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Results 128601-128650 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I received your short note, accompanying the Oration delivered by my brother, before the...
When at the seat of Governt. I mentioned to the Govr. of So. Caroa. that I had made his request...
13 June 1802, Department of State. “The Secretary of State presents his compliments to the...
13 June 1802, Department of State, Washington. Introduces the bearer, William Cooke, who has a...
I omitted to place in my memorandum 2. wire-screens for the windows of the Setting room, intended...
Before I left the City of Washington you mentioned a floor Cloth which you wished to have painted...
Having occasion to have a piece of work executed at Monticello which requires the very toughest...
I observe in the European catalogues of Optical, Astronomical &c. Instruments, they advertize...
I have receivd a letter from Mr. Danl Brent requesting me to give you information respecting the...
14 June 1802, Algiers. Describes two Tripolitan corsairs that arrived on 10 June and departed...
14 June 1802, Tangier. No. 41. Presumes that no. 40 [5 June 1802], which was forwarded to...
On the Evening of the 10th. Inst. arrived here two Tripoline Corsairs and this morning they...
No. 40 concluded 10th. Inst., and forwarded to Gibraltar I presume is still there, and that this...
As I suppose you will have to give Mr. Hawkins some instruction respecting the Piano, I think it...
Will mr Lear do Th: Jefferson the favor of taking a family dinner with him to-day. RC ( InHi );...
Your favor of the 12th. came to hand last night. while making out the commissions of bankruptcy...
my Feather give me this Edvise, David when ever you have to send a Letter to a man who has a...
I am later in acknoleging the reciept of your favor of May 16. because it found me at Monticello...
On Sunday a letter from Mrs. Church announced the happy delivery of My Dear Eliza, and that She...
Mr. Olsen the Danish Minister Resident has complained of Captn. Maley in capturing a Danish...
Mr. Thornton the British Chargé d’Affaires has expressed a wish that Mr. Smith the British Agent...
15 June 1802, Gibraltar. No. 89. Reports “no Novelty here regarding Tripoly. Comodor Morris is in...
Without the pleasure of any of yours I referr to my last No. 88. We have no Novelty here...
The Fourteenth Section of the Act of Congress of April 29th. 1802 entituled “ an Act to amend the...
City of Washington Dr. to The State of Maryland to 1t. Apl to 1. July 1802. 1802 Interest on...
Observations upon the charges against Governor St. Clair— 1st. Charge is not established. It was...
Your letter of the 17th. May was duly recd. As it appears that you have relinquished the...
I have recd. your letter of april 10. in which you ask a decision whether you may whilst american...
Mr. Madison has the honor to inform Mr. Pichon that the case of the Portuguese Brig la Gloria dal...
16 June 1802, London. Acknowledges JM’s private letter of 7 Apr. conveying the president’s...
Letter not found. 16 June 1802. Calendared as a three-page letter in the lists probably made by...
Letter not found. 16 June 1802. Acknowledged in Daniel Brent to Stockton, 28 June 1802 (DNA: RG...
I have lately been informed that Mr. Anderson at present attorney for the united States in and...
In compliance with the desire expressed in your favor of the 12th., I have been endeavouring to...
With many excuses for the liberty I took in importuning you with my private affairs, I have to...
Mr. Briesler the late Presidant’s Steward, some time in October 1800 desired I would get a Mangle...
You will percieve by the inclosed letter from the Governor of Maryland that we are called on for...
The Public Papers having announced your arrival in the City; I take the liberty to address you...
I have the honor, in compliance with your request, to submit to your consideration, my ideas...
In a conversation with the Secretary of the Navy, a day or two ago, on the subject of the fees...
Its with great concern I am under the necessity of acquainting you, that either the information...
17 June 1802, Department of State, Washington. “ Your letter of the 10th. April last has been...
17 June 1802, Amsterdam. “By the request of our friend and Partner Mr. Sylvs. Bourne, we have the...
17 June 1802. “The Gentlemen whose names I wish you to mention to the President for the Office of...
By the request of our friend and Partner Mr. Sylvs. Bourne, we have the honor to send you hereby...
Th:J. incloses the within to mr Barnes because the captain will probably apply to him on his...
I take the liberty of inclosing the Letter of Mr Bowditch & the demonstrations of this ingenious...
I have this moment recieved the inclosed bill of lading by which it appears that my Piano forte...
Believing that it will not be disagreable to you to hear the sentiments of the people in the...
Permit me to make you acquainted with Mr. Joseph Cowings a gentlemen just arrived here from...