James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Edward W. DuVal, 17 March 1816

From Edward W. DuVal

March 17th 1816.

Dr. Sir,

A bill now before Congress proposes to allow, to the Representatives of the Officers & Crew of the late Sloop of War Wasp, the sum of 50.000 dollars, to be distributed as prize money; & to authorise the President, of the U. States, to Appoint a prize Agent, for the distribution thereof.1 Should this bill become a law, may I hope, Sir, to receive from you the Agency it contemplates? It would in no wise interfere with the duties assigned to me, nor can I see that it would be, in the least, incompatible with the situation I hold, in the Navy Dep’m’t.

I do not believe I should say too much, by venturing it as a fact, that the convenience & interest of those for whom the donation is intended would be greatly promoted by confiding the Agency to some one, residing at the seat of Government, directly connected with the Navy Department. The occasions have neither been rare, nor unimportant, in which the presumed influence & authority of the Secretary have been solicited in behalf of those entitled to distributive shares of the sums, at various times, appropriated. It would, no doubt, be improper to say that this has always been induced by the inattention of the Prize Agents: sometimes it may have been, and whenever a grievance, real, or imaginary, is thought to exist, both officers and Seamen naturally appeal for justice to the Department. Were the Prize Agents then immediately under its Eye & control, complaints might be promptly redressed, or their fallacies detected.

I do not know but that this application should have been presented thro’ the secretary of the navy, but as I am persuaded that he will, in reference to its object, rather consult your wishes than express a wish of his own, I have taken the liberty of addressing it to you, and trust it may not be deemed exceptionable. With very great respect & esteem, I have the honor to be, Your ob: Servant.

E: W: Du Val2

RC (MaSaPEM: Crowninshield Family Papers, 1697–1909).

1During the summer of 1814, the Wasp, a sloop built in Massachusetts in 1813 and commissioned in 1814, sailed into the eastern Atlantic and captured or destroyed several British vessels, including the Reindeer and the Avon. In October of that year the Wasp was lost at sea, while bound for the Caribbean. In March 1816 Congress began debating a bill to allow a representative to receive and pay out twelve-month’s worth of wages to the survivors of the Wasp’s captain and crew; the representative was also to divide prize money for the Reindeer and the Avon in the sum of $50,000 should such a sum be allocated. The bill was passed on 16 Apr., and JM signed it into law on 24 Apr. (Annals of Congress, description begins Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States … (42 vols.; Washington, 1834–56). description ends 14th Cong., 1st sess., 183, 188, 194, 207, 324–25, 1263, 1375, 1377, 1850–51; Stephen W. H. Duffy, Captain Blakeley and the Wasp: The Cruise of 1814 [Annapolis, Md., 2001]).

2Edward W. DuVal, at this time, was a naval storekeeper, based in Washington (ASP description begins American State Papers: Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States … (38 vols.; Washington, 1832–61). description ends , Miscellaneous, 2:351).

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