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Results 129581-129590 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Whereas it has been made to appear to me that a certain Moses Thorndike, of the District of Maine, was, at a District Court of the United States, held at Portland in the said District, in May last, duly convicted of the offence of aiding and abetting in the year 1814, certain prisoners of War, subjects of Great Britain, in making their escape from the custody of the Marshal; and thereupon the...
I have just received the within communication from Major Genl. Gaines. A list of the citizens named has been sent to the Judge Advocate who has orders to summon all such as may be deemed material as well for the prosecution as for the accused. Such of the officers as had not previously been ordered have been written to except Brigr. Genl. Smith & Captain Shipp who are at St. Louis and Colonel...
The 2 letters of Mr. De Neuville present topics which are not agreeable. The one demanding the recall of Mr. Lee will be sufficiently answered by his actual return to the U.S. and an intimation that without any particular examination of the charge agst. him, this Govt. could not fail to respect the wishes of M. C. M. in such a case. The other letter complaining of the toast of the Post Master...
Supposing that you may wish to have an accurate account of our Subscriptions at Richmond to the Bank of the U. States, I have thought it proper to send you the inclosed Statement. The Subscriptions were made in nearly the following proportions. By the Country People about 7000 By the Borough of Norfolk 5000 By the Bank of Virginia 2000 By Richmond 2987 16.987. But for the embarrassed situation...
Mr Monroe has, I presume, informed you that he had returned into the Country. He was not well when he was here, and as there was little probability of his being able to do any thing immediately with Mr Bagot either in relation to the Fisheries or the Naval armaments on the Lakes he thought it unnecessary to remain. He had several conversations with Mr Bagot on the latter subject and thought at...
Presuming that it may be acceptable to you to know the progress and prospects of the subscriptions to the Bank of the United States which in the existing state of things so materially involves the financial operations of the government, and the currency and credit of the country; I have the pleasure to communicate to you such information as I possess on the subject either officially or...
Sir may I intrude on you so much as to write you this Letter and I hope you will not take as an insult from me, but my veins swells within me to hear you runn down so, although I am in British Government, yet that does not make me forget my native country, if I should hear a boy of my size say any thing against my country I would die beneath his feet before I would surrender I was formerly of...
The west bank of this River from its mouth for about nine miles is in the possession of the Wyndotts, It is a spot to which they are much attached, From time immemorial the general council fire of all the nations has been kindled upon it, But the experience of the last four years has sufficiently shewn how important it is to us that this tract of country should be in our possession and that a...
The proposed order for the 1st. of Augst. is approved. It being desireable that the testimony called for by Gen: Gaines, be procured in all the extent practicable, It may be proper to apprize Gen: Smith of the destination of Genl. Ripley, and to order his attendance with that of Capt: Ship if the service in that quarter will permit. MS ( PHi : Daniel Parker Papers). Undated; addressee not...
I wrote you a few lines the day I left Washington, to advise of it, and of the state in which the affairs then were, which had so long detaind me there. You have already, as I presume, recd., Mr Bagots letter to me respecting the armament on the lakes, the vague character of which, seems to leave little hope of a satisfactory result, at this time. I enclose you a project of an answer, the...