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Results 12531-12540 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The messenger who carried mine of yesterday brought me in return your’s of the 5 th . I shall be anxious to hear from you after our report of the 6 th shall have been laid before the legislature , & to learn what impression it makes. because that shews how near we are to the accomplishment of a good College, one that cannot but be thought of some value to the state, and the urgency of their...
12532General Orders, 25 August 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Patterson[,] Lieutenant Colonels Sill[,] Holdridge[,] Brigade Major White. [Officer] For Guard[:] Major Torrey As it is not an unusual thing for Soldiers in an engagement to expend their Ammunition at too great a distance, to do much execution and then make the want of it a plea to quit the field of action the General enjoins in very earnest...
I am informed that Charles Killgore Esqr. who kept the land office in Cincinnatti Departed this life on the 3d. Inst., and haveing a son settled there who was the companion and particular freind of the deceased (,Inferior to none in attatchment to thy administration of our Democratic government) Encouraged by my knowledge in some Instances of thy favours being conferred upon unfortunate...
I have the honor herewith to inclose for the information of Government copies of letters A. & B. which I this instant received from our Chargé des affaires and Cap. Morris at Tripoli. The American frigate mentioned in the latter was the Constellation Cap. Murray, as I presume from the circumstance of the Boston having left Malta on the 11th. ult. for the U States, and as I have no information...
Dr. Franklin. Let the smaller Colonies give equal Money and Men, and then have an equal Vote. But if they have an equal Vote, without bearing equal Burthens, a Confederation upon such iniquitous Principles, will never last long. Dr. Witherspoon. We all agree that there must and shall be a Confederation, for this War. It will diminish the Glory of our Object, and depreciate our Hope. It will...
Having obtained a sight of the bill now before the Senate entitled “an act in addition to an act entitled “an act supplementary to the Act providing for a naval Peace Establishment; & for other purposes”, I lose no time in informing you that under the restrictions of such an act of Congress The Chesapeake, as contemplated by you, cannot be sent to the Mediterranean—The proposed Act, among...
Your favor of July 16. was rec d in due time and I am thankful for the trouble you propose to undertake to procure for me at the ensuing vintage a barrel of the Scuppernon pure juice without any adultern of brandy or other short . I would wish it to be sent early in November when it will be endangered by neither the heat or cold of the season. I will give that cask a fair trial as well whether...
Col. W. S. Livingston who brought us the news of the adoption of the Constitution by Virginia, is about setting out—and I will not let him go without a few Lines for You— Yesterday was a Day of Festivity, and both the Parties united in celebrating it. Two Tables, but in different Houses were spread for the Convention— the two Parties mingled at each Table— and the Toasts, (of which each had...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I received yours of Dec. 29. with the Account. I wrote by the Packet to my Family to receive no more of those Payments, being now out of the Office. I thank you for your Care in ordering the Six Barrels of Flour, which I hope to receive soon. The Tea Ship arriv’d here safe having a very short Passage. I am ever, with sincere Regard, Dear...
I remitted you some time ago 200.D. through Gibson & Jefferson and I take measures through by the present mail from this quarter to remit through them another sum of 100.D. until I could pay up one of the two quarters of supply due, I preferred letting my nailery be without employ. this is their present state. I must therefore now pray you, with as little delay as possible to send me on a...