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Results 1261-1310 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Altho the opening of the Campaign forbids it; yet I am induced to consent that Ensign Richards have a Discharge; The situation of his Family with other Circumstances Loudly call for it. I am your Excellencys Most Obedt & very Hble Servt DNA : RG 93—War Department.
I inclose you a charge by mr Hanson against Capt Smith & Lieutenants Davis & Dobbins of the militia, as having become members of an organized company, calling themselves the Tar-company, avowing their object to be the tarring & feathering citizens of some description. altho in ordinary cases the animadversions of the law may be properly relied on to prevent what is unlawful, yet with those...
I have satisfied myself, by a great number of experiments, that the influence of cold upon the skin, is the most universal cause which places the system in a state of predisposition to disease. I have also ascertained by experiment hundreds of times repeated, that a timely application of intense heat to the surface, will correct the predisposition, and prevent disease, even when sternly...
Mézieres en Champagne, 8 Dec. 1786. Inquires about a power of attorney forwarded to Peters in June, about which he has had no news; gives his address and asks to have anything received for him forwarded. RC ( MHi ); 2 p.; in French; endorsed. Noted in SJL as received 11 Dec. 1786. See Richard Peters to TJ, 1 Oct. 1786 .
I am honored this Morning with your favour of the 23d.—That Dr. Frankline while in England corresponded with Mr. Dumas, I very well know from an intimate acquaintance with both of them; that he reccommended a Dutch loan before he left England is improbable because at that time there was no Government or body of Men or individual in America to whom the loan could be named. When Dr. Frankline...
ALS : Huntington Library Enclos’d is a second Bill for £19 7 s. 1½ d. Sterling. The first I sent you some time since. Mr. Hall will write, tho’ neither of us have much Time, the Vessel hurrying away for fear of the Ice. I shall soon send you more Bills. With my best Respects to Mrs. Strahan, in which my Dame joins, and hearty Wishes for the Welfare of you and yours, I am, Dear Sir, Your...
This will be delivered to your Excellency by Colonel Emas McCoy of the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment. The Rank of Officers in this Regiment is not yet settled, and from their present temper we apprehend much discontent will arise from any determination by this Council, and thereby the public Service be greatly injured, which possibly may not be the case if settled at Head-Quarters and by your...
1268[Diary entry: 15 October 1772] (Washington Papers)
15. Clear, Calm & pleasant with but little Wind.
The subject in which we have been engaged, is so fully before you in our publick communications, that there remains only one point for us to make any remarks on to you in a private one; that is, what will be best for our government to do in the present unexpected and disagreable business. We do presume that it will be impossible to leave it in its present state. The injuries which our people...
Having received the commission of attorney general of the United states which you have been pleased to confer upon me, I have the honor to signify, respectfully, my acceptance of it. Amidst the sensibilities I feel at so signal a mark of confidence at your hands I can only say, that I am enabled to sustain the sense of responsibility it implies by nothing else than a consciousness of the good...
Not one word have I heard from you my dear Friend since your kind letter, saying that you was but just leaving the chamber, after a long confinement. I hope & pray that you soon regained your usual health though that at best is delicate. Various circumstances have prevented my being with you ere this. Three weeks since I was called to Plymouth, to sympathize with my beloved Mrs Hammatt for the...
(a) after ‘others’—the insertion of “with commissions”—seems necessary, as others refers to the armed vessels—not to commissns. (b) Instead of “under the controul”it may be well to insert some such phrase as “unreached by any controul” in order not to sanction a plea agst. indemnification, drawn from an acknowledgment on our part that the enenormities were uncontroulable. (c) “as unprofitable...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to the reverend mr Ogden and thanks him for his pamphlet which he has read with great satisfaction. the example which has been set by the great man who was the subject of it, will be of immense value to mankind if the Buonapartes of this world, & those whose object is fame & glory, will but contemplate & truly calculate the difference between that of a...
Enclosed you have your Bond to F. Lewis , for which I received Payment in a drft Some time Since, the Bond would have been forwarded to you ere this, but it was not perfectly understood by Mr. J. Leitch what paper you wanted when your Servant applied to him for a paper. RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ; with additional notation by TJ beneath endorsement: “return g my note to Field g Lewis .”
I have the Honor to transmit to your Excellency a packet which was this Morng received by the Chain of Expres, from the Marquis de Vaudieul at Boston. I take the Liberty to inclose to your Care several Letters for France, which I beg your Excellency will be so good as to forward by the first good Conveyance. I have the Honor to be &c. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 24 January 1806, New Orleans. “I have the honor to enclose you a Copy of a statement made me on Oath, by Stephen a free black man; I do not credit it in whole; I however, have no doubt, but that the free people of Color have been tampered with, and that some of them are devoted to the spanish Interest. “Mr. Morales is yet in this City, and should I not an [ sic...
