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Results 129501-129550 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Mr. De Neuville arrived here on Saturday and sets out this morning on his return. I inclose his...
The Act of the 30. of April 1816 appropriates 250,000 Dollars for Custom-House establishments. It...
I have the honour to inclose, with this, a Sketch copied from a Vignette which it is proposed to...
The business with Mr Bagot being suspended, & that with Algiers on acct of the Deys letter which...
Nothing has been heard from Genl Meriwether or Mr Franklin, upon the subject of their...
It is understood that there are many applications for the Office of Marshall, for the Southern...
Your favor of the 29. Ult: with the remarks on Mr. Wirt’s letter came duly to hand. The latter...
You know too well my respectful, and I beg leave to say friendly sentiments towards you, and my...
This will be handed by Leut Jos: P. Taylor son of our worthy connection Col. Richard. I take...
A Letter was shewn me a day or two ago from the adjutant Genl of the southern Department to the...
Ebenezer Otis, late Keeper of the whitehead Light House, having died, Charles Haskell appears,...
I have recd. yours of the 7th. and return the communications from Mr. Adams. The arrangement of...
I have just had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 7th, and hasten, agreeably to your...
I have received your favor of the 4. instant; and shall alter the Circular on the currency, in...
I recd. yesterday yours of the 5th. Having full confidence in the judgment of Mr. Hassler, I take...
Mr. H. Who is to survey the Coasts, has selected for the scite of an Observy. a square north of...
Col: Lane informs me that Mr. Hassler has selected for the scite of an Observatory which will...
Being informed that the office of Consul at Bordeaux will soon become vacant in consequence of...
Je crains de n’avoir rendu que très imparfaitement dans une langue qui ne m’est point familière...
I have been informed that the Government intend building an observatory in this place. Though the...
Herewith are the papers recd. from Mr. Hughs. He seems to have been no wise sparing of diplomatic...
As Mr Monroe has not yet returned from Loudoun, and may not be here today as it is raining, I...
The Office of Marshal of the Southern distt of New York having become vacant, by the much...
The enclosed letter from Captain Samuel Perkins who for many years acted in the Quarter Master...
This morning I received a letter from John McKee Esqr. agent &c—informing me that he had received...
I had before observed, in the newspapers, some account of the affair of which Judge Tucker’s...
I have just received your favor of the 10th. inst: Altho’ I hope the return of your health will...
I have recd. your several letters of the 5. 7. 8. & 11th. Your Statement in the case of Mr....
I rcd. from Mr. Graham during your trip to Loudon the inclosed letter from Mr. Bagot. The subject...
As it is the request of Capt. Hamilton, I forward to you the enclosed Letters. Capt. Hamilton is...
As the enclosed Letters from Mr Wirt and Mr Mitchell relate to a subject of some delicasy and...
I understand that Mr. Dill is an applicant for the office of Marshal of this district, which is...
In payment of the compensation allowed you, the Secretary of the Treasury gave me a dft on...
In consequence of the death of our respected friend and fellow citizen Genl. John Smith, late...
In my Communication of the 22d Ultimo requesting the restoration of sund[r]y Letters transmitted...
I wish through you to have it Stated that there has been no person authorized to act as Governor...
your esteemed favor found me at Salem & with much regret & chagrin, that I had not paid you the...
I trouble you with a draft of the agreement with Mr. Hassler relative to the survey of the coast....
Upon reflection, I think it best to proceed with the Circular to the State Banks, and to issue...
I returnd last night and receivd your letters of 7th & 8th. The letter of the Dey of Algiers, is...
Lieut Colonel Croghan arrived here yesterday on furlough from New Orleans by General Jackson,...
Your favor of the 12th. overrates the hospitality for which your visit afforded me, the agreeable...
I return the letter from Mr. Wirt, and the letter & paper from Mr. Mitchell. You cannot do better...
I inclose Mr. Hassler’s letter, respecting a site for the Observatory. The reccommendation of the...
I had an interview with Mr de Kantzow yesterday, whose object in it was, to present a copy of his...
Your fellow-Citizens, the People of Madison County in the Mississippi Territory, assembled in...
Mr. Charles Radcliff, is very desirous of obtaining admission into the military Academy at West...
I have just recd. yours of the   inclosing Mr. Hasslers letter on the subject of the Observatory....
The Petition of George Adams and Randall Tarrier, humbly sheweth, That your Petitioners are now...
I have the honour of transmiting you a Resolution of the board of Aldermen and board of Common...