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Results 128551-128580 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
My measures with Mahamet Bashaw the rightful sovereign of Tripoli, which I have had the honor to...
I have nothing of consequence to communicate to thee Pr. this opportunity, further than to State...
I take the liberty of announcing to you the issue of the election of yesterday —The votes stand...
Mr. Craven Peyton of Albemarle, to whom I owed a balance of 131.47 D has desired me to remit it...
Your favor of the 2d. instant was recieved by last post, desiring a remittance of the balance of...
Lest you might be gone to Richmond, as mentioned in your letter of the 2d. instant , I have...
My unfortunate situation compels me to repeat my just complaints. Seperated from my...
A desire to be useful, induces me to make the present Communication, consisting of hints...
I feel a considerable degree of embarrassment on the present occasion, but trust to your good...
Mrs. Cushing joins to present our best respects to you & Mrs Adams and our best wishes for your...
I have the honor to transmit transcripts of the proceedings of the Circuit Court for Connecticut...
9 June 1802, Kingston, Jamaica. “I have this day drawn on you … for the Balance due me on the...
I beg leave to refer to my last, Copy of which is herewith annexed. I have this day drawn on you...
My ordinary duties render me very slow in answering the favors of my friends. hence this late...
I have the Honer of transmitting to you, an address from the Grand & general Juries, summoned to...
On examining the charges against Governor St. Clair, and his defence, unaccompanyed with any...
Your favor of May 2. was not recieved till a few days ago. however strong my preference of...
Having been absent during the month of May on a visit to Monticello, your letter of Apr. 29. has...
W: Thornton returns his respectful Compliments to the President of the United States.—He has...
I had the honor to address you last on the 6th March, since when a great pressure of business...
10 June 1802, Marseilles. Mentions that he will soon send a statement of the American ships that...
10 June 1802, London. No. 69. Acknowledges JM’s public letter of 7 Apr. “communicating the...
10 June 1802, Charleston. Writes at the request of several merchants of Charleston who wish to...
I had the honour of paying you my Respects on the 10th. march last inclosing you the State of the...
As the politics of S. Carolina are very interesting, I enclose you a pamphlet ascribed to Mr....
With due deference the Subscriber prays leave respectfully to submit the following remarks on the...
I have the honor to propose for your approbation William King of the State of Pennsylvania and...
Nicholas Gilman Henry S. Langdon John Goddard John Mc.Clintock } to be Commissioners of...
I do myself the honor to transmit herewith a copy of the annual publication of our Missionary...
Among the many tributes of respect which you receive from the citizens of the United States, a...