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Results 129221-129230 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
LS : Yale University Library; AL (draft): Library of Congress I received the very obliging Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 20th June last. It gave me great Satisfaction to find by the unanimous Choice you mention, that my Services had not been unacceptable to Congress; and to hear also that they were favourably disposed towards my Grandson. It was my Desire to quit publick...
§ From William Jarvis. 11 October 1805, Lisbon. “Inclosed is a copy of my letter of the 26 Ulto, which went by the Bark Pompey, Captn Orne for Salem, mine of the 9th Inst that went by the ship Baltimore, Captn Long for Baltimore with the letters from Messrs Pinckney, Montgomery & Terry inclosed, a copy of which went by the ship Nanking, Captn Dorr for New York. “As I at first supposed in case...
Trenton, October 31, 1799. “The Express was on the point of departure with Money for the 8th. & 9th. Regiments, when Major Bradley arrived here and informed me that Mr. Bent Pay Master to Coll. Parkers Regiment was on the way to this Place and would be here on saturday Evening, which induced me to Suspend Sending him, as he would probably have missed the Pay Master on the Road and therefore in...
Since my last Letter to your Excellency nothing material has occured worth mentioning—I am taking the most effectual Measures to scour the Settlements on the Frontier, which are notoriously disaffected, and have found the most promising appearances of future good consequences, from the exertions already made—I have sent a Scout of Canadians, of Hazens Regiment to Crown Point, which may...
Bergamo, 11 Jan. 1789 . After a painful journey, but devoid of accident, he happily arrived home on the fifth, and expresses his gratitude for courtesies extended to him by TJ during his short stay in Paris. Found his wife and child in perfect health. RC ( DLC ); 2 p.; in French; endorsed. Recorded in SJL as received 26 Jan. 1789.
AL : American Philosophical Society Sir Philip Gibbes presents his respects to Doctor Franklin. He will be glad to pay them in person to Doctor Franklin at any hour to day, that he will be pleased to name. Notation: Sr. P. Gibbs See above, XXIII , 281 n. BF replied to this note, according to Paul Wentworth, by making an appointment for the next day, when he would call at Gibbes’ lodgings...
An address from the Head Men of the River Division of the Cherokee Nation To his Excellency Thomas Jefferson President of the United States of America, Greeting Honored Father we now beg leave to address you by putting on paper our sentiments, wants & desires, being the sentiments & wish of 13 Towns composing nearly one half of The Cherokee Nation & taking into view our people that are already...
Inclosed you have the Copy of a Return which I received the 18th instant from Colo. Putnam, specifying the number of Men, drawn from each Regiment of the line, to compose his Regiment of Infantry, and the quantity of Cloathing furnished to each detachment. Colo. Putnam complains, with justice, of the partiality of the distribution referred to in the Return, as not bearing a due proportion to...
I thank you for your letter of 13th. And as I Applaud very much your occupation, I should be happy to assist you if it was in my power, but it is not, I have never preserved phamplets or newspapers, I never had leisure to attend to it, And have given away every thing of the kind, almost as soon as I had read it, The greatest collection that I know of in the World is in the Atheanum in Boston,...
Relation d’unne Conversation que J’ay en avant hier avec M. Adams. J’ay été chez M. Adams pour luy faire part que les Nouvelles recues de Cadiz etoient fulminantes Contre Le Congrès americain parcequil a fixé La valeur du dollars en papier a quarante pour une piastre en Especes. J’observay a M. Adams que le Commerce etoit fondé a se ple a indre et Surtout Les Negotiants francais qui avoient...