George Washington Papers

Orders, 27 October 1755


Parole: Dinwiddie.

October 27th 1755.

The dates of all the Officers Commissions that came up yesterday, to be given in to the Adjutant:1 Corporal Broughton,2 of the Light Horse, to take all the Horses to the same place where they were before; to remain and take care of them. Lieutenant McManas, Fort Guard to-morrow; Lieutenant Bacon, the Redoubt-Guard. The men who are to be discharged, are to receive a months Pay from Mr Boyd3 for each; and to make a deduction for the Nurse of the Hospital,4 according to the weekly stoppages that should have been made for her.


1GW made James Livingston adjutant to the Virginia Regiment on 17 Sept. 1755. Livingston, who held his rank in the Maryland force, was at this time fort major at Fort Cumberland. He continued to be the fort major at Cumberland until as late as 1760.

2William Broughton (b. 1733) was a corporal in Robert Stewart’s troop of light horse where he served through 1756 and perhaps longer. He began his military service in Mar. 1754 and was a soldier in George Mercer’s company on GW’s expedition that ended at Fort Necessity in July 1754.

3Alexander Boyd (d. 1766), who acted as paymaster for the Virginia forces in Braddock’s expedition, became paymaster of the reorganized Virginia Regiment in the fall of 1755. He continued to act in that capacity after GW left the regiment at the end of 1758. Boyd, from New London in Bedford County, served as muster master to the Virginia troops and later as a lieutenant in the Virginia Regiment until its dissolution in 1762. In 1760 he bought land on the Roanoke River upon which Fort Lewis was built and established himself there as a merchant, furnishing supplies for both the military and the civilian population in a wide area.

4GW noted in a Memorandum of 8 Jan. 1756 that he had paid in full the wages of Mary Bailey, “Nurse to the Hospital.”

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