Adams Papers

John Adams to Marquis de Lafayette, 11 June 1784

To the Marquis de Lafayette

The Hague June 11. 17841

Monsieur le My dear Marquis

I received in Season, the Letter mentioned in yours of the Second of this Month, but as there was nothing in it which required an immediate Answer, I have not acknowledged the Recipt of it, untill now.2

If an Express should be upon his Passage with any Arrangement of Congress, respecting their foreign Affairs I presume the Departure of Mr Jay and Mr Laurens for America, will disarrange it: So that I conclude to remain here, enjoying the Pleasures of the Prince of Orange’s Court and the Conversation of the Dutch Patriots, who are excellent Sons of Liberty, without budging, untill I know the final settlement of Congress, upon the Arrival of those Ministers.

Whether Congress will recall Mr Franklin and me, and pursue a frugal system of foreign Affairs, whether they will join several in a Commission to treat with the maritime Powers, or whether they will Send a Minister to any other Courts, I am wholly at a Loss to conjecture, from all the Intelligence I have. after a good deal of Impatience under these Uncertitudes, I have at length become quite reconciled, to them and resigned, to such a degree that I am quite indifferent whether I stay here, go to France or England, or home to America. The last is a Part which I regret not to have taken a Year Ago.3

I will answer the Letters of my Friends by Mr Reed and Coll Herman, as soon as I know what the Plan of Congress is and what is to be my Destination at present all is Such Uncertainty that I know not what to write to Congress or to Individuals.

Dft (Adams Papers); internal address: “M. Le M. de la Fayette.”

1The presence of this Dft in the Adams Papers, with its deletions, and Lafayette’s failure to acknowledge it, probably means that it was not sent.

2Lafayette had referred to his letter of 9 April, above.

3JA deleted this paragraph by drawing two large slashes across the whole of it in addition to a single line through the final three words.

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