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Results 128601-128630 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Before your Return I agreed in thinking with the Agents of Massachusetts ^ that such Letters ^...
128602General Orders, 13 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
A subaltern from the Pennsylvania line and one from Muhlenberg’s Brigade to be sent immediately...
I have been honored with your’s of the 5. instant, respecting the staff Department. Am happy to...
private Dear Sir London 5 Augt 1794 On the 2d Inst: I wrote to Mr Randolph, and sent him Copies...
Among the distinguished honors which have a claim to my gratitude since my arrival I have seen...
I have the honour to recieve your favour of the 6 May & shall govern myself by the instructions...
128607General Orders, 23 March 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
MS not found: reprinted from extract in American Art Association Sale Catalogue, Dec. 2, 3, 1926,...
I had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 16th Ulto some days ago, and should have...
I beg leave to introduce to you my worthy friend Major Henry S Johnston he is the son in law of...
Although I had not forgot the promise I made you, respecting the Spanish Chestnuts, yet I am glad...
Letter not found: to Daniel Marshal, 7 July 1799. In the docket of Daniel Marshal’s letter to GW...
My swelling heart big with emotion which cannot be expressed in words impels me to pay you my...
I have received the Letter, which your Excellency did me, the Honour, to write me, on the twenty...
I have received your letter of the 25th. of February, and regret that circumstances should occur...
1286168th. (Adams Papers)
We went down this evening with the young ladies, to Mr. Dana’s. I passed several hours agreeably....
128617[Diary entry: 4 March 1798] (Washington Papers)
4. Morning clear & calm—White frost—Mer. 26 grd. frozen. Clear & pleasant all day with the Wind...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je viens, mon cher amy, de recevoir une lettre du comte de...
You “never profoundly admired Mr. H.” I have suggested some hints in his favour. You “never...
Yes My Dear Friend I had seen and read the Tenth Muse, and I think she abuses our poor old...
Copy: Library of Congress Je reçois, Monsieur, votre Lettre du 8. de ce mois au sujet de...
Th: Jefferson begs leave to add to his letter of May 3. to mr Laval the further request that he...
I have to acknowledg the Recept of a very few lines dated the 12 of April. You make no mention of...
I have the honor to enclose you a Certificate of membership of the Columbian Horticultural...
Field Notes. 1 st operation. 1815. Nov. 10. went on the top of the sharp or South peak of Otter ,...
The Boots which came to me through your Brother Colo. Webb, & which I now return by Colo....
Be pleased to send me, before the closing of your river, 1. ton of nail rod , in which let there...
I have your favs. of the 3d and 9th instants. It gives me pleasure to hear that the mutiny of...
I nominate Robert Rowan Esquire, of Fayetteville in North Carolina, to be Commissioner of Loans...
Since the 22 d. February which was the Date of my last Letter to You, I have been honored with...