126401Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 18 December 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
It is my misfortune to be mistaken for a sturdy Mathematician. I was never but an Amateur, and...
126402From Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 5 August 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Mr. Caruthers, to whom I addressed the commission of Marshal for the Western district of...
126403From Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 17 May 1795 (Jefferson Papers)
The bearer hereof is Mr. Strickland, an English gentleman who is passing through our country to...
126404From Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 25 April 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
I wrote on the 8th. inst. to ask your recommendation of an Attorney & Marshall for the Western...
126405From Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 30 June 1795 (Jefferson Papers)
It was not till lately I could send a cart into Louisa for the books I had lent my nephew Dabney...
126406Enclosure: Notes on Potash and Pearl Ash, 19 February 1795 (Jefferson Papers)
Notes on Pot and Pearlash. a man will cut and burn 2 ½ cords of wood a day. a cord of wood yeilds...
126407From George Washington to David Stuart, 9 April 1793 (Washington Papers)
On Thursday next at one o’Clock, I mean to pay the last respect to the remains of my deceased...
126408From George Washington to David Stuart, 8 January 1797 (Washington Papers)
Your letter of the 18th Ulto with its enclosures, came to hand in the usual course of the Post;...
126409From George Washington to David Stuart, 15 January 1788 (Washington Papers)
In answer to your enquiries in behalf of Mr Custis and which you requested I would commit to...
126410From George Washington to David Stuart, 5 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
Permit me to offer you my thanks for your kindness in attending Mrs Washington till she was met...
126411From George Washington to David Stuart, 24 November 1786 (Washington Papers)
Enclosed I return the certificates with the Clerks signature of their having passed the Court of...
126412From George Washington to David Stuart, 27 June 1788 (Washington Papers)
Your letter of the 23d, which came duly to hand; still leaves us in a state of suspence with...
126413From George Washington to David Stuart, 26 July 1789 (Washington Papers)
In the first moments of my ability to sit in an easy chair (and that not entirely without pain) I...
126414From George Washington to David Stuart, 24 July 1788 (Washington Papers)
From Mr Lund Washington’s I received your letter of the 20th instant, enclosing Mr Hopkins’s...
126415From George Washington to David Stuart, 22 December 1787 (Washington Papers)
To the best of my recollection I have sent you Seven numbers of the Fœderalist, under the...
126416From George Washington to David Stuart, 18 January 1788 (Washington Papers)
As the enclosed will be transmitted to Mr Custis, I will blend nothing else ⟨w⟩ith it; but beg,...
126417From George Washington to David Stuart, 12 February 1787 (Washington Papers)
At length I have received the sheriffs acct against me for Taxes—a copy of which I enclose you....
126418From George Washington to David Stuart, 28 March 1790 (Washington Papers)
Your letter of the 15th enclosing the Act of Assembly authorising an agreement with Mr Alexander...
126419From George Washington to David Stuart, 10 November 1788 (Washington Papers)
Your letter of the 3d came duly to hand. I thank you for the communications contained in it,...
126420From George Washington to David Stuart, 17 October 1787 (Washington Papers)
As the enclosed Advertiser contains a speech of Mr Wilson’s (as able, candid, & honest a member...
126421From George Washington to David Stuart, 25 June 1790 (Washington Papers)
According to promise, you ought to have received the enclosed at an earlier period; but no...
126422From George Washington to David Stuart, 2 December 1788 (Washington Papers)
A house rarely without Company, and Many other matters which claimed my attention, have prevented...
126423From George Washington to David Stuart, 29 December 1787 (Washington Papers)
In more fear that this letter will not find you in Richmond than of expectation that it will, it...
126424From George Washington to David Stuart, 5 February 1786 (Washington Papers)
The Vessel which brought the inclosed, has delivered the 800 Bushels of Oats for which you...
126425From George Washington to David Stuart, 21 September 1794 (Washington Papers)
Your letter of the 14th instt has been duly received. As it was, and is, my earnest wish to...
