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Results 128551-128600 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
My measures with Mahamet Bashaw the rightful sovereign of Tripoli, which I have had the honor to...
I have nothing of consequence to communicate to thee Pr. this opportunity, further than to State...
I take the liberty of announcing to you the issue of the election of yesterday —The votes stand...
Mr. Craven Peyton of Albemarle, to whom I owed a balance of 131.47 D has desired me to remit it...
Your favor of the 2d. instant was recieved by last post, desiring a remittance of the balance of...
Lest you might be gone to Richmond, as mentioned in your letter of the 2d. instant , I have...
My unfortunate situation compels me to repeat my just complaints. Seperated from my...
A desire to be useful, induces me to make the present Communication, consisting of hints...
I feel a considerable degree of embarrassment on the present occasion, but trust to your good...
Mrs. Cushing joins to present our best respects to you & Mrs Adams and our best wishes for your...
I have the honor to transmit transcripts of the proceedings of the Circuit Court for Connecticut...
9 June 1802, Kingston, Jamaica. “I have this day drawn on you … for the Balance due me on the...
I beg leave to refer to my last, Copy of which is herewith annexed. I have this day drawn on you...
My ordinary duties render me very slow in answering the favors of my friends. hence this late...
I have the Honer of transmitting to you, an address from the Grand & general Juries, summoned to...
On examining the charges against Governor St. Clair, and his defence, unaccompanyed with any...
Your favor of May 2. was not recieved till a few days ago. however strong my preference of...
Having been absent during the month of May on a visit to Monticello, your letter of Apr. 29. has...
W: Thornton returns his respectful Compliments to the President of the United States.—He has...
I had the honor to address you last on the 6th March, since when a great pressure of business...
10 June 1802, Marseilles. Mentions that he will soon send a statement of the American ships that...
10 June 1802, London. No. 69. Acknowledges JM’s public letter of 7 Apr. “communicating the...
10 June 1802, Charleston. Writes at the request of several merchants of Charleston who wish to...
I had the honour of paying you my Respects on the 10th. march last inclosing you the State of the...
As the politics of S. Carolina are very interesting, I enclose you a pamphlet ascribed to Mr....
With due deference the Subscriber prays leave respectfully to submit the following remarks on the...
I have the honor to propose for your approbation William King of the State of Pennsylvania and...
Nicholas Gilman Henry S. Langdon John Goddard John Mc.Clintock } to be Commissioners of...
I do myself the honor to transmit herewith a copy of the annual publication of our Missionary...
Among the many tributes of respect which you receive from the citizens of the United States, a...
The Bone from Mr Jno. Brown I have received to day, and great was my surprise to find it in form...
View of the Upper Part From the Suter H the center of the Head to root of the horn I 7 Inches...
View of the Back part that Joins the neck From A to B 2 feet 5 Inches. Circumference at C 21...
about three weeks ago I received a letter from a Gentleman , residing amongst the Indians,...
In the last conversation I had the honour to hold with you, you observed that you had not...
I Received yr favor, the wine shall be sent as you desire, of the same Cargo. I have just arived...
Th: Jefferson has been taking a view of his affairs, and sends mr Barnes a statement of them. if...
Your favor of the 8th. is duly received. The letter which it inclosed for Mr. Craven Peyton,...
I find by your letter of the 3d., that you think Sierra Leone on the Coast of Affrica a suitable...
Mr. Barnes two days ago remitted to mrs Jackson 200 Dollars, which will of course get to her...
My last unofficial letter was dated March 6th; not having had the pleasure of hearing from you, &...
12 June 1802, Hamburg. “I have the honor to hand you enclosed a note from the Regency of Wertheim...
12 June 1802, Charleston. Encloses his account for publishing the laws of the U.S. passed during...
I have the honor to hand you enclosed a note from the Regency of Wertheim which explains that...
Allow me Sir, to make my most grateful acknowledgemts. for your Acceptable communications last...
Below is a list of my poor crop of tobo. made at Poplar forest the last year. how much can I get...
Calling to recollection, that when in the city of Washington I named my son Robert as a suitable...
I hope you will excuse my request to dedicate to you one of the works of which you will find some...
I have the honor to enclose herewith a Warrant of Midshipman for William Sim . He is the son of a...
If your two letters of 16 May, and 3. inst t: have hitherto remained unanswered you must impute...