George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Alexander Spotswood, May 1786

To Alexander Spotswood

[May 1786]

my lame horse; and for the lent of the one which Austin rid up. Mr Hunter (of Alexandria) is so obliging as to take him down, to you, and will bring mine up, if he is fit to move. if not, I will wait until you may write me, as I had rather send for him than have him travelled as quick as he must do to accompany the Stage.1

Mrs Washington and the family here join me in every good wish for yourself, Mrs Spotswood and the rest of the family. With great estm & regard I am—Dr Sir Yr Most obedt & Affece Se⟨rvt⟩

Go: Washington

P.S. I pray your excuse for detaining your horse so long. to be honest, till I gave your letter a second reading, this day, I thought it was your request to have him sent down when mine came up—Why I should think so as there was no reason for it, and the letter contains no such request, is a little unaccountable—but this is the fact.2 Yrs &ca G. W——n

ALS (incomplete, photostat of last page only), ViMtvL.

1On his return from Richmond GW “breakfasted at General Spotswoods” at New Post on the Rappahannock River in Spotsylvania County, on the morning of 29 April and wrote in his diary: “One of my Chariot Horses having got lame going to Richmond, but forced back to Genl. Spotswoods (not however without much difficulty) was left there with a Servant who was ordered to proceed with him or a horse which Genl. Spotswood would lend in two days” (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 4:319). William Hunter, Jr., a merchant in Alexandria, had dinner at Mount Vernon on 14 May.

2Spotswood’s letter has not been found.

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