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Results 126441-126450 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Extract: Henry E. Huntington Library Mrs. Hall and her Sons, whom you enquire after, were well when I left Philadelphia. I was too much employed while there to be often with them; but I heard that their Trade goes on as successfully as ever. Quoted in Strahan to Mrs. Hall, April 7, 1778. She is identified above, XVII , 101 n. Strahan gave the place and date in quoting these sentences, which...
ALS : New York Public Library I have yours of Oct. 3. Bolitho being just arriv’d, the Things not yet come on shore. By the Account sent, I find I was then £59 4 s . ½ d . in your Debt. I hope you have since received the Bills I sent you per Joy and Budden for £109 8 s . 4 d . Sterling which will leave a Ballance in my Favour. I do not at all approve of B. Mecom’s being so much in your Debt,...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; also duplicate: Boston Public Library I have had no Line from [you] since that dated June 1745, which, with your equal Silence to our Friends Hall and Read, made me apprehend that Death had depriv’d me of the Pleasure I promis’d myself in our growing Friendship: But Lieut. Grung writing in February last that you and your Family were well, convinces me...
ALS : Library of Congress; copy: Pierpont Morgan Library This famous letter was unquestionably not sent. The positive evidence is that the original remained with Franklin’s papers. The negative evidence is that Strahan later gave no sign that he had received such a blast: when he responded on September 6 to a letter, now lost, from Franklin two days after this one, and when he wrote again on...
MS not found; reprinted from Bigelow, Works (Federal Edition, 1904), XII , 253. This serves to cover the enclosed and recommend the affair to your care. I have assured the gentlemen concerned that you will serve them as well and cheap as any bookseller in London. They are men of ability, and will be constant customers. We are all well, and join in the most cordial salutations to you, Mrs....
ALS : Rosenbach Foundation; duplicate: Huntington Library I wrote you a Line or two yesterday, enclosing B. Mecom’s 2d Bill for £100 Sterling drawn on you upon Presumption that you had received some Bills he had sent you, amounting to about £120 more than the Ballance of his Account. He has settled honourably with me, and bought the old Printing House he had at Antigua, which he has sent to...
ALS : Boston Public Library I wrote to you lately per Mesnard, and sent a Bill for £50 Sterling, with a List of Books to be purchased for our Library; a Copy of which I shall send per another Ship that sails in a few Days. This is chiefly to recommend to you Mr. Matthias Harris, a Gentleman of Maryland, and a Friend of mine. As he will be entirely a Stranger in London, your Acquaintance and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; also duplicates: New York Public Library and Pierpont Morgan Library This is only to enclose a third Bill, for £15.0.0 Sterling the first and second of which went from this Port directly and from Annapolis: And to desire you to send me two setts of Popple’s Mapps of N. America one bound the other in Sheets, they are for our Assembly; they also want the...
ALS : Yale University Library This just serves to cover a Bill of Exchange for £8 8 s. o d. Sterling, and to let you know we are all well. It goes via New York, our River being full of Ice. I shall write you largely per our next Vessel, particularly about Mr. Read’s Affair. I wrote to you per our two last Vessels. The Post just going, cannot add but that I am Dear Sir, Your obliged Friend and...
ALS and duplicate: Yale University Library I inclose you a Bill of Philip Gibbes jr. drawn on Messrs. Lascelles and Maxwell, Merchants in London, for £50 Sterling. Also a Bill of John Hutchings on Mr. James Buchanan Merchant London for £50 Sterling which I hope will be readily paid. Twelve Pounds in these Bills is what I received of Mr. Dove for Mr. Young; the remaining £88, please to carry to...