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Results 128601-128650 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Before your Return I agreed in thinking with the Agents of Massachusetts ^ that such Letters ^...
128602General Orders, 13 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
A subaltern from the Pennsylvania line and one from Muhlenberg’s Brigade to be sent immediately...
I have been honored with your’s of the 5. instant, respecting the staff Department. Am happy to...
private Dear Sir London 5 Augt 1794 On the 2d Inst: I wrote to Mr Randolph, and sent him Copies...
Among the distinguished honors which have a claim to my gratitude since my arrival I have seen...
I have the honour to recieve your favour of the 6 May & shall govern myself by the instructions...
128607General Orders, 23 March 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
MS not found: reprinted from extract in American Art Association Sale Catalogue, Dec. 2, 3, 1926,...
I had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 16th Ulto some days ago, and should have...
I beg leave to introduce to you my worthy friend Major Henry S Johnston he is the son in law of...
Although I had not forgot the promise I made you, respecting the Spanish Chestnuts, yet I am glad...
Letter not found: to Daniel Marshal, 7 July 1799. In the docket of Daniel Marshal’s letter to GW...
My swelling heart big with emotion which cannot be expressed in words impels me to pay you my...
I have received the Letter, which your Excellency did me, the Honour, to write me, on the twenty...
I have received your letter of the 25th. of February, and regret that circumstances should occur...
1286168th. (Adams Papers)
We went down this evening with the young ladies, to Mr. Dana’s. I passed several hours agreeably....
128617[Diary entry: 4 March 1798] (Washington Papers)
4. Morning clear & calm—White frost—Mer. 26 grd. frozen. Clear & pleasant all day with the Wind...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je viens, mon cher amy, de recevoir une lettre du comte de...
You “never profoundly admired Mr. H.” I have suggested some hints in his favour. You “never...
Yes My Dear Friend I had seen and read the Tenth Muse, and I think she abuses our poor old...
Copy: Library of Congress Je reçois, Monsieur, votre Lettre du 8. de ce mois au sujet de...
Th: Jefferson begs leave to add to his letter of May 3. to mr Laval the further request that he...
I have to acknowledg the Recept of a very few lines dated the 12 of April. You make no mention of...
I have the honor to enclose you a Certificate of membership of the Columbian Horticultural...
Field Notes. 1 st operation. 1815. Nov. 10. went on the top of the sharp or South peak of Otter ,...
The Boots which came to me through your Brother Colo. Webb, & which I now return by Colo....
Be pleased to send me, before the closing of your river, 1. ton of nail rod , in which let there...
I have your favs. of the 3d and 9th instants. It gives me pleasure to hear that the mutiny of...
I nominate Robert Rowan Esquire, of Fayetteville in North Carolina, to be Commissioner of Loans...
Since the 22 d. February which was the Date of my last Letter to You, I have been honored with...
There was one Richard Burrest Tryed by General Court Martial on the 22d Instant, & Convicted by...
In the last conversation I had the honour to hold with you, you observed that you had not...
Yesterday in Whispers the proposal was made to send JA to Spain, the Baloting for that business...
When I had the honr of seeing your Lordship in May last, I took the liberty of mentioning, in a...
This letter will, I hope and expect, be presented to you by your Son, who is highly deserving of...
Notwithstanding the sale of the Pilgrim it may be of importance to possess evidence of the place...
Notice is hereby given, that it has been deemed expedient to change the form of the Mediterranean...
I got through the 4 July with much more ease than I expected. it was a fine cool day, and my...
The copy of the encyclopedie in the president’s library goes no farther than the 56th. livraison...
Mr. Bibb was yesterday made a Judge of the court of Appeals of Kentucky. The office of district...
[ Monticello , 17 Oct. 1819 . SJL entry reads “inclosing 15.D. duties & charges on box wine.”...
AL : James M. Osborn, New Haven, Connecticut (1966) Dr Franklin presents his Compliments to Dr...
Be pleased to accept, of the ’76 association, a copy of an Oration delivered by one of its...
I received your letter dated the 23rd. instant this morning. On the 24th. April last, I advised...
[ Paris, 15 Dec. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mr. Carmichael. à Havre to know if it is stopped at...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope you will excuse the Liberty I have taken in sending...
Yesterday I had the pleasure to receive Your letter d. July 16 th (P.mark 19 h ). I had presumed...
I thank you, Sir, for the comparative statement of the climate s of the several states, as...
128649[Diary entry: 1 November 1798] (Washington Papers)
1. Morning—Wind Easterly & lowering Mer. at 30. About 8 Oclock it began to snow but soon changed...
Extract reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., The Works of Benjamin Franklin … (10 vols., Boston,...