126426From George Washington to David Stuart, 7 February 1796 (Washington Papers)
I am glad to find by the last letters which we have received from our friends in the Federal...
126427From George Washington to David Stuart, 21 October 1792 (Washington Papers)
You informed me when I was at George Town on my way to this City that Colo. Mercer, upon...
126428From George Washington to David Stuart, 1 February 1793 (Washington Papers)
Yesterday I wrote two letters to the Commissioners. One public, the other private. The first...
126429From George Washington to David Stuart, 6 April 1795 (Washington Papers)
Your letter of the 22d Ulto came duly to hand. I shall keep Mr White, with others, in...
126430From George Washington to David Stuart, 4 January 1799 (Washington Papers)
Your letter of this date is just received; and the cause why I did not hear from you by the...
126431From George Washington to David Stuart, 30 November 1785 (Washington Papers)
Your favor of the 16th came duly to hand, & I thank you for its several communications. The...
126432From George Washington to David Stuart, 15 August 1786 (Washington Papers)
Mrs Washington is prevented from dining with you tomorrow by the arrival of a French Gentleman of...
126433From George Washington to David Stuart, 26 February 1798 (Washington Papers)
When you were here last, I informed you, that from the reputation which the College at Annapolis...
126434From George Washington to David Stuart, 18 October 1791 (Washington Papers)
Bladensburgh [Md.] Oct. 18th 1791 Dear Sir, half past 5 Oclock A. M. I pray you to drop me a line...
126435From George Washington to David Stuart, 25 November 1788 (Washington Papers)
I have received your favor of the 15th & thank you for the communications contained in it. In my...
126436From George Washington to David Stuart, 8 April 1792 (Washington Papers)
The letter from the Commissioners to Mr Jefferson of the has been laid before me, and I have...
126437From George Washington to David Stuart, 23 June 1788 (Washington Papers)
Upon the receipt of your favor of the 13th instt I caused enquiry to be made into the foundation...
126438From George Washington to David Stuart, 1 July 1787 (Washington Papers)
I have been favoured with your letter of the 17th Ulto. In May, Mr Alexr Donald made me a...
126439From George Washington to David Stuart, 23 November 1791 (Washington Papers)
After closing my letter to you of the 20th I recollected that I had omitted to take notice of...
126440From George Washington to David Stuart, 30 November 1792 (Washington Papers)
Knowing that tomorrow is the time appointed for the monthly meeting of the Commissioners at...
126441From George Washington to David Stuart, 5 May 1787 (Washington Papers)
I have received your favor of the 30th and thank you for the ennumerations contained in it. They...
126442From George Washington to David Stuart, 13 August 1798 (Washington Papers)
If you, or Mrs Stuart could, by indirect means, discover the State of Washington Custiss Mind, it...
126443From George Washington to David Stuart, 24 December 1785 (Washington Papers)
I have received your favor of the 18th, & am exceedingly obliged to you for the Contract you have...
126444From George Washington to David Stuart, 11 June 1784 (Washington Papers)
A few days ago, I received the enclosed letter & copy of an intended address to be presented on...
126445From George Washington to David Stuart, 23 March 1790 (Washington Papers)
The only answer I can give to your letter of the 11th Instt is, that under my present view of the...
126446From George Washington to David Stuart, 8 June 1788 (Washington Papers)
I have received your favour of the 4th, and am happy to find that matters so far as you had...
126447From George Washington to David Stuart, 5 November 1787 (Washington Papers)
I thank you for the communications in your letters of the 16th and 26th ulto both of which came...
126448From George Washington to David Stuart, 8 March 1792 (Washington Papers)
In a short letter which I wrote to you by the last Post, I promised a lengthy one by the Post of...
126449From George Washington to David Stuart, 12 December 1790 (Washington Papers)
On my return to this City, at Elkridge landing (eight miles beyond Baltimore) a Negroe fellow of...
126450From George Washington to David Stuart, 11 April 1790 (Washington Papers)
I have given my consent in the manner the law directs, to the agreement you have made with Mr...