor of claims barred by the limitation of time—which if it passes will provide for those of Owen & Woods as I understand the tenor of the Bill and the nature of their claims. As soon as the fate of the Bill is decided I shall write to the parties. RC ( DLC :...
I enclose a copy of captn Perrys letter of the 2d Inst received this day. You will perceive he has returned to Sandusky waiting for the movements of Genl Harrison. The following is an extract from Genl Boyds private letter to the War Depmt recd this day. It is dated 5th. Inst. at F’ George. “Gen Wilkinson arrived late last evening—the fleet is also here—the British fleet in sight.” Official...
I have the honor to inclose Copies of some Papers which passed between the Comte de Vergennes and me, lately at Paris. The Conjecture, that the British Court would insist upon their two Preliminaries, is become more probable by the publication of the King’s Speech at the Prorogation of Parliament. “The Zeal and Ardor which You have shewn for the Honor of my Crown,” says the King; “your firm...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Having been sent for this Port (in the Privat Armed Ship Wolf with a Cargo of Tobacco) by a Number of the principal Merchants of Virginia and North Carolina, with a design to know if the Price offered here would encourage them to Send their Ships to this Market Ladened with that Article, I have taken the Liberty to acquaint your Excellency of the...