Being cut off from the occurrences in the Assembly I have nothing to write you upon, but the prospect as to my reelection. The Apostacy of one of our Delegates in the Convention, and the wavering conduct of the other, have re-animated the Spirit of Anti-federalism in the County to such a degree that much work is to be done before my object will be secured —the issue of the ten days for which...
Having again become Agent for the Reviews, I send you by this mail the January No. of the North Am: Review. No. 81 of the Edinburg Review is in the press and will soon be ready for subscribers. If there be any nos. preceeding these that you have not recd. which I have reason to believe may be the case, please to send me a memo. of them and they shall be sent to you. I also take the liberty of...
New York, October 26, 1795. “Lady Sterling has consulted me on the subject of the enclosed letter but without more facts than she is possessed of, I cannot judge with certainty in whom the right to the certificates is. Prima facie it is not in Mr. Dayton. But I shall write to that Gentleman to know precisely the grounds of his claim. This information obtained I shall be able to form a final...
I have given the above extract exactly as I find it in a book of my venerated parent that I have just been reading, and which is full of interesting anecdote. I avow it in part as my motive, that I may ask you what toast you would give now if I had the happiness of being in your company at Quincy. That we shall have to fight longer is, as I intimated to you a few days ago, highly probable. The...
I nominate Roger Gregory Junior of Virginia to be commissioner of the direct tax &c in the place of Thomas Tinsley who has resigned. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
Copy: Library of Congress I last Night received your respected Letter of the 20th. Instant; inclosing one from Capt. Landais to which the Within is an Answer sent open for your Perusal. I should make no Objection to your Supplying the Alliance with such Provisions as might be necessary for the present Subsistance of the People that are on board her, many of whom are exchanged Prisoners, honest...
The fall of Bank certificates may have some good effects, it will operate to deter our industrious citizens from meddling in future with the funds, & teach them contentment in their proper vocations. So far as I am informed, the loss will be divided among a great number of individuals, and where it is heaviest, the sufferers will generally be characters who will neither excite nor deserve...
1284General Orders, 2 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . GW departed New Windsor for Newport on this date and left Maj. Gen. William Heath in command during his absence (see GW’s second letter to Samuel Huntington, 1 March , and his letter to Heath, same date ; see also GW to Rochambeau, this date ).
1285General Orders, 23 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
I take the earliest Opportunity to inform you of the arrival of the French Squadron at this Port on the 6th inst. with 4 or 5000 troops, and that peaceable possession was taken of this Town and the neighbouring Forts the Same Evening. Genl. Richpanse with most of the Squadron has gone down to Basseterre, where it is beleived Resistance will be made by the Blacks. An Embargo was laid...
I have the honor to enclose copies of letters received this morning which from their impor t ance it is judged necessary to communicate to you with all possible expedition. I have the honor to be Your Excellency’s most obedient humble Servt DLC : Papers of George Washington. By accounts I this day received from New York Two of the inhabitants near the Clove took and carried into Genl Sir Henry...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Pelham and his thanks for the system of the notation of sounds which he has been so kind as to send him, and which he will certainly peruse with pleasure at the first leisure moment. strongly sensible of the importance of a reformation in the notation of the sounds of the English language, he yet despairs of it but in a small and slow way. Voltaire...
By Appointment under the new frame of Government established in this State, we succeed the late Council of Safety in the Military Department, of course your Excellency’s letter of the 28th Inst. came before us, and from our knowledge of the late Council, we can assure your Excellency that it was thro’ inadvertency that they infringed upon the powers invested in you by Congress, and not by...
Please to submit the enclosed letter to the President of the U.S. from Major Gaither—dated 23d May 93. I am Dear Sir Your humble Servt ALS , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . Another writer added the phrase containing the date of Henry Gaither’s letter to Knox. Gaither, writing from Fort Fidius in Georgia, reported that residents of the Georgia frontier were fleeing their homes in fear of an Indian...
You will confer a favor on me by giving me an answer to my request of Thursday last . I hope you will comply with it, as it will enable me to recover that station, in point of property, I once held. I enclose a note, by way of memorandum. I remain, With respect, Your humble Sevt. RC ( MHi ); with note by TJ adjacent to closing: “I returned the note to him without answer. Th :J.”; at foot of...
It is my duty to inform you that Lt Ross remains in this City, & that there is no Officer to take charge of that part of Capt McClellans Company which is at Ellis’s Island—& in case of the absence of Capt Read from that post, the whole of the men remains without an Officer to command them. That there is a Lieut Dwight in this City, who is said to live an irregular & indecent life to the...
I received Sometime Since a Letter from an American Gentleman now in London, a Candidate for Orders, desiring to know, if American Candidates might have Orders from Prostestant Bishops on the Continent, and complaining that he had been refused by the Bishop of London and the Archbishop of Canturbury, unless he would take the Oaths of Allegiance &c. Meeting Soon afterwards, the Danish Minister...
1294[Diary entry: 20 May 1780] (Washington Papers)
20th. Wind Southwardly with some appearances of Rain but none fell—day warm & very dusty.
