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Results 1291-1320 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1291 Helmbold, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Helmbold, 25 November … 1802-11-25 You will confer a favor on me by giving me an answer to my request of Thursday last . I hope you...
1292 North, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William North, 19 April 1800 1800-04-19 It is my duty to inform you that Lt Ross remains in this City, & that there is no Officer to take...
1293 Adams, John President of Congress John Adams to the president of Congress, 22 April 1784 1784-04-22 I received Sometime Since a Letter from an American Gentleman now in London, a Candidate for...
1294 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 May 1780] 1780-05-20 20th. Wind Southwardly with some appearances of Rain but none fell—day warm & very dusty.
1295 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Washington, George To George Washington from Lafayette, 3 August 1787 1787-08-03 I Have Received Your first favour from Philadelphia with the Greater Satisfaction, as it promises...
1296 Mercer, Hugh Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Hugh … 1776-07-31 This morning two Negros were brought to me, who made their Escape last night from Staten...
1297 Washington, George Ogden, Uzal From George Washington to Uzal Ogden, 6 July 1789 1789-07-06 Your letter of the 12th of June, which was duly received should have had an earlier...
1298 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 19 March 1827 1827-03-19 Your two letters of Jany. 17 & 22. were duly recd. I hope your health was restored as soon as was...
1299 Madison, James Congress From James Madison to Congress, 26 May 1812 1812-05-26 I communicate to Congress, for their information, copies and extracts from the correspondence of...
1300 Kermorvan, Gilles-Jean Barazer, chevalier de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Chevalier Gilles-Jean Barazer … 1778-11-19 ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous faire part de la délivrance heureuse...
1301 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 12 March 1794 1794-03-12 I have all along flattered myself with hopes that I might with Propriety have taken Leave of the...
1302 Olney, Jeremiah Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Olney, 24 April … 1794-04-24 Providence, April 24, 1794. “The Act continuing the Embargo, and that passed the Second Instant,...
1303 Percival, Thomas Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Percival, 16 May 1771 1771-05-16 ALS : American Philosophical Society Though I have not the honour of being known to you, I take...
1304 Hamilton, Alexander Jefferson, Thomas From Alexander Hamilton to Thomas Jefferson, 20 April … 1790-04-20 I have the honor to enclose you copies of certain communications which have been made to me,...
1305 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 10 September 1810 1810-09-10 Extract from the Register of the resolution of the States General of the United provinces,...
1306 Kinnersley, Ebenezer Smith, William Ebenezer Kinnersley to [William Smith], 30 November … 1758-11-30 Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , November 30, 1758. William Smith, provost of the College...
1307 Jefferson, Thomas Evans, Oliver From Thomas Jefferson to Oliver Evans, 28 April 1805 1805-04-28 Your favor of the 21st. is recieved in which you mention that mr Clymer has concieved a means...
1308 Washington, George Morris, Robert From George Washington to Robert Morris, 24 December … 1781-12-24 Knowing full well the multiplicity & importance of yr business, it would give me more pain than...
1309 Council of War Council of War, 12 September 1776 1776-09-12 At a Council of War held at Gen. McDougals Qua⟨rters⟩ Sept. 12. 1776. Present His Excelly Gen....
1310 Adams, John Quincy [27th.] 1784-08-27 Friday dined with the Abbés at Passi.
1311 Read, Jacob Washington, George To George Washington from Jacob Read, 3 June 1792 1792-06-03 Mr Hugh Rose of this State will do himself the honour of paying his Respects to Your Excellency...
1312 Peale, Charles Willson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Willson Peale, 21 … 1802-01-21 Receive my assurances of obligation for the politeness and punctuality with which you have...
1313 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 19 February 1793 1793-02-19 I have great Satisfaction in your Letter of the 10 th. The Breaking of the Bubble of Banks would...
1314 Jones, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Jones, 25 March 1796 1796-03-25 The day after my return I wrote you a few lines to let you know I was at home I shall in a few...
1315 Jefferson, Thomas Washington, George Cabinet Opinions on the Republican and the Catharine … 1793-06-12 June 12. 1793. The President having required the opinions of the heads of the three departments...
1316 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 11 December 1819 1819-12-11 I thank you for the copy of your Message. The moderation it breathes towards Spain will be...
1317 Virginia Delegates Harrison, Benjamin Virginia Delegates to Benjamin Harrison, 15 April … 1783-04-15 Letter not found. 15 April 1783 . After Congress had ratified the provisional articles of peace...
1318 Adams, John Quincy 10th. Saturday. 1782-08-10 Finish’d Cicero’s oration pro Marcello. In the afternoon I went to the shops with Mr. Artaud. Mr....
1319 Washington, George [Diary entry: 9 June 1775] 1775-06-09 9. Dined at Mr. Saml. Pleasants and went to hear Mr. Piercy preach.
1320 Thompson, Thomas American Commissioners Thomas Thompson to the American Commissioners, [before … 1777-12-25 ALS : American Philosophical Society I thot before this to have given you an acct. of our...