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Results 129581-129630 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Letter not found. 17 September 1802. Mentioned in Daniel Brent to Carrington, 22 Sept. 1802 (DNA:...
The permission of the Emperor of Marocco to our Consul to remain for six months for the purpose...
Your’s of the 9th. came to hand yesterday only so that it has missed a post somewhere. I thought...
I recieved yesterday your’s of the 15th. in the hope of seeing you here tomorrow I return no...
The Sale of Lots which commenced on Monday the 30th. ulto. was continued from day to day during...
The object of the present is merely to acknolege the reciept of yours of the 14th. and to mention...
Enclosed you will receive Proposals for publishing by Subscription, a History of the late General...
18 September 1802, Demerara. Reports his arrival on 14 Sept. after a passage of forty days from...
Letter not found. 18 September 1802. Acknowledged in JM to FitzSimons, 9 Oct. 1802 (DNA: RG 59,...
Four days ago I arrived in this Colony after a passage of forty days from Philadelphia. I would...
Know all men by these presents that I Elizabeth Henderson of the state of Kentucky have this day...
‘It is understood that whereas I Elizabeth Henderson have this day sold to Craven Peyton of...
Know all Men by these presents that I James L. Henderson of the state of Kentucky have this day...
Grange [ New York ], September 19, 1802 . Informs LeRoy of an arrangement he has concluded with...
The Minister of the United States left this City on the 1st. inst. on a tour through the Belgique...
19 September 1802, Barcelona. Encloses a false register and Mediterranean pass taken from Capt....
Since my last of the 15th. inst. I have found in possession of Capn. Thos. Lewis of the Ship...
The Plan with the opposition is to divid and I am affraid they have in some measure effected...
I have duly had the honor of receiving your Letter of the 8th. Inst. It does not appear that the...
I beg Leave to inform you, the Barque Freedom Captn. Thomas Taylor, in the interest of Mr James...
Letter not found. 20 September 1802, New Jersey. Acknowledged in Daniel Brent to Marentille, 23...
Previous to the amendment of the bankrupt act, I held an appointment under the judge of this...
I have this morning been honoured with your letter of the 17th. on receit of your former letter...
I have received a letter from Mr. Thomas Mitchell the Father of the young Gentleman who is the...
In my last I informed you I should have an opportunity of getting mr Madison’s opinion on the...
Your favor of the 17th is recieved. I think that while there is a prospect of getting better...
Permit me, with an honest confidence in your disposition to gratify every individual as far as...
I have had an opportunity of consulting with mr Madison and of considering with his assistance...
I wrote and sent thee a few phamplets of a Religious nature about two Month since. I now send...
Agreeably to my expectations expressed in a former letter , I, on the 9th. instant, visited the...
We have not had the honor to hear from you since our last respects of 21st July last pr Annawan &...
Your favor of the 17th has been duly received. I enclose the Duplicate of a letter, of the 25....
I am duly Hond: with your favr : 17th.—in answer, to mine, of the 14th.—in Conformity I have...
I intend leaving this city this evening & expect to meet you at Washington the last of this...
Mr. Richard S. Hackley , an estimable Man and respectable Merchant of this City, has expressed...
By the recommendation of Messrs Livingston , Barlow & Skipwith , I presume to address you upon...
22 September 1802, Lisbon. Has had no reply to his 9 Sept. letter to the Portuguese government...
22 September 1802, Collector’s Office, District of Penobscot. Encloses “the Register of American...
I did myself the honor to address you on the 11th. Inst, inclosing my communication to this...
Being recently elected a member of the Legislature of Connecticut, and feeling unwilling to...
I wrote you on the 17th . to which I refer—The business of the Rising Sun is over and settled...
23 September 1802, Mount Pleasant. Announces the double marriage of the prince of Asturias to the...
Mr Joseph Curwen to whom you was so obliging as to give a Letter of Recommendation for Mr....
Letter not found. 24 September 1802. Mentioned in Daniel Brent to Wilson, 18 Oct. 1802 (DNA: RG...
24 September 1802, Madrid. “My last was of the 9th, July, which I now confirm & refer to. I was...
Nothing of moment transpires at Washington, since 21st: when I had the pleasure of Answering your...
Your favor of the 20th. is recieved. on consultation with mr Madison who came here the day after...
I some days ago drew an order on you for 79.69 D in favor of Burgess Griffin for my taxes in...
Your favor of the 8th. is recieved. that of July 19. under your name is preserved & shall be...
Je vois par une correspondance qui a eu lieu dernierement entre Son Excellence le Gouverneur de...