Results 125111-125120 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have the honor to propose Reuben Chamberlin for an Ensign in the 2d. Regt. of Infantry in the service of the United States.— Accept Sir, the assurances &c. FC ( Lb in DNA : RG 107, LSP ). Reuben chamberlin of New Hampshire would be included on the list of nominations and promotions TJ sent to the Senate on 18 Nov. 1803 ( JEP Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United...
It is a long time since I had a Letter from you. In the last I think you prophesied “Wonders in November.” I understood you to mean, a wonderful revolution in the sentiments of the people, and a restoration of the Federalists to the Government of the Nation. But the month of November is past, and there appears, notwithstanding all the terrors and horrors of the Embargo a wonderfull adherence...
Letter not found: to William Fairfax, 22 June 1756. On 10 July 1756 Fairfax wrote to GW: “I receiv’d Yrs of the 22d ulto.”
The letter with which your Serene Highness honored me, bearing date the 30th. of March 1798. did not get to my hands till the 18th. of August. I was then at my residence in Virginia, and the inhabitants of this place were disposed in all directions to avoid the malignant fever which had visited the city. nothing therefore could be done for you till my annual visit to this place, which took...
Your favor of the 5 th is recieved. the act of our legislature to which it alludes has by no means the effect of hastening the open g of our University . it authorises it only the running to run further in debt for the completion of the buildings by another loan, which as well as a former one is to be repd still out of the annuity formerly given to the
Complaint having lately been made to me by the Marquis de Vaudrueil commanding the Fleet of His most Christian Majesty in the Harbor of Boston, that numbers of his Seamen and Soldiers have deserted, and that he has Reason to believe many of them are engaged in the Continental Service . These are to direct you to make immediate Enquiry among the Recruits which may be assembled at your place of...
As you are entitled to a Wife’s Portion of Mr. A’s Honors and Satisfactions I inclose for your Reading some Papers to be afterwards forwarded to Holland. I do not intend to have any of my future Letters to Mr. A. thrown overboard unless they are specially so directed on the Cover. I chalenge any body to tell the Contents truly. The Letters of Mr. Luzerne are never sunk.—I am told the Enemy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I cannot suffer so good an Opportunity to pass without renewing my Assurances of the Love & Respect I have for you— mine & my Father’s steady Friend. It is indeed long since I have written to you, & much longer since I have received a Letter from you— Your more serious & important Avocations are doubtless the Occasion of both— I am unwilling to intrude upon...
I had the honor of your letter of the 19th last night and have read the inclosures. Dr. Rushes letter gives me pleasure, because the number of dissappointed candidates is diminished by it by one. Mr. Sitgreaves letter is frank, candid and agreeable; but although this gentleman has merit and talents, held in high esteem by his country, as well as by me, I cannot help thinking that a few years...
[ London, 18 Apr. 1786 . An entry in SJL under this date reads: “Lucy Necks. See copy.” Not found; but see TJ to Francis Eppes, 22 Apr. 1786 .]