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Results 129231-129240 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Being much better in health I seize the opportunity of writing a few lines to you and your brother— There are some actions my Son that are altogether above praise and that can only be rewarded by the consciousness of having done well and deserved the approbation of the virtuous and the good—rest assured that such actions sink deep into your Mothers heart and that she prays fervently to her...
I have the honor to enclose an extract from a confidential letter received this day from the Register of the Land Office at Canton, (Mr Reasin Beall) perhaps the substance of the letter may be usefull to the Commissioners appointed to treat with the Indians at Detroit. Most respectfully I am Sir your obedt. Servt RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 107, LRRS , M-298:8). Cover sheet bears a note in an...
Since I last wrote you the Bank has curtaild Mr. Monroes debt $200. So that at this time there is due for interest and curtailments about $800. For that Sum I was yesterday calld on by the Notary, and as I had it not in my power to pay it, he made his protest which will be returnd to the Bank. If it would be in your power to furnish the money or any part of it, I should feel myself obliged by...
Yours of Mar. 23. came duly to hand, and by the same post a letter of the 24th. from mr Eppes informing me that Maria was so much better that in a few days she would be able to go to Montblanco. I since learn that Patsy is got home, whence I conclude that all is at length well. it has been indeed a most painful and tedious case; and my anxieties have been extreme. mr Eppes proposed to me to go...
The shortness of the time now left to Francis for the pursuit of Academical studies, calls for extreme parcimony in the employment of the portion of it which still remains to him: and I am rendered more anxious for the economy of this remnant by information recieved from him, of which I was not before apprised. it seems there is a distinction in the College of Columbia between what are called...
I do myself the honor to transmit you the substance From Mosir Talmadge’s intelligence of the 3d March—of the latest intelligence which I have received from New York—Should I gain more particular information of the destination of the enemy’s ships of War I shall immediately communicate it. I have the Honor to be &c. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
§ From Jacob Ridgway. 26 February 1806, Antwerp. “I have the honor to transmit you enclosed Duplicate of my last respects of the 8th Inst. and of the Report List of the American arrivals in this Port [not found] & official bond therein mentioned.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Antwerp, vol. 1). 1 p.; docketed by Wagner. For the bond, see Ridgway to JM , 8 Feb. 1806 , and n. 2.
You are hereby ordered to Rendezvous at Alexandria the first Day of December, with all the men you can raise by that time. Given &c. at Fredericksburg, November 1st 1755. N:B. Captain Joshua Lewis is allowed to the 1st of December, to Rendezvous at Alexandria. LB , DLC:GW .
Last night I recd your favour of the 5th. The Proceedings detailed in it, appear to have been well considered and prudently pursued: But the Sordid Spirit, which produced this as well as the former Insurrection in Pennsylvania, and which have given So much trouble to the Government, Anxiety to the Nation and burden on the Treasury, ought to excite more general Indignation than they have done....
Some Years ago You requested me to find a purchaser for a Small Tract of land you hold in this county including the natural Bridge —in which I did not Suceed at that time—I have lately Taken a notion of purchaseing it, if You are Still Disposed to Sell and dont set do Not Set too high a price on it. if the War continus I have Some Idia of manufacturing Shot at the Bridge If You are Disposed to...