James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Joel Barlow, 22 July 1812

From Joel Barlow

Paris 22 July 1812

Dear Sir

The copy of the encyclopedie in the president’s library goes no farther than the 56th. livraison inclusive. I take the liberty to enclose herewith a moniteur which will give you the present state of that work & the promise of its continuance & completion.1 There is no doubt but it will be when done a most complete & useful set of Dictionaries, on all the sciences.

If you will please to let me know whether you wish to have me procure & send the 21 livraisons wanting in your set to bring it up to the 77 already out, & to continue to receive the future ones, I will carefully follow your orders. I have the honor to be Dr. Sir your faithful servt.

J. Barlow

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1Barlow probably enclosed the 22 July 1812 edition of the Paris Moniteur universel, which ran an advertisement for the seventy-seventh volume of the Encyclopédie méthodique.

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