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Results 129581-129630 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Whereas it has been made to appear to me that a certain Moses Thorndike, of the District of...
I have just received the within communication from Major Genl. Gaines. A list of the citizens...
The 2 letters of Mr. De Neuville present topics which are not agreeable. The one demanding the...
Supposing that you may wish to have an accurate account of our Subscriptions at Richmond to the...
Mr Monroe has, I presume, informed you that he had returned into the Country. He was not well...
Presuming that it may be acceptable to you to know the progress and prospects of the...
Sir may I intrude on you so much as to write you this Letter and I hope you will not take as an...
The west bank of this River from its mouth for about nine miles is in the possession of the...
The proposed order for the 1st. of Augst. is approved. It being desireable that the testimony...
I wrote you a few lines the day I left Washington, to advise of it, and of the state in which the...
I take the liberty, my dear Sir, to transmit for your perusal a sort of synopsis of a book which...
I return the papers sent with yours of the 29th: except the letter from E. Lewis, which goes to...
I return you the Letter from Mr. Garrard; he is an unfortunate young man who belonged formerly to...
I write to you, by the authority of Col. Monroe, to say, that after a proper reflection upon the...
I beg your friendly indulgence in submitting this Communication for perusal. Perhaps I owe the...
Circumstances that apply exclusively to my private affairs and in the U.S. interest induce me to...
Mrs. Randolph, Ellen & myself intended before this to have had the pleasure of seeing mrs....
§ Duncan L. Clinch to Robert Butler. 2 August 1816, Camp Crawford. Sends a report on the plans...
I have recd yours of July 31. and return the answer to Mr. B. with one or two alterations, the...
Mr. Jones promised to communicate to you a statement of the subscriptions to the Bank of the...
I send you the enclosed Letters from Mr Adams, Mr Shaler and Mr Montgomery all of which were...
I received the enclosed Letter, from Mr Monroe this Morning. He directed that it should be shewn...
I return the letters from Govr. C. &c &c—and from Mr. McKee. If the line between the Cherokees,...
I recd. yesterday the 2 letters from Onis herewith returned, and today copies of the papers...
I return the letter from Mr. Bagot. It manifests a good disposition on his part, and on that of...
I have this morning received the enclosed from General Gaines. I had before requested of Mr....
I am of the opinion that the within protest should be made to the court martial and that the...
The high standing of Genl. Gaines strengthens his title to all the testimony he calls for, as far...
I have just recd. yours of the 3d. and return without delay the several letters inclosed in it....
The Collectors selection of a site and buildings, for the New-York Custom House, is generally...
I send you a Letter from Mr Adams of old date which was received yesterday. Those which it covers...
May it please your Excellency, to permit a humble supplicant to press through the crowd that come...
Should there be a vancancy [ sic ] for an American Consul, or commercial Agent, to any of the...
Col: McCobb has just handed me yours of the 3d. inst. The recommendations of him for the vacant...
Permit me honor’d Sir, to call your attention, & request that you will peruse this, when the...
The President and Directors of the Potomak Steam Boat Company declared a dividend of ten dollars...
Altho my views and wishes in relation to the vacancy about to take place in the Cabinet, remain...
A convention of representatives from the Banks of New-York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, decided...
The enclosed Packets addressed to you were handed to me this Morning by Mr Thomson who has, as...
The nine Marble Scales which you requested me to purchase for you, were shipped on the 3d. inst,...
I had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 7th directing me to send a Blank Commission to Mr...
I have recd. yours of the 6th. inst: I have approved the contemplated purchase of a Custom House...
The matter which follows in Cypher I received yesterday in the strictest confidence; but have...
Mr Monroe who returned last Night has seen the enclosed, and directed me to send it to you. I am...
I return the letter of Mr. Poinsett with the Spanish documents inclosed in it. They coincide with...
The inclosed application from Mr. Hughes, appears to be within the rule, exempting the effects of...
I return’d here last night from Loudoun, in rather better health. I shall apply closely to the...
I have just recd. yours of the   written on your return to the City. It may be best to taper off...
The month I have already spent in Paris has been necessarily devoted in a great degree to my...
Mr Bagot has offerd, an alternative, in the coast of the Island of New Foundland, from Cape Ray...