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Results 1261-1270 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
12611782. December 9. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Visited C. Sarsfield who lent me his Notes upon America. Visited Mr. Jay, Mr. Oswald came in. We slided, from one Thing to another into a very lively Conversation upon Politicks.—He asked me what the Conduct of his Court and Nation ought to be, in Relation to America. I answered the Alpha and Omega of British Policy, towards America, was summed up in this one Maxim—See that American...
1262December 10. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Visited Mr. Oswald, to enquire what News from England. He had the Courier de L’Europe in which is Mr. Secretary Townsends Letter to the Lord Mayor of London dated the 3d. of this Month in which he announces the Signature of Preliminaries on the thirtieth of November, between the Commissioner of his Majesty and the Commissioners of the U. States of America. He had also received the Kings...
1263Dec. 11. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Laurens.
126412. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Met at Mr. Laurens’s, and signed the Letter, I had drawn up to Mr. Dana, which I sent off inclosed with a Copy of the Preliminaries — and consulted about Articles to be inserted in the definitive Treaty. Agreed that Mr. Jay and I should prepare a joint Letter to Congress. At 7.1 met Mr. Jay at his House and We drew a Letter. Signed by the four American Commissioners and dated this day, this...
12651782 December 13. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
I went first to Mr. Jay, and made some Additions to the joint Letter, which I carried first to Mr. Laurens, who made some Corrections and Additions, and then to Passy to Dr. Franklin who proposed a few other Corrections, and shewed me an Article he has drawn up for the definitive Treaty to exempt Fishermen, Husbandmen and Merchants as much as possible from the Evils of future Wars. This is a...
1266December 14. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
December 14. Saturday.
126715 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
15 Sunday.
1268Dec. 16. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Fitsherbert and Mr. Oswald, Mr. Laurens &c. dined with me.
1269Decr. 16 [i.e. 17]. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
The 4 Commissioners dined with Mr. Fitsherbert. Ld. Mountnorris a celebrated Speaker in the Irish house of Lords dined there, and several English Gentlemen. The Rock Salt is taken out of the Salt Pits in England, Ld. Mountnorris said. He gave me a Description of the Caverns, and the kind of Architecture with which they support them, like the Pillars of a Temple. We met at Mr. Laurens’s at Dr....
12701782 December 19. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Visited M. Louis Secretary of the Royal Colledge of Surgery, in order to form a Correspondance, between it and the medical Society at Boston. Was very politely received, and promised every Thing that the Colledge could do. Mr. Louis talked a great deal, and very ingeniously and entertainingly. Spent the Evening, at the Abby Chalut’s with the Abby de Mably, two other Abbys and two...