I Have Received Your first favour from Philadelphia with the Greater Satisfaction, as it promises me the pleasure to Hear Again from you Before long —a pleasure, My Beloved General, which Your friend’s filial Heart wants to Anticipate, and Enjoys most Affectionately—I Have not Been surprised to Hear of Your Attendance at the Convention, and would indeed Have wondered at a denial—on the success...
This morning two Negros were brought to me, who made their Escape last night from Staten Island—and were taken up by our Guards at So. Amboy—Their Examination contains nothing new but is sent enclosd for your perusal —By the Report of the Commanding Officer At the above mentioned Post it appears that Thirty Nine sail of Square riggd Vessels, three of them men of War have come in from Sea...
Your letter of the 12th of June, which was duly received should have had an earlier acknowledgment and my best thanks have been rendered to you for your politeness in sending me the first number of a new periodical publication which accompanied it, had not my late indisposition prevented. I must now beg your acceptance of my thanks for this mark of attention, and assure you that it always...
Your two letters of Jany. 17 & 22. were duly recd. I hope your health was restored as soon as was promised by the decrease of your fever, and that it continues to be good. I inclose a Circular required by the resignation of Mr. Key, to which I have nothing to add on that subject. Our Colleagues protest against a “Called Board” on any acct. tho’ I fear the Creditors of the university will be...
I communicate to Congress, for their information, copies and extracts from the correspondence of the Secretary of State, and the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at Paris. These Documents will place before Congress the actual posture of our relations with France. RC and enclosures, two copies ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 12A-D1; and DNA : RG 46, Legislative Proceedings,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous faire part de la délivrance heureuse de notre reine, elle est accouchée aujourdhuy a onze heures quarante deux minutes, d’une fille, on s’etoit trompé pendant une heure sur le sexe, soit par l’excès de la joye ou par l’embarras d’annoncer une fille, on a annoncé un dauphin au peuple. La reine a etè en travail depuis deux heures et...
I have all along flattered myself with hopes that I might with Propriety have taken Leave of the Senate and returned home, as soon as the Roads might be settled: But such is the critical State of our public Affairs, and I daily hear Such Doctrines Advanced, and Supported by almost and sometimes quite one half of the Senate, that I shall not prevail on myself to abandon my Post. This Day the...
Providence, April 24, 1794. “The Act continuing the Embargo, and that passed the Second Instant, have come to hand. Is any Bond to be taken for a registered Vessel, bound from One District to another in the United States … in Ballast only? ” ADfS , Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence. See “Treasury Department Circular to the Collectors of the Customs,” April 18, 1794 .
ALS : American Philosophical Society Though I have not the honour of being known to you, I take the liberty of requesting your acceptance of the inclosed Attempt to account for the different quantities of rain, which fall at different heights, and shall esteem myself happy if it meet with your approbation. I am conscious that my solution of this Phaenomenon is liable to many exceptions, and...
I have the honor to enclose you copies of certain communications which have been made to me, respecting the detention of the Registers of vessels of the United States in some of the Islands of his Christian Majesty, in order that such measures may be taken as shall appear adviseable towards preventing in future a practice, which has a tendency either to interfere with the policy of our Laws,...
Extract from the Register of the resolution of the States General of the United provinces, Friday, the 19th of April, 1782. Deliberated by resumption, upon the address and the ulterior address, made by Mr. Adams, the 4th of May, 1781, and the 9th of January, the current year, to the President of the assembly of their high mightinesses, to present to their high mightinesses his letters of...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , November 30, 1758. William Smith, provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia, wrote an account of the institution which appeared at the end of November 1758 in a publication of which he was the principal editor, The American Magazine and Monthly Chronicle for the British Colonies , I (1757–58), Supplement, 630–40. In describing the members of the...
Your favor of the 21st. is recieved in which you mention that mr Clymer has concieved a means which would ensure victory over our enemies the Tripolitans, but not to be communicated until it be known whether it would be adopted. ever glad to recieve every information & hint which may be employed to the public good, it would yet be against my duty to do it on the previous condition of engaging...
Knowing full well the multiplicity & importance of yr business, it would give me more pain than pleasure if I thought your friendship, or respect for me did, in the smallest degree, interfere with it.—At all times I shall be happy to see you, but wish it to be in your moments of leizure—if any such you have. Mrs Washington, myself and family, will have the honor of dining with you in the way...
1309Council of War, 12 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of War held at Gen. McDougals Qua⟨rters⟩ Sept. 12. 1776. Present His Excelly Gen. Washington. Major Gen. Puttnam[,] Heath[,] Spencer[,] Green[,] Brigr Gen. Mifflin[,] Parsons[,] McDougal[,] Nixon[,] Wadsworth[,] Scott[,] Fellows[,] Clinton. The General read a Letter signed by some general Officers proposing that there should be a Reconsideration of the Matter determined in Council...
1310[27th.] (Adams Papers)
Friday dined with the Abbés at Passi.